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姓名 黃立晴(Li-Ching Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 低質量恆星與雙星系統中的閃焰活動
(Flare Activities of Low-mass Stars and Binary Systems)
★ 土衛六「泰坦」離子球層的化學-動力學模型★ KBOs星體碰撞與生命及行星大氣起源
★ 行星狀星雲形態之多光譜波段觀測★ 木衛一埃歐鈉雲噴流之結構與時間變化
★ 早期太陽系系統中KBOs的形成與碰撞演化★ 彗星2001A2 (LINEAR)的光度觀測
★ SDSS之RR Lyrae候選變星之確認觀測★ 銀河系核心及盤面的隨機恆星形成歷史
★ 宇宙射線中的氦原子核能譜★ 小行星對於地球原始海水的貢獻
★ 行星狀星雲Hα結構之分析★ 在星系團中的相對論性電子和SZ效應
★ 重力透鏡和交互作用星系的資料探勘★ 在疏散星團中尋找系外行星與變星
★ 原恆星吸積盤動態模擬與氣體固態粒子作用初步探討★ 大型EKBO(Quaoar, Ixion, 2004DW)的自轉週期和表面顏色的測量
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摘要(中) 由恆星色球層活動引起的閃焰是低質量恆星上的重要現象,它對於系外行星的適居性有重要的影響。較少發生超級閃焰活動的恆星可以為生命發展提供較佳的環境,而M型星既長壽又在銀河系中大量存在,是發展系外生命的理想地點,因此其閃焰活動對探索系外生命的研究相當重要。
論文第二部分中,M型雙星系統的大型閃焰(能量為10$^{34}$ ergs以上)較超亮閃焰M型星少,但總體閃焰發生率約為一般有閃焰的M型單星的十倍。藉由統計各雙星系統公轉相位上的閃焰數量,我們發現在部分雙星系統中,質量較小的伴星可能貢獻更多閃焰事件。
摘要(英) Flare activity is an important phenomena caused by the chromosphere activity in late-type stars.
It′s also important to the habitability of the exoplanets. Stars with less frequent superflares provide the better environments for the life development, especially for the M-type stars, whose longevity and abundance make them the good environments of habitable exoplanets.

We collected the light curve data from Kepler telescope and spectral data from LAMOST, YNAO, and Xing-Long 2-m level telescopes for detecting flare events and measuring the chromospheric active levels of late-type stars with exoplanets or in binary systems.
In the first part of this thesis, the result agrees with the previous studies that slow rotators are less active than fast rotators and the stars with exoplanets tend to have less flare activity and lower chromospheric activity levels. Also, the later type stars are more active than earlier type stars.

In the second part of this thesis, M-type eclipsing binaries (EBs) show less flare events with large flares (energy release $>$ 10$^{34}$ ergs) than the hyperflaring M dwarfs, but their cumulative flare frequency factor is 10 times higher than the flaring single M dwarfs. The flare timing also shows that the secondary stars might be the major flare producers in some EB systems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 恆星閃焰
★ 食雙星
★ 克卜勒望遠鏡
★ 郭守敬望遠鏡
關鍵字(英) ★ stellar flare
★ eclipsing binary
★ Kepler telescope
論文目次 電子論文授權書 Authorisation of the Electronic Thesis i
指導教授推薦書 Recommendation Letter from the Thesis Advisor iii
口試委員審定書 Verification from the Oral Examination Committee v
英文摘要 Abstract in English vii
中文摘要 Abstract in Chinese ix
誌謝 Acknowledgements xi
List of Figures xv List of Tables xvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 StellarFlares .................................. 1
1.2 EclipsingBinaries................................ 3
1.2.1 M-typeEclipsingBinaries ....................... 4
1.3 SpectralData.................................. 5
2 Flare Activity and the Hα Equivalent Width 9
2.1 Introduction................................... 9
2.2 SpectralFeaturesofSuperflaringStars .................... 12
2.2.1 HαEWEstimation........................... 13
2.3 SpectralData.................................. 14
3 Superflare Eclipsing Binaries 23
3.1 Introduction................................... 23
3.2 EclipsingBinariesinKeplerField....................... 24
3.3 DataAnalysis.................................. 26
3.3.1 SpectralTypeIdentify ......................... 26
3.3.2 FlareActivity.............................. 28
3.4 Discussion.................................... 38
3.5 Summary .................................... 40
4 Summary and Future Works 45 4.1 Summary .................................... 45 4.2 FutureWorks .................................. 46
A Identifying Dwarfs and Giants with Gaia Data 55
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指導教授 葉永烜(Wing-Huen Ip) 審核日期 2020-7-24
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