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姓名 沈明皓(Ming-Hao Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 熔融沉積成型技術之模型尺寸誤差改善研究
(A Research of Error Compensation of Model Size for Fused Deposition Modeling Technology)
★ 雙光子光致聚合微製造系統之研發★ 雙光子光致聚合五軸微製造系統之雷射加工路徑生成研究
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★ 雙光子光致聚合微製造以弦高誤差為基之切層演算法★ 雙光子光致聚合微製造技術以螺旋線雷射掃描路徑增強微結構強度研究
★ 雙光子聚合微製造技術之三維結構 製造品質改進研究★ 利用二維多重圖像建構三維三角網格模型的生成與品質改進
★ 組織工程用冷凍成型製造系統 之自動化製作流程開發★ 自動相機校正與二維影像輪廓萃取研究
★ 基於雙光子光致聚合技術之四軸微製造系統製作高深寬比結構之研究★ 冷凍成型積層製造之機台設計與組織工程支架製作參數調校研究
★ 基於二維影像輪廓重建三維模型技術之多視角相機群組空間座標系統整合★ 應用於大型物體三維模型重建之多重二維校正板相機校正流程開發
★ 組織工程用冷凍成型積層製造之固態水支撐結構生成研究★ 聚醚醚酮之積層製造系統開發
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摘要(中) 熔融沉積成型(Fused Deposition Modeling, FDM)為眾多積層製造(Additive Manufacturing, AM)技術中的其中一種。FDM有著客製化等優點使其能應用於許多領域中,但本身也存在著缺點。本研究將著重於FDM之尺寸誤差缺點作改善。
其中本研究發展之偏移方法有兩種:等向偏移(Isotropic Offset Method, IOM)與非等向偏移(Anisotropic Offset Method, AOM)方法。其主要差別在於一個切層輪廓偏移中,IOM以等量之偏移量偏移所有輪廓之邊,而AOM則是以輪廓各自邊之不同偏移量作偏移。
本研究之實驗FDM機台為Ultimaker 3,以實心特徵與空心特徵模型驗證IOM與AOM之差別,並由Cura商用軟體進行切層處理產生之模型為對照組。實心特徵模型AOM之誤差在公差範圍內比例為81.86%,而IOM為72.08%。空心特徵模型AOM比例為89.5%,IOM為90.28%。以上公差範圍設定在±0.1mm之間,以此標準驗證之結果,在公差範圍內之比例,Cura實心特徵模型為75.59%,空心特徵模型63.89%都比AOM差。
摘要(英) Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of many Additive Manufacturing (AM). FDM has the advantages of customization so that it can be applied in many fields, but it also has its own disadvantage. This study will focus on improving the error of size for FDM.
The tool path is a factor that causes the error of size directly, and also is the path which deposition material deposit. The error of size is caused since the line width within deposition material is different to the point data of path. The tool path is the silhouette of the model, sliced from the Stereolithography (STL) consisting of triangular facets. The FDM technique is layer by layer. Hence, move the tool path to compensate the error of size caused by line width is the major method in this study, and the offset amount of tool path is decided according to the angular between triangular mesh and working plane.
There are two method for offsetting in this study: Isotropic Offset Method (IOM) and Anisotropic Offset Method (AOM). The main difference between IOM and AOM is that in a sliced section, IOM moves the edges of all contours by an equal offset amount, while AOM moves the edges by the different offset amount of the contour.
The experimental FDM machine of this study is Ultimaker 3, the difference between IOM and AOM is verified by solid feature model and hollow feature model, and the models produced by Cura commercial software is used as the control group. The ratio of error within tolerance range of the solid feature in AOM is 81.86%, while that in IOM is 72.08%. The ratio of hollow feature model in AOM and in IOM are 89.5% and 90.28%, respectively. The above tolerance range is set between ±0.1mm. The result of the standard verification reveals that the ratio of the Cura solid feature model is 75.59% and the hollow feature model is 63.89% are worse than AOM.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熔融沉積成型
★ 積層製造
★ 尺寸誤差
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機與目的 11
1-4 論文架構 12
第二章 研究與理論說明 13
2-1 熔融沉積成型技術簡介 13
2-2 熔融沉積成型之切層與輪廓點偏移策略 18
2-3 影像處理程序介紹 25
第三章 研究方法 31
3-1 熔融沉積成型模型尺寸誤差改善流程介紹 31
3-2 熔融沉積成型列印機台製程參數分析之實驗設計 32
3-3 熔融沉積成型模型資料結構之定義與建立 34
3-4 IOM與AOM之切層建立流程 41
3-5 IOM與AOM之輪廓點偏移流程 49
3-6 熔融沉積成型之速度控制與雙噴頭設定 57
3-7 熔融沉積成型之3D掃描尺寸誤差改善結果驗證 61
第四章 實驗結果與討論 62
4-1 人機介面介紹 62
4-2 熔融沉積成型機台製程參數分析 64
4-3 IOM與AOM之沉積模擬 71
4-4 實體模型誤差改善結果 78
第五章 結論與未來展望 100
5-1 結論 100
5-2 未來展望 101
參考文獻 102
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指導教授 廖昭仰 審核日期 2019-8-19
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