摘要(英) |
In real situations, utterances are transcribed by ASR(Automatic Speech Recognition) systems, which usually propose multiple candidate transcriptions(hypothesis). Most of the time, the first hypothesis is the best and most commonly used. But the first hypothesis of ASR in a noisy environment often misses some words that are important to the LU(Language Understanding), and these words can be found among second hypothesis. But on the whole, the first ASR hypothesis is significantly better than the second ASR hypothesis. It is not the best choice if we abandon the first ASR hypothesis because it lacks some words. If we can refer to the 2th ASR hypothesis to modify the missing or redundant words of the first ASR hypothesis, we can get utterances closer to the user′s true intentions. In this paper we propose a method to automatically correct the 1th ASR hypothesis by the reinforcement learning model. It can correct the first hypothesis word by word by other hypothesis. Our method raises the bleu score of 1th ASR hypothesis from 70.18 to 76.74. |
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