博碩士論文 107322089 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪一展(Yi-Chan Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 利用行動測深系統產製淺水區深度模型
(Using Mobile Bathymetry System to Produce Bathymetry Model in Shallow Water Area)
★ 結合多種遙測衛星數據觀測湄公河水資源變化★ 利用多時期之衛星影像改進孟加拉地區之地表水量化
★ 利用ALOS SAR影像觀測2008當雄地震同震及震後形變量★ 利用衛星影像觀測2004年印度洋地震震後之海岸地形垂直變化
★ 利用綜合遙測資訊建置之高程模型觀測近岸地形時序變遷★ 整合Sentinel-1與TerraSAR-X 永久散射體雷達差干涉法以監測地表變形
★ 利用區域電離層模式校正Sentinel-1差分干涉以偵測臺灣地表變形★ 利用衛星影像間接建立全台海岸地形模型
★ 應用Sentinel-1衛星TOPS合成孔徑雷達及最小基線長分析技術監測越南河內的地層下陷★ Sentinel-1 Radar Interferometry Decomposes Land Subsidence in Taiwan
★ 以自相似算法進行衛星影像融合和水線判釋★ 基於卷積神經網路於光學衛星影像進行跨衛星之雲偵測
★ 利用衛星遙測資訊於稻米產量預測★ 利用ICESat-2及Sentinel-2反演南海近岸水深
★ 以多元衛星影像監測青藏高原湖泊長期水量變化★ 使用動態門檻值選取對衛星影像進行非監督式變遷偵測
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摘要(中) 深入瞭解地表地形與水體的相關資訊是模擬淹水情境、灌溉分析等其他應用的關鍵。多光譜影像與透水光達為常見的水下建模工具,該兩種屬於光學測深方式,此外亦有聲學測深裝置如單音束、多音束測深儀,利用聲學回波的性質探測水深甚至分類水底地貌。然而,光學測深僅適用於水質潔淨、淺水的實驗場域,聲學測深則是在船載與設備上的調度有相當大的成本。近年來,隨著消費級無人機的成本降低,使其廣泛地運用在地理資訊領域中。無人機的高機動性、懸停精準性提供另一種移動操作平台。
摘要(英) A thorough understanding of surface terrain and the information of inland waterbodies is crucial for flood prevention, irrigation management, and other hydrological applications. Nowadays, multispectral satellite images and LiDAR are widely used to establish underwater model with optical methods. Another possibility is to use single/multi-beam echo sounders to survey in acoustic approaches. However, optical methods are only appropriate for shallow and clean water, while acoustic methods would require considerable cost in dispatching vessels and equipment. The reduced cost of commercial unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in recent years has facilitated its wide applications in geoinformatics fields. Owing to its high mobility, UAV provides another kind of mobile platform for the surveying equipment.
In order to update water depth and water volume of 80 ponds in Taoyuan city, this study deploys a mobile bathymetric mapping module for the fieldwork, where each pond requires 3 to 4 operators for 1 to 1.5 hours. An UAV hanging a cellphone and a micro-sonar is designed to measure water depth over water surface. Another UAV is dispatched for aerial photography to build surface terrain around the ponds with a few control points. Finally, the slope and dyke height around the pond are measured for generating the pond DEM. Pond bottom elevation is modeled by the Inverse Distance Weighting of point measurements, and combined with slope and dyke height. The surface model is constructed using the stereo pairs of aerial images and control points. Finally, an integrated model obtained by combining both models is used to derive water storage. The correlation coefficients of water area and storage between our approach and data from the Department of Water Resources, Taoyuan (TYWR) achieve 0.99 and 0.84, respectively. Next, the Simplified Inundation Model (SPM) is used to simulate the flood extent in Bade District, Taoyuan, assuming the ponds are emptied in advance for stormwater detention purposes. Three scenarios were designed to discuss the efficiency of detention rate. Finally, the benefits of pond system and the importance of volume update are described.
關鍵字(中) ★ 移動測繪
★ 無人機
★ 聲納
★ 簡易淹水模式
關鍵字(英) ★ Mobile Mapping
★ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
★ Sonar
★ Simplified Inundation Model
論文目次 摘要     i
誌謝      iv
1. Introduction and Motivation 1
1.1. Ponds in Taoyuan 1
1.2. Studies of Ponds 3
2. Methods for Measuring Waterbodies 5
2.1. Importance of Bathymetry Mapping 5
2.2. Optical Sounding in Bathymetry Mapping 5
2.2.1.Active Optical Sounding 5
2.2.2.Passive Optical Sounding 7
2.3. Acoustic Methods in Bathymetry Mapping 8
2.4. Novel Bathymetry Mapping 10
3. Methodology 12
3.1. Work Flow 12
3.2. Mobile Bathymetry System 13
3.2.1.Bathymetric Surveying Module 13
3.2.2.Calibration of Sonar 15
3.3. Measurement Procedure 16
3.4. Surface DEM Construction 22
3.4.1.Control Points Solution 22
3.4.2.Modeling Software and Parameter 24
3.5. Pond DEM 25
3.5.1.Water Depth Extraction and Spatial Fitting 25
3.5.2.Quantification of Water Volume 28
4. Result of Bathymetry 30
4.1. Integrated DEM 30
4.1.1.Pond DEM of BD089 and BD090 31
4.1.2.Pond DEM of YM187 32
4.2. Comparison with TYWR Dataset 34
5. Discussion 42
6. Pond as Stormwater Detention Facility 45
6.1. Flood Simulation 45
6.2. Diversion of Flooded Water to Ponds 47
6.3. Efficiency of Water Detention 48
6.4. Future Extension of Pond Database 52
7. Conclusion 54
Reference 56
Appendix 62
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指導教授 曾國欣(Kuo-Hsin Tseng) 審核日期 2020-7-14
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