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姓名 陳昭邑(Chao-Yi Chen) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 地球科學學系 論文名稱 台灣西南部衰減模式分析
(The Analysis of Three-Dimension Attenuation Tomography in Southwestern Taiwan)檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本研究藉由研究台灣西南部的衰減模型(Q-1,Q:品質因子)來了解當地的構造特徵。衰減(attenuation)是了解地球內部構造的重要物理參數,但由於地震資料的缺乏,過去一直無法在台灣西南部得到解析度足夠的衰減模型。2010年,甲仙發生了西南台灣相隔46年的規模6以上的大地震,之後又相繼發生了2012霧台地震及2016的美濃地震,豐富了此區的地震資料,也提供我們進一步了解台灣西南部構造的可能性。
本文的研究區間在東經120°至121°,北緯22.3°至23.3°。我們使用1991至2016年間的ML 3.5至5.5的TSMIP資料進行分析,在ω2-source model以及Q與頻率無關的假設下,使用格點搜尋(grid search)找到其對應的總路徑衰減運算子(t*-operator)。有了t*與已知的三維速度構造,利用區域性地震影像層析法 (local earthquake tomography, LET) 即可得到三維Q模型。在研究中,我們分別嘗試了網格間距10公里及5公里的模型,以期達到穩定模型與構造研究的平衡。
研究結果顯示此區的地震集中在深度25公里以內的QP和QS (QP:由P波所得之Q;QS:由S波所得之Q) 高區,這些高Q的地區大致位於西部麓山帶。深度5公里時在東經120.5°的附近有一片低QP值的區域可反映出高雄基盤的位置。在柴山地區淺層的高雄石灰岩可能導致了當地的高QP、QS數值。在此區龍船斷層、旗山斷層等斷層兩側皆可發現Q值的側向變化。在2016美濃主震以西的淺層可看到一低QP、QS跟高QP/QS的區域,可能是因高孔隙液壓的古亭坑泥岩所導致。摘要(英) We used waveform data from Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (TSMIP) to analyze the attenuation property of southwestern Taiwan. The original data is the spectrums of P- wave and S- wave from 1991 to 2016 with ML 3.5 to 5.5. Then we got 324 events for QP and 394 events for QS. First, we used grid search to determine t* by assuming a ?2-source- model and a frequency-independent Q. The corner frequency of each event was fixed, and we defined a quality index to weight data for the inversion. Finally, we got QP and QS model of southwestern Taiwan by Local Earthquake Tomography (LET).
The results show that high Q region with higher seismicity which is located in Western Foothills and the low QP area in 5 km depth implies the position of Kaohsiung basement. The Kaohsiung limestone contributes to the high Q in the shallower part of Shoushan. The lateral Q variation is observed in many faults. Our results imply that there is a high fluid pressure zone with low Q and high QP/QS above the hypocenter of the 2016 Meinong earthquake. On the other hand, a low fluid pressure zone with high Q and low QP/QS exists beneath the hypocenter.關鍵字(中) ★ 衰減
★ 影相層析關鍵字(英) ★ attenuation
★ tomography論文目次 摘要....................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT........................................................................................................III 誌謝.................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄............................................................................................................... VII
第一章 緒論.........................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的...........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 研究區域概述...............................................................................................................................................1 1.3 文獻回顧.......................................................................................................................................................8 1.4 本文內容.....................................................................................................................................................13
第二章 研究方法...............................................................................................15
2.1 理論基礎.....................................................................................................................................................15 2.2 區域性地震影像分析(LET)..................................................................................................................20 2.3 波線理論.....................................................................................................................................................23
第三章 研究流程...............................................................................................28
3.1 資料選取.....................................................................................................................................................28 3.2 格點搜尋(GRID SEARCH).......................................................................................................................34 3.3 衰減運算子 T*的品質評估........................................................................................................................37 3.4 影像層析運算參數設定.............................................................................................................................42
第四章 研究結果...............................................................................................53 4.1 解析度討論.................................................................................................................................................53
4.2 研究方法探討.............................................................................................................................................59 v
4.3 三維 QP 衰減模型.......................................................................................................................................77 4.4 三維 QS 衰減模型.......................................................................................................................................84 4.5 三維 QP/QS 模型 .........................................................................................................................................90
第五章 討論.......................................................................................................93 5.1 時間變化.....................................................................................................................................................93
5.2 空間分佈.....................................................................................................................................................98 第六章 結論.....................................................................................................115
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陳文山, 俞何興, 俞震甫, 鍾孫霖, 林正洪, 林啟文, 游能悌, 吳逸民, 王國
龍. (2016). 台灣地質概論. 社團法人中華民國地質學會出版, 台北 市, 1-204.指導教授 馬國鳳 郭陳澔(Kuo-Fong Ma hao kuo-chen) 審核日期 2020-7-24 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare