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姓名 林倩如(Chien-Ju Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 藉由分析學生於BookRoll上的閱讀記錄與自我調適學習能力的相關性改善學習成效
(Analysis of correlation between students’ BookRoll reading logs and self-regulated learning ability for improving learning performance)
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摘要(中) 在如今的網路世代中,學生不受地域與時間限制,可以隨時隨地從線上學習平台獲得他們所需的知識與資源;教師除了傳統考試成績分級的評分制度之外,更可利用線上學習平台上學生的記錄分析其學習情況,進一步設計學習活動提升學生的學習能力改善學習成效。本研究實施三種問卷分別測量學生自我調適學習、學習策略和自我效能的能力,並利用線上學習平台BookRoll 蒐集學生的閱讀記錄,分析兩門應用不同學習活動的課程,藉此觀察學習活動對於學生閱讀記錄、學習能力以及學習成效的影響。本研究分為三個主要研究方向,第一個是相關性分析,探討學習成效、閱讀記錄、自我調適學習、學習策略以及自我效能之間的相關性;第二個是差異性分析,探討學習活動對於學習成效、閱讀記錄、自我調適學習、學習策略以及自我效能的影響;最後第三個則探討如何利用相關性與差異性的分析結果,設計適合線上閱讀的學習活動,幫助學生提升學習成效。
摘要(英) For e-learning generation, students are able to obtain their required knowledge and information from online learning platform at anytime and anywhere. In addition to the scores in traditional exam, teachers could use the learning log of online learning platform to analyze their learning situation on this course and try to further improve students’ academic performance. This work applied three questionnaires to measure students′ self-regulated learning, learning strategies and self-efficacy. We also used the online learning platform BookRoll to collect students′ reading logs and analyze two courses with different learning activities to observe that would the applied learning activities impact students′ reading logs, learning skills and academic performance. The study is divided into three main research directions. The first one is correlation analysis, which explores the correlation between academic performance, reading logs, self-adapted learning, learning strategies, and self-efficacy. The second is differential analysis, which explores the difference on academic performance, reading logs, self-adapted learning, learning strategies, and self-efficacy after applying learning activities. The final one explores how to use correlation and differential analysis results to design learning activities for improving academic performance.
The experimental result shows that there are obvious differences in the analysis results of the two courses with different learning activities, and found that although the courses are applied innovative teaching mode with online learning platform, the traditional process of previewing and reviewing is still the key to the academic performance. However, helping students improve their self- regulated learning, learning strategies and self-efficacy, does not enhance the students′ enthusiasm for the use of BoolRoll. Finally, we also found from the experiment that the students′ ability on goal setting in the preparation of the preview and reflection report are important for improving academic performance. This thesis applies data analysis technology, not only analyzes the data of the two courses in detail but also deeply explores the significance of the experimental result. With the result of this work, students can capture their insufficient learning ability, and teachers is able to design learning activities to for improving academic performance in the innovative teaching mode.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自我調適學習
★ 學習策略
★ 自我效能
★ 學習成效
★ 閱讀紀錄
★ 學習活動
關鍵字(英) ★ Self-regulated learning
★ Learning strategies
★ Self-efficacy
★ Learning performance
★ Reading log
★ Learning activities
論文目次 摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
一、緒論 1
二、文獻探討 3
2.1 自我調適學習、學習策略和自我效能 3
2.2 相關性分析 4
2.3 差異性分析 5
2.4 學習活動 5
三、實驗設計 5
3.1數據分析技術與其對應實驗介紹 5
3.1.1 斯皮爾曼等級相關係數(Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient) 6
3.1.2 獨立樣本t檢定(Independent Sample t test) 6
3.2實驗環境 7
3.2.1 課程一實驗設計 7
3.2.2 課程二實驗設計 8
3.2.3 自我調適學習、學習策略以及自我效能之能力值計算 8
3.2.4 線上閱讀平台與閱讀記錄 8
3.2.5 評分機制 9
四、結果及討論 10
4.1研究問題1-1 10
4.2研究問題1-2 12
4.3研究問題1-3 15
4.4研究問題2-1 17
4.5研究問題2-2 18
4.6研究問題2-3 20
4.7研究問題3 21
五、結論 22
參考文獻 23
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen J.H. Yang) 審核日期 2019-6-28
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