博碩士論文 105323119 詳細資訊

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姓名 呂育儒(Yu-Ju Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 耐高溫陶瓷砂芯的基礎研究
★ 7005與AZ61A拉伸、壓縮之機械性質研究★ 雷射去除矽晶圓表面分子機載污染參數的最佳化分析
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★ 電化學拋光處理、陽極處理中硫酸流速與封孔處理對陽極皮膜品質之影響★ 電解液溫度與鋁金屬板表面粗糙度對陽極處理後外觀的影響
★ 製程參數對A356鋁合金品質的影響及可靠度的評估★ 噴砂與前處理對鋁合金陽極皮膜品質的影響
★ 鎂合金回收重溶之品質與疲勞性質分析★ 鋁合金熱合氧化膜與陽極氧化膜成長行為之研究
★ 潤滑劑與製程參數對Al-0.8Mg-0.5Si鋁合金擠壓鑄件的影響★ 摩擦攪拌製程對AA5052鋁合金之微觀組織及對陽極皮膜的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究探討不同製做砂芯方式、不同耐火料顆粒大小、不同燒結溫度(與)與持溫時間(2hr、4hr與8hr)以及添加不同添加物對於燒結後陶瓷砂芯物理性質與機械性質的影響。
摘要(英) This study aims to investigate the effects of different processes, different particle sizes, different temperature of sintering processes and adding different potential reinforcement materials in the ceramic core.
When ceramic powder was added with 1wt% sodium carbonate and 1wt% potassium chloride, the sintered ceramic sample obtained high flexural strength of 7.74MPa. Effects of particle sizes (base on the Andreasen Eq.), sintering processing parameters on the flexural strength of sintered samples were studied. Experimental results found that using the fine particle (size #100) and sintering temperature at for 4 hours could yield high flexural strength.
The aluminum oxide fiber, aluminum oxide powder, nickel powder, and copper wire were further added in the ceramic powder to see the reinforcement effect. Experimental results indicated that the flexural strength of adding varying reinforced material could produce 15.2MPan in adding copper wire, 17.6MPa in adding nickel powders, and 18.7MPa in adding aluminum powder. A highest flexural strength of 21.1 MPa was measured when 0.5wt% aluminum oxide fiber was added in the ceramic sample. Increasing aluminum oxide fiber content increase the porosity of sintered ceramic to also decrease the bulk density and flexural strength.
Last but not least, ceramic cores were prepared for hot pouring test in the lost-wax casting process. The result showed that the ceramic specimens that sintered at for 2 hours got better collapsibility than those sintered at for 4 hours.
關鍵字(中) ★ 陶瓷砂芯
★ 脫蠟鑄造
★ 彎曲強度
★ 纖維增韌
★ 鎳金屬粉末增韌
關鍵字(英) ★ ceramic cores
★ lost-wax casting
★ flexural strength
★ nickel powder toughening
論文目次 第一章 前言…………………………………………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………………………2
2-1 陶瓷砂芯的基本認識與用途………………………………………………………2
2-2 砂的介紹……………………………………………………………………………2
2-3 黏土的介紹…………………………………………………………………………3
2-4 高嶺土的介紹………………………………………………………………………3
2-4-1 高嶺土的結構…………………………………………………………………3
2-4-2 高嶺土的水合作用……………………………………………………………4
2-4-3 高嶺土的升溫相轉變機制……………………………………………………8
2-5 陶瓷纖維對於燒結後陶磁強度與結構的影響…………………………………11
2-6 耐火料顆粒粒度對陶瓷砂芯品質的影響………………………………………14
2-7 燒結參數對於陶瓷燒結的影響…………………………………………………16
第三章 實驗步驟…………………………………………………………………………18
3-1 實驗用材料成分…………………………………………………………………18
3-2 實驗用設備與儀器………………………………………………………………19
3-3 實驗方法與試片製作……………………………………………………………20
3-3-1 製程一(高嶺土基材)…………………………………………………………20
3-3-2 製程二(高嶺土基材加入聚丙烯酸鈉與硬脂酸鈣)…………………………22
3-3-3 製程三(高嶺土基材加入矽溶膠)……………… ……………………………23
3-4 燒結程序與參數…………………………………………………………………25
3-5 外型與重量量測…………………………………………………………………27
3-6 孔洞率量測………………………………………………………………………27
3-7 彎曲強度實驗……………………………………………………………………28
3-8 落球實驗…………………………………………………………………………29
3-9 澆鑄與熱衝擊實驗………………………………………………………………30
第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………………………………33
4-1 製程一(高嶺土基材)………………………………………………………………33
4-1-1 高嶺土添加量對於收縮率、孔洞率以及陶瓷彎曲強度的比較…………33
4-2 製程二(高嶺土基材加入聚丙烯酸鈉與硬脂酸鈣)………………………………34
4-3 製程三(高嶺土基材加入矽溶膠)………………………………………………35
4-3-1 不同高嶺土/矽溶膠比例對於收縮率、孔洞率以及陶瓷彎曲強度的比較…35
4-3-2 耐火料顆粒粒度與燒結時間對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響…………………37
4-3-3 試藥級與工業及矽溶膠的比較……………………………………………38
4-4 鈉鹽、鉀鹽、鎂鹽、鉻鹽對燒結後燒結後陶瓷彎曲強度的影響…………………40
4-5 蠟的添加對於試片燒結後陶瓷彎曲強度的影響…………………………43
4-5-1 添加臘,改變燒結參數對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響…………………………43
4-5-2 燒結參數、壓合方式及耐火料粒度對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響46
4-6 加入其他添加物對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響……………………………………48
4-6-1 加入氧化鋁纖維對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響………………………………48
4-6-2 加入銅線對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響………………………………………53
4-6-3 加入鎳粉及氧化鋁粉對於陶瓷彎曲強度的影響…………………………56
4-7 落球測試實驗……………………………………………………………………59
4-8 熱傳導係數與熱膨脹係數量測…………………………………………………62
4-9 澆鑄熱衝擊實驗與化學黏砂及清砂實驗………………………………………63

第五章 結論………………………………………………………………………………70
第六章 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………………71
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指導教授 施登士(Teng-Shih Shih) 審核日期 2019-8-19
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