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姓名 吳金燕(Yen-Chin Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 探討影響高科技製造業中高齡專業工作者知識分享之因素:以A公司專業技術人員為例
★ 探討轉換型領導對員工工作鑲嵌及離職傾向之影響—以多元職涯態度做為干擾變數★ 探討面試官資訊揭露完整性與面談結構性對新進員工符合期望意圖及離職意圖之影響
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摘要(中) 勞動力不足是現今企業在人力資源上面臨的一大問題,隨著人口高齡化,當年長及擁有特殊專精的技能知識工作者退休或離職時,這些專業知識亦隨之帶走消失或轉移至競爭對手處;隨著世代交替,人口結構的改變以及人力的快速流動,也凸顯中高齡專業技術工作者的專業知識傳承無以接續的問題。這些中高齡工作者的技術養成通常透過師徒制口耳相傳及個人經驗累積,更增加專業知識傳承的難度,這對於擁有技術能力即等於擁有競爭力的高科技產業來說,所造成的負面影響難以用金錢計數。
摘要(英) Nowadays, organizations suffer from insufficient labor and frequent loss of human resource. Especially when middle-aged workers with special expertise retire or resign, critical knowhow may not preserve in the organization. Organizations also face the problems of passing down professional knowledge to succeeding generations. Since middle-aged workers have developed their professional knowhow and expertise via informal mentoring, it increases the challenges of passing the professional knowledge down. Thus, the purpose of this research is to explore antecedents which affect middle-aged professional workers’ knowledge-sharing intentions and behaviors. By using qualitative interview approach, the present study categorizes 4 types of antecedents which can determine middle-aged professional workers’ knowledge sharing intention and behaviors: organizational culture, interaction of team, human resource management measurements, and personal capabilities. The results show that knowledge sharing self-efficacy is comparatively more influential antecedent than others. Moreover, organizational culture, interaction of team, and human resources management are also critical to determine knowledge sharing intentions and behaviors among these middle-aged specialists.
關鍵字(中) ★ 知識分享
★ 中高齡專業技術工作者
★ 質性研究方法
★ 訪談法
關鍵字(英) ★ knowledge-sharing
★ middle-aged professional workers
★ qualitative research method
★ interviews
論文目次 一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2 研究問題 4
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1 知識管理的定義 5
2-2 知識管理可能會影响的結果6
2-3 知識分享的定義 6
2-4 知識分享的前因 7
2-5 影響中高齡知識技術工作者知識分享的前因11
三、 研究方法14
3-1 研究架構與研究方法14
3-2 前測 16
3-3 訪談對象的遴選 16
3-4 訪談資料搜集 18
四、 研究結果與討論22
4-1 研究結果統整 22
4-2 實務與理論意涵 33
4-3 研究限制 35
參考文獻 37
參考文獻 中文
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指導教授 楊文芬 劉念琪 審核日期 2020-7-14
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