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姓名 洪堃靖(Hong-Kung Jing)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 獨立型V2H系統結合太陽能發電之效益
(Benefit Analysis of Stand-Alone V2H Systems Integrated with Solar PV)
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摘要(中) 從工業化時代到現在,溫室氣體排放驟增,造成嚴重空氣污染以及氣候變遷,溫室氣體排的來源當中,主要為工業和運輸業,因此再生能源和綠色運輸越來越受到國際重視,各國紛紛將能源政策轉向為投資再生能源發展,且各大車廠皆積極研發電動汽車,希望利用再生能源和綠色運輸工具來降低溫室氣體排放。台灣資源高度依賴進口,且隨著人口上升和經濟增長,汽車使用量逐年向上攀升,政府如何推廣再生能源以及綠色運輸變成重點議題,因此本研究將從電動汽車為重點下手,以台灣城市為研究地區,使用數學模型著手進行研究。
電能難以大量儲存,因此在電力來源不穩定或停電時,緊急電力供應就顯得非常重要。傳統「Vehicle to Home」(V2H)系統是家庭將電動汽車電池當作備載,在電力離峰時使用較便宜電價將電動汽車充電,並在隔天電力高峰時放電,達到降低充電成本的目的。本研究使用將電動汽車電池當作備載的概念,建造一個不連接電網的獨立型V2H系統並延伸結合再生能源發電,全部用電來源皆使用再生能源。接著蒐集家庭用電資料,在已知家庭使用電動汽車的排程時間下,在電動汽車無人使用停放在家裡時,可利用電動汽車電池當作緊急電力來源,並依照該地區日照量,計算出需要安裝多少太陽能板才能滿足整體的電力需求,因此日照量為日後決策者的一項重要參考依據。研究結果表明,使用獨立型V2H系統能使家庭實現靈活的能源管理且一年能降低約3頓的碳排放量。未來若大量家庭使用V2H並結合再生能源,不僅能夠提高能源自主性,且能降低台灣環境污染。但在台灣再生能源發電與其他傳統發電相比較,其能量密度較低,所以會有較高的發電成本,因此發電成本和環境保護如何取得平衡將是未來研究的一大課題
摘要(英) From industrial age to now, greenhouse gas emissions have increased sharply, causing severe air pollution and climate change. Industry and transportation are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, therefore, renewable energy and green transportation are receiving more and more international attention. Most countries have turned their energy policies to invest in the development of renewable energy, and major car manufacturers are actively developing electric vehicles, hoping to use renewable energy and green transportation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Taiwan is highly dependent on imports of resources, and with the increase of population and economic growth, the use of automobiles is increasing year by year. How the government promotes renewable energy and green transportation has become a key issue. Therefore, this study will focus on electric vehicles, take Taiwan city as the research area, and use mathematical models to carry out the study.
It is difficult to store large amounts of electrical energy, so emergency power supplies are important when power sources are unstable or power is out. The traditional "Vehicle to Home" (V2H) system is designed to reduce the charging cost by using the electric vehicle battery as a backup load, charging the electric vehicle at cheaper off-peak electricity prices, and discharging it at the peak of the next day. This study uses the concept of using electric vehicle batteries as a backup, build a Stand-Alone V2H system that is not connected to the power grid and combined with renewable energy to generate electricity, all sources of electricity are using renewable. Then collect data on household electricity consumption. Under the scheduled time of households using electric vehicles, when the electric vehicle is not used and parked at home, the electric vehicle battery can be used as an emergency power, and calculated how many solar panels need to be installed to meet the overall electricity demand based on the amount of sunlight in the area, so the amount of sunlight is an important reference for decision makers. The results show that households using Stand-Alone V2H systems can achieve flexible energy management and reduce carbon emissions by about three tons a year. In the future, if large number of households use V2H system combined with renewable energy, it can not only improve energy independence, but also reduce environmental pollution in Taiwan. However, compared with other traditional power generation, renewable energy generation in Taiwan has lower energy density, so it will have higher power generation cost. Therefore, how to balance power generation cost and environmental protection will be a major research topic in the future.
Key words: sustainable development, renewable energy, electric vehicle, V2H system
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續發展
★ 再生能源
★ 電動汽車
★ V2H系統
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 研究問題 5
2.1 氣候變遷(Climate change) 5
2.2 電動汽車(Electric vehicle) 8
2.3 研究問題 11
第三章 文獻探討 13
3.1 永續發展 13
3.2 再生能源 16
3.3 綠色運輸 20
3.4 Vehicle to Home 24
第四章 研究方法 27
第五章 電腦實驗 33
5.1 資料蒐集 33
5.2 情境結果分析 36
5.2.1 情境一 家庭電池初始值為50度 36
5.2.2 情境二 家庭電池初始值為30度 40
5.2.3 情境三 家庭電量初始值為10度 42
第六章 結論與建議 45
6.1 研究總結 45
6.2 後續工作 46
參考文獻 47

參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王啟泰 審核日期 2020-7-14
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