博碩士論文 107450003 詳細資訊

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姓名 周心怡(Hsin-Yi Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 MES導入成功關鍵因素之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來,隨著工業4.0的興起,系統軟硬體快速進步之下,智慧工廠的實現變得真實而明確,因此,製造業紛紛欲導入智慧工廠的核心系統-製造執行系統(MES),藉由了解產線即時狀況,掌握產能及提升品質,因應現今少量多樣的市場需求,增加企業競爭力,帶來營收的成長,以能在全球化市場中站穩腳步。
(1) 公司的支持:包含「高層的決心及支持」、「專案成敗攸關績效」、「常態專職單位」。
(2) 企業端PM能力:包含「熟悉產線流程程度」、「熟悉MES系統程度」、「專案執行能力」。
(3) 產線測試時間配合度。
(4) 系統測試完整度。
(5) 設備商的配合度。
(6) 設備遞交或改造在合理時間內完成。
(1) 主張1: 傳統產業的產線人員排斥系統程度,高於其他產業。
(2) 主張2: 高層的決心及支持高,系統測試階段能在合理時間內完成。
(3) 主張3: 公司的支持越高,專案成功機率越高。
(4) 主張4: 企業端PM能力越強,系統測試完整度越高。
(5) 主張5: 企業規模越大,自動化整合測試階段越能在合理時間內完成。
摘要(英) Recently as the rising of Industry 4.0 with the rapidly improvement of hardware and software, the smart factory becomes reality. Most manufacturing industry are willing to implement the core system of the smart factory, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), to manage the production capacity, improve product quality by understanding the real-time status of the production line. It can response market with small and diverse demands today to increase the competitiveness of company and bring more revenue to stand firmly in the global market.
The manufacturing industry understands that MES is the core of the operation of the smart factory to be important and must be imported, but still feel strange to it. In the past, many companies successfully implemented MES but more companies failed. The reason is that the MES implementation is complicated with multi-faceted. If we want to do it successfully, many key factors need to be considered. Enterprise culture, company background, organization, and situation in the moment are all different which also affects the key factors to the success of MES implementation.
This research is based on grounded theory, through in-depth interviews with consultants of MES to understand the actual process of the MES implementation project. Repeatedly organizes and analyzes the information collected by those interviews, then summarizes the key successful factors of the MES implementation to come out the proposition of this research.
The key successful factors of MES implementation include the following:
(1) Company support with ”high-level determination and support”, ”project success or failure is related to performance” and ”dedicated full-time unit”.
(2) User-side Project Manager capabilities: including ”Familiarity with production process”, ”Familiarity with MES system”, ”Project execution ability”.
(3) The cooperation degree of production line on testing time.
(4) System test completeness.
(5) The cooperation degree of the equipment supplier.
(6) The delivery or modification of the equipment must be completed within reasonable time.
This research proposes following propositions:
(1) Proposition 1: People in the production line of traditional industries rejected the MES more than people of other industries.
(2) Proposition 2: High-level determination and support are highly related to the system test completed within reasonable time.
(3) Proposition 3: Company supporting higher, the probability of project success is higher.
(4) Proposition 4: Capability of the enterprise Project Manager is more professional, the system test completeness is more solid.
(5) Proposition 5: The enterprise scale is larger, more chance the automated integration testing phase be completed within reasonable time.
Wish the findings of this research can provide more hints of key successful factors to those companies or manufacturers who want to implement MES. As a reference by analyzing the key successful factors, they can understand the background reasons, influences and scope of these key factors and adjust them properly by company actual conditions to increase the probability of successful MES implementation project.
關鍵字(中) ★ 製造執行系統
★ 紮根理論
★ 成功關鍵因素
★ 深度訪談
關鍵字(英) ★ manufacturing execution system
★ grounded theory
★ key successful factors
★ in-depth interviews
論文目次 第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 論文架構說明 2
第 2 章 文獻探討 4
2.1 製造執行系統(MES) 4
2.2 電腦整合製造(CIM) 7
第 3 章 研究方法與實施 9
3.1 研究方法選擇 9
3.2 研究對象 9
3.3 研究方法 10
3.4 研究實行 13
3.5 研究流程 21
第 4 章 研究資料分析 24
4.1 公司背景分析 26
4.2 專案背景分析 26
4.3 專案組織分析 28
4.4 專案執行分析 30
4.5 成功關鍵因素說明 38
第 5 章 結論與建議 41
5.1 結論 41
5.2 建議 46
參考文獻 47
中文部分 47
英文部分 49
附錄 51
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2020-5-15
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