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姓名 鄭佑岷(Yu-Min Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 時域聚焦多光子激發定位影像的波前修正之研究
(Wavefront Correction in the Localization Imaging via Temporal Focusing Multiphoton Excitation)
★ 多功能性碳奈米載體於增進神經元突觸增長之研究
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摘要(中) 螢光顯微術 (fluorescence microscopy)於生物醫學的應用中是一項很重要的工具,可以利用螢光分子標定目標物質,在螢光顯微鏡下直觀的看出此細胞結構或分子運動,相較於其他傳統顯微鏡,此技術高專一性的標記出待觀測分子,在觀察時能以高對比度進行觀測,而不易被其他分子影響。但在使用螢光顯微系統對具有相當厚度的生物樣品進行拍攝時,常因訊號穿透不同生物介質進而產生波前像差 (wavefront aberration),這會對單分子定位(single molecule localization)技術造成相當大的影響,從而使螢光分子定位精度降低,單分子定位顯微影像的誤判也隨之增加。本論文主要將時域聚焦多光子激發單分子定位造影技術與波前修正系統結合,開發出可以使單分子定位技術愈加精準之系統。其中波前修正系統以Shack-Hartman波前感測器 (Shack-Hartman wavefront sensor)事先取出Zernike多項式中不同項次的模態,以可調變形鏡 (deformable mirror)進行波前修正;在使用螢光球樣品進行實驗時,可以發現在使用波前修正的情況下,得到的螢光訊號較無使用者強,且深度大之訊號點形狀經像差校正後,也較接近表面奈米球的形狀。最後利用適應性像散 (Adaptive Astigmatism,AA)代替圓柱透鏡,判斷不同奈米球在樣品中的深度資訊;於加入AA的實驗組中可以發現在不同深度時,像散的響應皆趨於一致,進而提升軸向判斷的能力。
摘要(英) Fluorescence microscopy is an important technique for the biomedical applications. The fluorescence microscope can be used to visualize the cellular structures and the molecular movements by labeling the target objects with the fluorophores, compared with other conventional microscopes. By the high-specific labeling to the target molecules, this technology has a capability of the high-contrast observation with the minimum disturbance signals from other molecules. However, when the fluorescence microscope is adopted to observe the thick bio-specimens, the fluorescence images suffer from the wavefront aberrations due to the fluorescence signal penetrating through different bio-media. The wavefront aberrations will have a big impact on the single-molecule localization for reducing the localization accuracy of fluorescent molecule and increasing the misjudgment of single-molecule localization microscopy imaging. In this thesis, the single-molecule localization microscopy system was developed by combined with the temporal focusing multiphoton excitation and the wavefront correction system to increase the localization accuracy. The wavefront correction system used the Shack-Hartman wavefront sensor to take the coefficients of different Zernike polynomials, and then countervailed the wavefront aberrations using the deformable mirror. After using the wavefront correction in the fluorescence-sphere measurement, the fluorescent signals of the fluorescence spheres were stronger than that without the wavefront correction. Moreover, the imaging shape of the deeper spheres were more identical to that of the spheres on the sample surface after the aberration correction. Finally, the adaptive astigmatism (AA) was adopted to instead of cylindrical lenses to extract the depth information of different spheres in the sample. In the experiment results with the AA, it can be found that the responses of the astigmatism tended to be the same at different depths, thereby improving the axial resolution.
關鍵字(中) ★ 像差
★ 光學系統
★ 波前修正
關鍵字(英) ★ Aberration
★ Optical system
★ Wavefront correction
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-2-1時域聚焦多光子激發系統 3
1-2-2單分子定位技術 5
1-2-3波前修正應用 7
1-3 研究動機及方法 8
1-4 論文架構 10
第二章 原理介紹 11
2-1 多光子激發與時域聚焦機制 11
2-1-1多光子激發機制 11
2-1-2時域聚焦多光子激發機制 13
2-2 單分子定位顯微影像 16
2-3 波前像差修正 18
第三章 實驗方法與系統架構及流程 21
3-1 系統架構 21
3-1-1 時域聚焦多光子激發系統架構 24
3-1-2波前修正系統架構 25
3-1-3像差模組建立系統 27
3-2實驗流程 29
3-2-1像差模組建立 29
3-2-2波前修正實驗流程 31
3-3樣品製備 33
3-3-1螢光球樣品製作 33
3-3-2螢光分子(HMSiR)樣品之製作 33
3-3-3小鼠腦袋切片樣品製備 33
第四章 結果分析與討論 36
4-1多光子激發螢光 36
4-2單分子定位顯微影像 39
4-3波前像差建模 42
4-4波前修正之定位顯微影像 46
第五章 結論 50
參考文獻 51
中英文名詞對照表 55
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指導教授 簡汎清 孫慶成(Fan-Ching Chien Ching-Cherng Sun) 審核日期 2020-8-17
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