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姓名 張仕偉(Shih-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 大陸一線員工人力問題解決之探討─以A公司大陸廠為例
★ 公關公司經營策略分析與討論─以C公司為例★ 金融海嘯後中小型金控經營策略之探討—以玉山金控為例
★ 台灣IC設計產業導入薪酬委員會制度與高階經理人薪酬管理決策之探討★ 應用福特8D法改善離子植入機設備效能探討─以A公司為例
★ 台灣半導體公司對製程技術精進的掌握與運作策略★ 大陸員工工作滿意度之調查分析與探討—以G公司為例
★ 大陸台資企業設廠規劃與營運策略探討:以某光電公司為例★ 大陸台資企業對新生代農民工之激勵制度構建─以M公司為例
★ A公司核心、領導職能模型建立及各階主管領導力評鑑研究報告★ 不沾塗料行業的發展策略分析:以某台資企業為例
★ 台商在中國大陸勞動爭議研究─以華東地區製造業為例★ 大陸台資企業人力資源管理措施與組織效益探討─以M公司昆山廠為例
★ 勞務派遣行業在中國市場之策略研究─以某勞務派遣公司為例★ 行動科技消費行為之探索性研究─以美食手機App愛評生活通為例
★ EMBA成員參與課外社交聯誼之動機與滿意度研究-以慢速壘球運動為例★ 企業風險管理在應收帳款之應用探討─以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 中國對台灣來說有著地理位置、同文同種及語言文字溝通無礙等…優勢,最重要的是廣大的勞動力,中國大陸自改革開放後,工業化及城市化急速上昇,台資廠在中國設廠,從之前的勞動力充沛到如今的勞動力短缺,自2003年開始,中國沿海地區開始出現”民工荒”,勞動力不足是現在在中國設廠公司所遇的最大問題,且因中國不斷地提高薪資,讓原本擁有的低勞動力成本優勢,也漸漸消失。
摘要(英) China has a geographical position, the same text and the same language. The most important thing is the vast labor force. After the reform and opening up, industrialization and urbanization in China have risen rapidly. Taiwan-funded factories set up factories in China. From the previous labor force to the current labor shortage, since 2003, there has been a “labor shortage” in China’s coastal areas. The shortage of labor is the biggest problem encountered in setting up factories in China, and because China continues to raise salaries, Let the original low labor cost advantage gradually disappear.
Therefore, this study will use a turnover rate improvement project made by Company A in the Suzhou plant in 2012 to illustrate the rapid changes in China′s manpower market and business environment that company A is facing in China, and the Chinese government. Huge supplements, industrial competition caused by the problem, etc. Some improvement measures of the measures, these improvements due to the characteristics of the photovoltaic industry, require a large number of experienced technical staff, so it is necessary to pay attention to not have too high turnover rate, However, we must take into account the cost and take some incentives and improvement measures. We believe that these improvements will replace those who have encountered the same problems in China.
In addition to the current market in China, manpower and environment, etc., the situation is getting more and more severe. This study also uses SWOT analysis to comprehensively change the current situation of Company A, and to mention some things that can be done in the future. Continue to operate in China.
Finally, through the research, several suggestions are made:
1. The company′s manpower strategy needs to go through the environment and time to adjust continuously;
2, timely landlord incentives can be effective to retain people;
3, automatic and intelligent promotion is an important and necessary measure..
關鍵字(中) ★ 民工荒
★ 激勵
★ 勞動人口
★ 激勵
★ 自動化
★ 人力資源管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Labor Shortage
★ Workforce
★ Encouragement
★ Automation
★ Human Resource Management
論文目次 第一章:緒論 ……………………………………………………………………………..1
第一節:研究背景與動機 ………………………………………………………..1
第二節:研究目的與問題 ………………………………………………………..2
第三節:研究流程 ………………………………………………………………..2
第二章:文獻探討 ………………………………………………………………………..4
第一節:人力資源管理 …………………………………………………………..4
第二節:需要層次理論等…激勵相關理論 ……………………………………..6
第三節: SWOT分析 …………………………………………………………..10
第三章:產業分析與個案研究 ………………………………………………………..13
第一節:概述中國總體環境的人力變化 ………………………………………..13
第三節:個案公司介紹 ……………………… …………………………………..19
第四節:針對個案公司的經營概況與人力策略及其間做的調整案例。 ………21
第四章:針對A公司後續的人力策略規劃提出建議 ………………………………….39
第一節:近期A公司遇到的人力問題 …………………………………………….39
第二節:SWOT分析 ……………………………………………………………….42
第三節:SWOT策略 ……………………………………………………………….44
第五章:結論與建議 ……………………………………………………………………..54
第一節、對於未來類似研究建議 …………………………………………………..54
第二節、研究限制 …………………………………………………………………..54
第三節、結論與建議 ………………………………………………………………..55
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指導教授 鄭晉昌 審核日期 2020-1-3
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