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姓名 林睿箴(LIN, JUI-CHEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
(Improvement of Calcium Cation-Chloride/Acetate Anion Interactions by Osmotic Pressure Simulations of Concentrated Salt Solutions: Validation by Coordination Numbers)
★ 嗜甲烷菌內甲烷單氧化酵素中催化反應中心三核銅模擬分子之合成與光譜分析★ 烷烴氧化菌及氧化酵素之純化與功能性探討
★ 以電腦模擬研究香蕉型液晶元的分子交互作用力★ 利用時間相關的電子密度泛函理論研究反式-二苯乙烯胺的光化學行為
★ 以生物資訊法研究穩定Asparagine在左手螺旋形下的交互作用力★ 葛蘭氏陰性菌脂質A之結構研究
★ 五苯荑衍生之苯乙炔寡聚物之合成與光物理性質研究★ 紫質三元件系統的金屬化作用對遠端氫鍵調控的影響
★ 非鍵結作用力的理論研究: (1)質子化與氧化三元件系統遠端調控氫鍵的比較 (2)π- π與CH- π作用力的取代基效應★ 利用時間相關的密度泛涵理論研究HBI分子及其衍生物在第一激發態的位能曲線
★ Replica-Exchange分子動態模擬法研究類澱粉胜肽25-35 嵌入膜與折疊的行為★ 抗菌胜肽資料庫分析及利用分子動態模擬法探討抗菌胜肽Indolicidin於生物膜上的行為
★ 網頁圖形界面在分子模擬上的應用★ 類澱粉胜肽Abeta(25-35) 序列影響該類胜肽在水-膜環境下的組態: 強調多樣性的神經毒性
★ 以分子動態模擬法研究陽離子-負電磷脂質雙層的配位網絡結構:延伸應用於膜融合機制★ 染料敏化太陽能電池吸光性質的計算研究
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摘要(中) 在理論和模擬不同種的實驗方法下,水溶液中離子與離子對的水合結構、水合能、分子動態學是一個長期研究且具吸引力的主題,值得一提的是鈣離子在生物系統上扮演極具影響的角色,另一方面在各組研究顯示鈣離子與水的配位的結果是不一致的。早前的古典力場分子模擬研究指出高濃度電解液中會觀察到過多離子簇生成,其原因來自於使用Lorentz-Berthelot combining rule的方法來估算陽離子與陰離子的蘭納-瓊斯作用力,此近似的方法使用在系統預設值來進行分子動態模擬產生陽、陰離子相互作用力是不當的。
摘要(英) Local hydrated structure, molecular dynamics, and hydration energies of ions and ion-pairs in aqueous solution have long been an attractive topic under investigated in terms of various experimental, theoretical, and simulation methods. Especially, Calcium ions (Ca2+) play an important role in mediating and regulating biological systems. Experimental and simulation results regarding the Ca2+H2O coordination number are pretty diverse. Previous studies have shown that the excess ion cluster formation in concentrated electrolyte solutions observed in classical molecular dynamics simulations (MD) is arisen from the improper cation-anion Lennard-Jones (LJ) interacting parameters, approximated by Lorentz-Berthelot combining rule, which are generally default used in MD simulations. In this study, we follow the same methodology proposed by Luo and Roux1 to determine the Ca2+Cl and Ca2+OAcLJ interaction parameter. Two sets of Ca2+ LJ parameters are used for optimization: CHARMM36 and Lim’s parameters. Based on the Lim’s Ca2+ LJ parameters, the Ca2+Cl and Ca2+oxygen atom of OAc LJ interaction parameter are able to be optimized to reproduce experimentally-measured osmotic pressure at nearly saturated concentration, whereas CHARMM36 Ca2+ LJ parameters are not. Using the optimized Ca2+Cl/Ca2+oxygen atom of OAc LJ interaction parameter, the osmotic pressures of CaCl2 solution at a wide range of concentration and the osmotic pressures of Ca(OAc)2 solution at a saturated concentration are well reproduced. Furthermore, it gives a concentration-independent Ca2+H2O coordination number of 8, which is consistent with the recently experimental results. Using our optimized Ca2+oxygen atom of OAc LJ interaction parameters, we are able to reproduce the structure of x-ray crystallographically determined proteinCa2+ binding sites. Our results can be simply implemented in CHARMM and NAMD softwares for further biomolecule simulations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 分子動態模擬
★ 蘭納-瓊斯作用參數
★ 高濃度醋酸鈣溶液
★ 大範圍濃度氯化鈣溶液
★ 滲透壓模擬
★ 鈣結合蛋白
論文目次 Contents

摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures IV
List of Tables VI
Chapter 1Introduction 1
Chapter 2Methods 8
2.1 Strategy for Optimizing the Ca2+Cl and Ca2+oxygen atom of OAcLJ Parameters 8
2.2 Simulation Methods 10
2.3 Calculations of Osmotic Pressure 13
Chapter 3Results and Discussion 16
3.1Performance of Ca2+ Force Field before Optimization 16
3.2Optimization of Ca2+Cl/Ca2+oxygen atom of OAc LJ Interaction Parameter 22
3.3Performance of Optimized Ca2+Cl LJ Interaction Parameter 27
3.4Performance of Optimized Ca2+oxygen atom of OAc LJ Interaction Parameter 33
3.5 Performance of Optimized Ca2+oxygen atom of OAc LJ Interaction Parameter in Ca2+-binding Proteins. 35
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Summary 37
References 39
Supporting Information 42
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指導教授 蔡惠旭(Hui-Hsu Gavin Tsai) 審核日期 2020-1-14
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