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姓名 戴彰廷(DAI, ZHANG-TING)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 建構與應用特殊語詞資訊於文件重排序之研究
(A Study on Construction and Application of Specialty-Term Information for Document Re-ranking)
★ 信用卡盜刷防治簡訊規則製作之決策支援系統★ 不同檢索策略之效果比較
★ 知識分享過程之影響因子探討★ 兼具分享功能之檢索代理人系統建構與評估
★ 犯罪青少年電腦態度與學習自我效能之研究★ 使用AHP分析法在軟體度量議題之研究
★ 優化入侵規則庫★ 商務資訊擷取效率與品質促進之研究
★ 以分析層級程序法衡量銀行業導入企業應用整合系統(EAI)之關鍵因素★ 應用基因演算法於叢集電腦機房強迫對流裝置佈局最佳近似解之研究
★ The Development of a CASE Tool with Knowledge Management Functions★ 以PAT tree 為基礎發展之快速搜尋索引樹
★ 以複合名詞為基礎之文件概念建立方式★ 利用使用者興趣檔探討形容詞所處位置對評論分類的重要性
★ 透過半結構資訊及使用者回饋資訊以協助使用者過濾網頁文件搜尋結果★ 利用feature-opinion pair建立向量空間模型以進行使用者評論分類之研究
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摘要(中) 傳統相關回饋的研究,主要是將出現在檢索文件中的語詞區分為相關或不相關。本研究的主軸,是將檢索文件的語詞,依照語詞在相關與不相關文件中的出現狀況,將語詞做更進一步的區分,藉此來產生具備相關性質的語詞資訊,並且展示該語詞資訊與目前具備成效的查詢擴展方法整合後的應用性。
本研究發展了兩個方法,CASTI 與 CASTI-PSO,來應用前述具備相關性質的語詞資訊。這兩個方法,首先依照語詞在檢索文件中的出現狀況,將語詞做更進一步的區分,然後利用區分語詞產生相關性質的語詞資訊來增進查詢擴展,並將擴展後的新查詢應用於文件重排序。為了展示本研究方法的真實性並證明本研究方法,我們發展了一個資訊檢索系統,並且將所提出的兩個方法實作於此系統,然後進行正式的測試來驗證具備相關性質之語詞資訊的可用性。實驗的結果顯示,與兩種參數設定的 Rocchio 方法比較 (Rocc1 與 Rocc2),本研究方法在文件重排序的效能上是有明顯的增進。在 MAP 指標上與 Rocc1 (α=1, β=1, γ=0) 相比, CASTI 增進 42% ,CASTI-PSO 增進 51%。與 Rocc2 (α=1, β=0.75, γ=0.15) 相比, CASTI 增進 10%,CASTI-PSO 增進 17%。
摘要(英) Terms’ appearances in the retrieved documents are mainly classified as either relevant or irrelevant by the relevance feedback of conventional studies. The aim of this study is to differentiate the terms’ appearances in the retrieved documents in more detailed situations to generate relevance-related information and to demonstrate the applicability of the derived information in combination with current methods of query expansion.
In this study, two methods, CASTI and CASTI-PSO, were developed to utilize the derived information of term appearance differentiation within a conventional query expansion approach that has been proven as an effective technology in the enhancement of information retrieval. The methods differentiate the terms’ appearances in the retrieved documents in more detailed situations, and utilize the derived information of term appearance differentiation to enhance the expanded query for document re-ranking. To demonstrate the realization and sustain the study of the methods, an information retrieval system was developed, and the methods were implemented on the system for tests and evaluations. Formal tests were conducted to examine the distinguishing capability of the proposed information utilized in the methods. The experimental results show that substantial differences in performances can be achieved between the proposed methods and the conventional query expansion method alone. For the measurement of MAP, CASTI gained a 42% increase rate and CASTI-PSO gained a 51% increase rate, over Rocc1 (α=1, β=1, γ=0). CASTI gained a 10% increase rate and CASTI-PSO gained a 17% increase rate, over Rocc2 (α=1, β=0.75, γ=0.15).
Since the derived information resides at the bottom of the information hierarchy of relevance feedback, any technology regarding the application of relevance feedback information could consider the utilization of this piece of information. The importance of the study is the disclosure of the applicability of the proposed information beyond current usage of term appearances in relevant/irrelevant documents and the initiation of a query expansion technology in the application of this information.
關鍵字(中) ★ 語詞出現
★ 語詞權重修改
★ 查詢擴展
★ 查詢修改
★ 相關回饋
★ 資訊檢索
★ 文件重排序
★ 粒子群最佳化
★ 自適應演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ Term appearance
★ Term weight modification
★ Query expansion
★ Query modification
★ Relevance feedback
★ Information retrieval
★ Document re-ranking
★ Particle swarm optimization
★ Self-adaptive algorithm
論文目次 Table of Contents
CHINESE ABSTRACT....................................I
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................V
LIST OF TABLES......................................VII
LIST OF FIGURES.....................................VIII
EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS..............................X
1. INTRODUCTION................................1
2. RELATED WORKS...............................3
2.1 Relevance Feedback..........................3
2.2 Particle Swarm Optimization.................5
2.3 Research Question and Purpose...............12
3. THE METHOD..................................14
3.1 Analysis....................................14
3.2 Embodiment..................................19
3.2.1 CASTI.......................................19
3.2.2 CASTI-PSO...................................24
4. EXPERIMENTS.................................33
4.1 Experimental parameters and settings........33
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis..............36
4.2.1 The selection of the SI value...............36
4.2.2 Comparisons of CASTI, Rocchio’s method and the initial query.......................................38
4.2.3 Comparisons of CASTI-PSO, CASTI, Rocchio’s method and the initial query...............................46
4.3 Discussions.................................58
4.3.1 CASTI.......................................58
4.3.2 CASTI-PSO...................................60
4.4 Implications................................61
5. CONCLUSION..................................63
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指導教授 周世傑(Shihchieh Chou) 審核日期 2019-8-7
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