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姓名 黃佳容(Jia-Rong Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 直接電漿/熱氧化成長一維氧化銦奈米結構之成長機制探討
(Growth mechanism of one-dimensional indium oxide nanostructures by direct plasma/thermal oxidation)
★ 開發鎵奈米粒子沉浸於可拉伸聚合物之可調式電漿子結構★ 利用等效差分時域(FDTD)模擬分析自組裝鎵奈米顆粒嵌入可拉伸彈性材料光學性質探討
★ 無鉛銲料錫銀銦與銅基板的界面反應★ 高度反射性銀/鑭雙層p型氮化鎵歐姆接觸之性質研究
★ 以電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積氫化非晶矽薄膜之熱處理結晶化研究★ 研究奈晶矽與非晶矽之多層結構經熱退火處理後之性質及其在PIN太陽能電池吸收層中之應用
★ 利用陽極氧化鋁模板製備銀奈米結構陣列於玻璃基板★ 利用電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積法沉積氫化非晶矽薄膜探討其應力與結晶行為
★ 高反射低電阻銀鑭合金P型氮化鎵歐姆接觸之研究★ 陽極氧化鋁模板製備銀奈米粒子陣列及其表面增強拉曼散射效應之應用
★ 製備磷摻雜奈米矽晶氧化矽薄膜及其於太陽能電池之應用★ 陽極氧化鋁模板製備銀奈米粒子陣列及其光學性質
★ 以電流控制方式快速製備孔洞間距400至500奈米之陽極氧化鋁模板★ 利用濕式氧化法製備氧化矽薄膜應用於矽晶太陽能電池表面鈍化技術之研究
★ 磷摻雜矽奈米晶粒嵌入於氮化矽基材之材料成長與特性分析★ 利用電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積法製備多層SiOxNy:H/SiCxNy:H抗反射薄膜及其於矽基太陽能電池之應用
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摘要(中) 本研究以電漿迴旋共振化學氣相沉積法成功製備出一維氧化銦奈米結構,但在不同氧分壓下成長出了四種氧化銦奈米結構如垂直成長的奈米線、粗糙球殼、海膽狀成長的奈米線和實心球,因此啟發了對此的探討。
摘要(英) In this study, one-dimensional indium oxide nanostructures were successfully prepared by plasma cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition. However, four indium oxide nanostructures have grown under different oxygen partial pressures, such as vertically grown nanowires, rough spherical shells, sea urchin-like nanowires and solid balls. So it inspired the discussion on this.
We know that in a plasma system, gas molecules can be highly dissociated to form highly reactive oxygen atoms, but under different oxygen partial pressures, the degree of reaction of oxygen adsorption on the oxide surface is different. It is speculated whether the plasma treatment will help the surface heat up and strengthen the possibility of surface activation. Therefore, we will use direct thermal oxidation to understand how much heat affects indium nanoparticles. But to grow an indium oxide nanostructure in this way, a thick enough oxide layer is required. Compared with direct electro-oxidation, it can grow at nanometer size and low temperature, which means that the two have greatly different growth mechanisms, and thermal oxidation is currently unable to conduct other analysis to explain the mechanism.
However, in the analysis of plasma, we use the intensity measured by OES for the characteristic band of each oxygen excited state to compare the relationship drawn by each oxygen partial pressure. It can be known that the more excited oxygen states, the easier it is to grow a one-dimensional nanostructure. But in the graph of the dissociation amount of oxygen free radicals versus each oxygen partial pressure, it is found that when the oxygen partial pressure is too high, the concentration of oxygen atoms dissociated from the plasma will drop significantly, so it can be verified that the oxidation reaction will be high. The concentration of undissociated oxygen molecules is affected. As the oxygen partial pressure decreases, it is found that the intensity of the 777.4 band of the oxygen excited state gradually decreases, but the dissociation amount of oxygen atoms is gradually increased. In addition, in order to reduce the oxygen partial pressure, we increased the ratio of argon. Therefore, we also used the argon excited state 750.2 to graph the relationship between the oxygen partial pressures, and observed that the lower the oxygen partial pressure, the intensity also increased significantly. In the mutual reaction of argon and oxygen neutral substances, the energy of the excited state of argon is sufficient to dissociate oxygen molecules, and the generated oxygen radicals have lower energy, but the positively charged argon ions generated under the collision of the excited state of argon The contribution to the substrate accelerates surface diffusion. Therefore, in the growth of one-dimensional indium oxide nanostructures, the oxidation reaction is different due to the adsorption of oxygen molecules or atoms, but the surface activation can be accelerated by the ion bombardment of the substrate, and the degree of oxidation can be greatly increased.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氧化銦
★ 一維奈米結構
★ 電漿輔助
★ 低溫生長
★ 熱氧化
關鍵字(英) ★ indium oxide
★ one-dimensional nanostructures
★ plasma-assisted
★ thermal oxidation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 基礎理論及文獻回顧 4
2-1金屬氧化行為 4
2-1-1 金屬氧化速率方程 5
2-1-2 Wagner mechanism 7
2-1-3 Uhlig mechanism 8
2-2氧化銦一維奈米結構成長法 11
2-3 金屬氧化物奈米線的成長機制 13
2-3-1 直接熱氧成長機制 13
2-3-2 電漿輔助氧化成長機制 18
第三章 研究方法與設備 25
3-1金屬銦奈米粒子之還原 25
3-2 電漿輔助成長氧化銦奈米結構之製備 25
3-3 直接熱成長氧化銦奈米結構之製備 26
3-4 實驗分析設備 27
第四章 結果與討論 28
4-1 直接電漿氧化成長氧化銦奈米線 28
4-1-1 氧分壓對氧化銦奈米線形貌變化 28
4-1-2 溫度對氧化銦奈米線形貌變化 29
4-2 銦奈米粒子之直接熱氧化反應 30
4-2-1 製程溫度對氧化銦生成行為影響 30
4-2-2 氧分壓對氧化銦生成行為影響 31
4-3 一維氧化銦結構之成長機制探討 34
4-3-1奈米粒子氧化之Kirkendall效應 35
4-3-2 電漿條件對氧化速率之影響 37
4-3-3 電漿環境下一維奈米結構之成核及成長行為 43
第五章 結論 44
參考文獻 45
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指導教授 陳一塵(I-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2020-8-19
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