博碩士論文 107324028 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳冠宇(Kuan-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 在無梯度的表面上引導自發性移動之液滴裝載液體貨物
(Directed Self-Propulsion of Droplets on Surfaces Absent of Gradients for Cargo Transport)
★ 單一高分子在接枝表面的吸附現象-分子模擬★ 化學機械研磨的微觀機制探討
★ 界面活性劑與微脂粒的作用★ 家禽傳染性華氏囊病病毒與VP2次病毒顆粒對固定化鎳離子之異相吸附
★ 液滴潤濕與接觸角遲滯★ 親溶劑奈米粒子於高分子溶液中的自組裝現象
★ 具界面活性溶質之蒸發殘留圖形研究★ 奈米自泳動粒子之擴散行為
★ 抗氧化奈米銅粒子的製備及分析★ 柱狀自泳動粒子之擴散行為與沉降平衡
★ 過氧化氫的界面性質與穩定性★ 液橋分離與液面爬升物體之研究
★ 電潤濕動態行為探討★ 表面粗糙度對接觸角遲滯影響之效應
★ 以耗散粒子動力學法研究奈米自泳動粒子輸送現象★ 低溫還原氧化石墨烯薄膜
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摘要(中) 在微流道系統中,無須施加外力就可以操縱液滴是很想達到且重要
表面上的遠距離運輸,前者提供了 Marangoni 應力來驅動液滴移動並
何圖案的路徑上移動,這種液滴體積僅微升就能移動長達 20 公分以
摘要(英) Manipulating droplet transportation without inputting work is desired and important in microfluidic systems. Although the creation of wettability gradient on surfaces has been employed to achieve this goal, the transport distance is very limited, hindering its applications in long-term operations. Here, we show that programming
long-ranged transport of droplets on surfaces can be achieved by the addition of trisiloxane surfactants and creation of deep grooves. The former provides Marangoni
stress to actuate the droplet motion and also reduces the inherent contact line pinning. The latter acts as a railing to guide the motion of surfactant-laden droplets to follow various layouts with geometric features of roads. The droplets with microliters can move over 20 cm. This work-free method is applicable to a variety of substrate materials and liquids. By using self-running shuttles, a convenient platform for liquid cargos transport is developed and demonstrated. Moreover, coalescence of cargos carried by different shuttles is accomplished in a three-branch layout, revealing new
droplet microreactors.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自發性移動
★ 無梯度表面
論文目次 摘要
............................................................................................................. I Abstract ...................................................................................................... II List of Tables ......................................................................................... VIII I. Introduction ............................................................................................. 1 II. Experiment Section ................................................................................ 3 A. Materials ........................................................................................ 3 B. Wettability Characterization ......................................................... 3 C. Observation of Autonomous Droplet Motion ............................... 3 D. Surface Tension Measurement ...................................................... 4 III. Results and Discussion ......................................................................... 4 A. Transition from Partial/Total Wetting to Self-Propulsion ............ 4 B. Effects of Additives Concentration and Droplet Size on Self-propulsion ...................................................................................... 8 C. Directed droplet motion: coherent fluid motion ......................... 13 D. Applications of self-propulsion: Cargo transportation and droplet microreactor ........................................................................................ 17 E. Cloaking behavior of self-propelled droplet ............................... 21 IX. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 28 X. Reference ............................................................................................. 29 XI. Supporting Information ...................................................................... 33
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指導教授 曹恆光(Heng-Kuang Tsao) 審核日期 2020-6-20
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