博碩士論文 107352030 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡翔宇(Hsiang-Yu Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 毒品危害防制中心勤務排班最佳化之研究
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
★ 司機員排班作業最佳化模式之研究★ 科學園區廢水場實驗室檢驗員任務指派 最佳化模式之研究
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★ 急診室臨時性短期護理人力 指派最佳化之探討★ 專案監造人力調派最佳化模式研究
★ 地質鑽探工程人機作業管理最佳化研究★ 職業棒球球隊球員組合最佳化之研究
★ 鑽堡於卵礫石層施作機具調派最佳化模式之研究★ 職業安全衛生查核人員人力指派最佳化研究
★ 救災機具預置最佳化之探討★ 水電工程出工數最佳化之研究
★ 石門水庫服務台及票站人員排班最佳化之研究★ 空調附屬設備機組維護保養排程最佳化之研究
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摘要(中) 依據毒品危害防制條例第2-1條規定,各縣市成立毒品危害防制中心並設置個案管理人員,針對毒品施用個案人員提供各項諸如心理輔導、關懷訪視、社會救助、法律扶助、就學就業轉介及醫療戒治等服務,並提供一般民眾毒品防制諮詢、社區預防宣導活動申請及其他毒品防制相關服務,勤業務相當繁重。目前勤務排班均由專人循過往經驗進行人工編排,較缺乏效率且易受個人主觀意識及喜惡影響而無法確保排班公平性,已難以滿足實務需求,極需探尋系統化之排班模組。
爰此,本研究透過最佳化理論,運用數學整數線性規劃方法建構貼合實務之數學模型,將其加以編譯轉換為LINGO 17.0 套裝軟體建模語言,藉由電腦快速計算能力執行最佳化運算,並將運算結果匯出至Excel 2016軟體執行統計、輸出及製表,其結果除可大幅縮短勤務排班所需時間外,並可避免人工排班造成之不公平現象,幫助管理者更為妥適的運用有限人力,使服勤人員間彼此更加勞逸均衡,可有效改善服勤品質並提升團隊向心力。本研究最後透過調整重要參數數值進行敏感度分析,再次確認本研究模式之穩定性及準確性,能確實達到準確、排班省時及同職別人員間公平之目的,其分析結果並可供決策者做為實務排班運用、未來人力配置及勤務規劃方向之參考。
摘要(英) According to Article 2-1 of Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act, the municipal and county (city) government shall establish Drugs Abuse Prevention centers and set up case managerial personnel, aiming at drugs users in individual cases to provide various services such as psychological counseling, caring visit, social assistance, legal aids, referrals for students and employment, and medical treatment, etc., as well as drugs abuse prevention and control counseling for the general public, application for community prevention propaganda activities and other drugs control-related services, case managers have quite heavy workload. At present, the shift scheduling is manually arranged by a special assigned person based on the previous experience, which is inefficient and susceptible to the personal subjective consciousness as well as likes and dislikes, so the fairness of the shift scheduling cannot be guaranteed. It is difficult to meet the practical needs, so a systematic shift scheduling module is urgently needed.

Therefore, this study applied mathematics integer linear programming method through the optimization theory to build a mathematical model that fits the practice, and thus compile them into a LINGO 17.0 software packages modeling language with optimal operation performed by computer fast computing power, the result of which will be exported to Excel 2016 software for the performance of statistics, output and tabulation. In addition to significantly reducing the time required for duty shift scheduling, such results can also avoid the unfair phenomenon caused by manual shift scheduling, help managers to properly use the limited manpower, make the service personnel more balance between work and rest, effectively improve service quality and improve team cohesion. Finally, this study that reconfirms the stability and accuracy of this research model through the adjustment of important parameters for sensitivity analysis can really achieve accurate, time-saving scheduling and fairness among staff of the same rank; the analysis results can be used as a direction reference for decision makers in practical shift scheduling, future manpower allocation and duty planning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 毒品危害防制中心
★ 最佳化
★ 整數規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ Drugs Abuse Prevention Center
★ optimization
★ integer programming
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 排班最佳化各領域運用相關文獻 7
2-2 文獻評述 9
第三章 模式建構及求解方法 10
3-1 問題描述與現況做法 10
3-1-1 問題描述 10
3-1-2 現況做法 11
3-2 模式建立 12
3-2-1 假設條件、參數及決策變數 12
3-2-2 數學模式 15
3-2-3 模式應用 20
3-3 求解方法與步驟 21
3-3-1 求解方法 21
3-3-2 求解步驟 21
3-4 小結 22
第四章 範例測試 23
4-1 資料分析 23
4-1-1 資料來源及說明 23
4-1-2 決策變數擬定 23
4-1-3 範例基本參數擬定 25
4-1-4 測試環境 26
4-2 範例測試與結果分析 28
4-2-1 運算結果 28
4-2-2 勤務編排情形 29
4-3 人工經驗排班模式 31
4-4 本研究模式與人工排班結果效益比較 32
4-5 敏感度分析 33
4-5-1 個案管理師督導人力增減敏感度分析 33
4-5-2 個案管理師人力增減敏感度分析 37
4-5-3 個案訪視總案量增減敏感度分析 42
4-5-4 個案管理師留守辦公室人數增減敏感度分析 47
4-6 小結 50
第五章 結論與建議 51
5-1 結論 51
5-2 建議 52
參考文獻 53
附錄一 測試範例 LINGO 17.0程式碼 57
參考文獻 [1]法務部,毒品危害防制條例,法務部,2020年。
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指導教授 顏上堯 審核日期 2020-7-7
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