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姓名 陳佳宏(Chia-Hung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 澱粉樣胜肽β寡聚體在脂質膜上形成孔道之濃度測量
(The Measurement of Critical Concentration to Form Amyloid Pore in Membrane by Amyloid Beta Oligomer)
★ 雙連續相中孔二氧化鈦光催化以及電子結構之實驗與模擬研究★ 聚合物-奈米粒子複合材料在玻璃轉移溫度下的結構與動力學相關性之實驗與模擬研究
★ 新興糖基雙子型界面活性劑之結構以及其對基因轉染效率之影響★ 自發曲率、金屬離子吸附以及微脂體膜融合效率三者間之相關性探討
★ 脂質組成成分對細胞膜物理性質與生物功能的影響★ 添加具有抗菌潛力的胜肽對磷脂質自組裝結構與彈性性質的影響
★ 分子構型與表面電荷密度對雙子型陰陽離子界面活性劑系統之相行為影響★ 探討具有不同間隔長度的陰、陽離子雙子型界面活性劑對於DNA壓實與解壓實之影響
★ 具抗菌潛力之胜肽如何影響脂質膜的彈性性質與結構完整性★ CoCrFeMnNi 高熵合金 形變行為之探討
★ 透過改變磷脂質排列密度減少Amyloid β與膜之間交互作用★ 對生物膜具活性的胜肽誘導相分離脂質膜產生結構上擾動
★ 人類脂肪幹細胞於生醫材料塗佈細胞外間質之純化及分化★ 發展量測雙層脂質膜的排列密度之實驗技術
★ 利用酸鹼度敏感型雙子型界面活性劑製作之基因載體對核內體脂質膜結構之影響★ 開發預測雙子型界面活性劑之自組裝結構的方法
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摘要(中) β-澱粉樣胜肽寡聚體形成之離子通道被認為是誘發阿茲海默症的重要原因。此種類型之離子通道會破壞細胞內之鈣離子平衡,並導致神經細胞死亡。離子通道的生成取決於胜肽的濃度以及細胞膜本身之不飽和程度。目前仍沒有研究去測量胜肽形成離子通道的絕對濃度,然而測量此濃度卻是重要的。因為β-澱粉樣胜肽寡聚體較容易與不飽和度高的細胞膜結合並形成孔道。
摘要(英) Formation of the ion channels on neuronal membranes by the amyloid beta (Aβ) oligomers is recently considered as the potential pathogenic origin of the Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These ion channels will break the balance of calcium ions across the membranes and thereby kill the neurons. The pore formation process is concentration- and membrane composition-dependent. But none of the existing studies systematically measured the critical concentrations and their composition dependence for the ion channel formation by the Aβ oligomers. Given that the abnormality on the white matter of human brains is believed to be a key factor in the AD pathogenesis and that the neuronal membranes in the white matter contain the lipids of higher unsaturation degrees, figuring out how the critical concentration of the ion channel formation correlates with the membrane composition may elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenic involvement in AD of the white matter. In this study, we used lipids with different unsaturation degrees to construct the model membrane systems and to mimic the different unsaturation degrees between the white matter and grey matter of human brains. We found that the critical concentration for the ion channel formation decreased with increasing the unsaturation degree of the membranes. Moreover, the structural variation of the membranes arising from the Aβ-membrane interaction differed when the membrane composition was different.
關鍵字(中) ★ β-澱粉樣胜肽寡聚體
★ 離子通道
★ 濃度
摘要 I
Abstracts II
致謝 III
1-1 Alzheimer’s disease 1
1-2 Amyloid beta peptide (AβP) 2
1-3 Cell membrane and model membrane 5
1-3-1 Lipid molecules and unsaturation degree 5
1-3-2 Lipid composition of gray matter and white matter 7
1-3-3 Model membrane 11
1-4 Motivation 12
CHAPTER 2 Experimental 13
2-1 Materials 13
2-2 Instruments 17
2-2-1 Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and data analysis 17
2-2-2 Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) 18
2-2-3 Fluorescence spectroscopy 21
2-2-4 Fura-2 fluorescence 21
2-2-5 Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy 22
2-2-6 Dynamic light scattering (DLS) 23
2-3 Sample preparation 24
2-3-1 Buffer solution 24
2-3-2 Amyloid beta preparation 25
2-3-3 Vesicles preparation 26
2-3-4 Fura-2 leakage experiment 28
2-4 Data analysis 29
2-4-1 SAXS data analysis 29
2-4-2 SANS data analysis 32
2-4-3 Leakage experiment data analysis 33
CHAPRER 3 Result 33
3-1 Determine the particle size of the vesicles 34
3-2 Determination of peptide concentration 40
3-3 Vesicle integrity lost induce by interaction between peptide and membrane 40
3-4 Vesicle morphology change after added the amyloid beta peptide 51
References 76
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指導教授 陳儀帆(Yi-Fan Chen) 審核日期 2020-8-17
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