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姓名 李佳穎(Chia-Ying Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 具辨識視覺互動學習形式的數位學習劇場
(The Digital Learning Theater with Visual Interaction Understanding)
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摘要(中) 學習語言即是為了溝通,學生在戲劇中模擬演出真實情境中會遇到的問題來學習,並透過溝通互動以解決問題。但在生活中或職場上除了口語表達,也會需要與視覺相關的非語言溝通互動能力。因此,本研究建立了具辨識視覺互動學習形式的數位學習劇場,讓學生在戲劇情境中學習時,可利用圖片、實體物品或手寫文字學習語言及溝通中所需的視覺形式互動知識,透過視覺互動任務、視覺辨識功能及虛擬角色互動回饋,學生能立即得知自己在劇場中的視覺互動是否正確,了解自己的學習狀況並將錯誤加以改進,以達成任務。另外也有計分機制,在學生的互動結果正確時可得到分數獎勵,錯誤時則會扣分,讓學生以類似遊戲、競爭的方式演出戲劇,增加學習動機,進而提高學習成效。
摘要(英) Learning language is for communication. Students learn in the drama which simulate the problems that may encounter in the real situation, and solve the problems through communication and interaction. However, in life or in the workplace, in addition to oral expression, non-verbal communication and interactivity with visual relevance is also required. Therefore, this study built the digital learning theater with visual interaction understanding. The system allows students to use the pictures, physical objects or handwritten words to learn the language and the visual interactions knowledge required in communication. Through visual interactive tasks, visual recognition function and virtual character interaction feedback, students can immediately know whether their visual interaction in the drama is correct, understand their learning situation and correct the mistakes to achieve the task. In addition, there is a scoring mechanism. When the student’s interaction result is correct, they can get score rewards. When it is wrong, they will be deducted points. Let the students perform dramas in a similar way of game and competition, increase learning motivation, and improve learning outcomes.
This study cooperated with teachers in a university in Taoyuan City and conducted an experiment. The experimental group used the digital learning theater with visual interaction understanding. The number of students was 31. The control group used the digital learning theater without visual interaction understanding. The number of students was 44. The experimental results show that the digital learning theater with visual interaction understanding can improve the students′ language learning performance and enhance the visual interaction ability required in the communication. Moreover, through the questionnaire, we learned that the students think that the digital learning theater with visual interaction understanding is more interesting, and it can also increase students′ learning motivation and deepen their impression of learning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 戲劇式學習
★ 數位學習劇場
★ 影像辨識
★ 視覺互動
關鍵字(英) ★ Drama-based learning
★ Digital learning theater
★ Image recognition
★ Visual interaction
論文目次 摘要 vi
Abstract vii
誌謝 ix
目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 4
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究問題與對策 5
1-5 論文架構 6
二、 相關研究 7
2-1 影像辨識在教育的應用 7
2-2 數位學習劇場 8
2-3 學習動機 9
三、 系統設計與實作 11
3-1 設計理念 11
3-2 系統設計與架構 11
3-2-1 環境設計 11
3-2-2 系統架構 12
3-2-3 系統開發環境 13
3-3 系統實作 14
四、 實驗設計 22
4-1 實驗假設 22
4-2 實驗對象 22
4-3 教學內容設計 23
4-4 環境設置 23
4-5 實驗流程 24
4-6 研究工具 28
五、 結果分析與討論 30
5-1 學習成效分析 30
5-1-1 總成績 30
5-1-2 日文成績 32
5-1-3 溝通互動中的餐廳服務知識成績 35
5-2 趣味性分析 37
5-3 學習動機分析 38
5-4 學習印象分析 39
5-5 分析與討論 39
5-6 試驗 40
六、 結論與未來研究 41
6-1 結論 41
6-2 未來研究 42
參考文獻 43
附錄一、學習劇本 46
附錄二、編擬試題 50
附錄三、問卷 51
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2019-7-23
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