博碩士論文 107421020 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃子維(Tzu-Wei Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 台灣花卉供應鏈導入區塊鏈應用之分析
(Analysis of Blockchain Application for Flower Supply Chain in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 花卉產業是一個快速發展、全球化的產業。鮮花是非常容易腐爛的產品,其生命週期相當有限,因此在運送花卉的過程中,冷鏈管理攸關到花卉的品質,同時也影響到花卉的市場價值。花卉供應鏈在現階段,仍然有溫度控制以及時效性的問題。而在全球化下,花卉的運送需要更長的時間,因此花卉供應鏈需要更好的冷鏈管理,以減少花卉失去價值的風險。另一方面,在全球化下的花卉供應鏈,涉及到國際供應鏈,在貿易過程中有許多的參與者包括,出口商、進口商、物流業者、銀行、政府機關等,因為參與者所使用的資訊系統不同、交易過程擁有大量的文件和訊息需要傳遞、交易時程長等種種原因,造成在國際供應鏈上可能產生利益糾紛、文件遺失的問題。區塊鏈技術的誕生,為上述所提及到花卉供應鏈的問題帶來改善的可能性。
摘要(英) The flower industry is a rapidly developing and globalized industry. Flowers are very perishable products, and their life cycle is quite limited. Therefore, in the process of delivering flowers, cold chain management is critical to the quality of flowers and also affects the market value of flowers. At present, there are still problems with temperature control and timeliness of flowers. In the context of globalization, the flower supply chain needs better cold chain management to reduce the risk of losing the value of flowers. On the other hand, the flower supply chain under globalization involves the international supply chain. In the process of trade, there are many participants, including exporters, importers, logistics operators, banks, government agencies, etc. Due to the different information systems used between roles, the large number of documents and messages needed to be delivered in the transaction process, and the long transaction duration, disputes of interest and document loss may occur in the international supply chain. The birth of blockchain technology brings the possibility of improvement to the problems mentioned above.
In this research, the blockchain framework Fabric and the tool Composer under the Hyperledger platform, a foundation for blockchain research initiated by Linux, are used to construct a blockchain that conforms to the export process of the flower supply chain in Taiwan. The blockchain which has Irreversible, and non-tamperable features and the feature of decentralization. The features allow it to increase the transparency of information in the supply chain, and prevent the forgery of data and simplify the export process. Finally, this research uses simulation to compare the time difference between the existing process and the adoption of the blockchain.
關鍵字(中) ★ 區塊鏈
★ 冷鏈
★ 花卉供應鏈
★ 模擬分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Hyperledger Fabric
★ Hyperledger Composer
論文目次 中文摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research objective 8
1.3 Research structure 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Issues and challenges in the supply chain of perishables 11
2.2 Issues in flower supply chain 18
Chapter 3 Method 20
3.1 Hyperledger 20
3.2 Hyperledger framework and tools 22
3.3 Hyperledger Fabric 26
3.4 Hyperledger Composer 32
3.5 Simulation 35
Chapter 4 Case Study 37
4.1 Case interview 40
4.2 The application of blockchain considerations in the flower supply chain 49
4.3 Hyperledger blockchain technology application in Taiwan orchid supply chain 54
4.3.1 Building Fabric network for the orchid supply chain in Taiwan 57
4.3.2 Apply Composer to build Taiwan orchid supply chain process 61 Construct participants 62 Construct assets 69 The letter of credit process 74 Exporter shipment 80 Goods transportation process 83 Importer receive goods 88
4.4 The block in Hyperledger Fabric 92
4.5 Flower supply chain simulation 94
4.5.1 Process simulation parameter setting 94
4.5.2 The result of the simulation 97
Chapter 5 Conclusion 102
5.1 Conclusion 102
5.2 Research Limitations and Recommendations 104
References 105
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指導教授 沈建文 審核日期 2020-7-17
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