博碩士論文 103256028 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝佳宏(Chia-Hung Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 以低溫製程製作厚膜螢光玻璃用於雷射白光之研究
(Research on Making Thick Film Phosphor Glass for Laser White Light by Low Temperature Process)
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摘要(中) 摘要
2014年TI德州儀器開發出藍光雷射加上螢光粉的組合光源用於投影機後,雷射螢光玻璃(PIG, Phosphor in Glass)成為重要的光學元件;燒結PIG製作上的瓶頸有:製程繁複、結構難控制、特殊形狀製作困難、加工成本高、高溫燒結耗能、光效率不佳等造成應用上的侷限。
本論文以粒徑15μm的YAG 550nm螢光粉,以低溫反應製程製作雷射螢光玻璃LT-PIG,以2W波長450nm的藍光雷射照射,在穿透厚度0.49mm後,色溫維持在4300K以上,發光角可達150°。(如表七、照射單一顆粒時分析所得到的參數表)
摘要(英) Abstract

In 2014, TI Texas Instruments developed a combination of blue laser and phosphor powder as a light source for projectors. Laser phosphor glass (PIG, Phosphor in Glass) became an important optical component; the bottlenecks in sintered PIG production are: The complicated process, difficult to control the structure, difficult to manufacture special shapes, high processing cost, high-temperature sintering energy consumption, and poor optical efficiency have caused limitations in applications.

In this paper, YAG 550nm phosphor powder with a particle size of 15μm is used to make LT-PIG laser fluorescent glass with a low-temperature reaction process. It is irradiated with a blue laser beam with a wavelength of 2W and 450nm. After penetrating a thickness of 0.49mm, the color temperature is maintained at 4300K , The luminous angle is above 150°.

The overall advantages are:

(1) Large astigmatism angle; the traditional PIG light angle is less than 90° depends on the lens astigmatism, LT-PIG does not need the lens, the light angle can reach 150°.
(2) The low-temperature process is simple, fast, accurate, energy-saving, and low-cost; it can be produced by multiple methods such as printing, deposition, casting, and molding.
(3) Inorganic glass materials can withstand high temperatures above 400°C; no yellowing and qualitative problems.
(4) It is easy to make curved surface, special shape and make on lens surface and other applications.
(5) High light efficiency; the internal uniform mixing structure can form a diffusion effect without going through the lens to obtain a large light angle.
(6) Reduce the lens; LT-PIG fluorescent film can be made on the surface of the lens, and the convergence angle of the light will not be caused by the optical loss due to the optical path or the lens receiving size is not large enough, which can minimize the size of the lens.
(7) It is easy to modulate the parameters of the light source; it is easy to adjust the particle size, film thickness and solid content ratio of the phosphor according to the intensity of the incident blue light. It is easy to control the color temperature, light angle, light shape and light intensity.

In summary , LT-PIG already has complete practical conditions, which can improve the existing PIG bottleneck, and then cooperate with related structural design will be the ideal light source choice.
關鍵字(中) ★ 色溫
★ 光形
★ 粒徑
★ 固含量
關鍵字(英) ★ Solid Content
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究貢獻 2
1.3 研究動機 6
1.4 研究目的 7
1.4.1 汽車產業加速雷射白光技術發展 8
第二章 研究內容與方法 10
2.1 研究內容 10
2.2 研究方法 14
2.2.1 選定量測標準 14
2.2.2 數值分析 16
第三章 理論 18
3.1 半導體雷射封裝製程 18
3.2 螢光玻璃特性 20
3.2.1 可靠度高 21
3.2.2 色溫均勻性 21
3.2.3 螢光體孔隙率影響 21
3.3 出光角的分析 22
3.4 由材料結構幾何分析,吸收與輻射相關的面積比例 23
3.5 推算粒徑與單位圓直徑比值與固含量(Solid Content)關係 25
3.6 光能量傳遞 26
第四章 實驗 27
4.1 實驗設備 27
4.2 實驗結果 28
4.2.1 光衰與色溫分析 28
4.2.2固含量(Solid Content)與厚度對光效率的分析 29
4.2.3光入射角度影響 31
4.2.4厚膜做在透鏡表面及特殊角度應用 31
4.2.5成型 33
第五章 結論與未來展望 34
5.1 結論 34
5.2 未來展望 35
參考文獻 36
附錄(附件) 41
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng Chang) 審核日期 2020-7-22
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