摘要(英) |
In this paper, I study how the motivation of company’s CSR activities which combines the interaction between stakeholders and the impact on the company′s operation, affects the company′s value. This paper uses whether companies voluntarily publish CSR reports as a screening factor to determine whether companies actively implemented CSR activities. I expect that the voluntary CSR activities will enhance the company value. Then I collect the information regarding the interaction between the stakeholders and the impact on company′s operation revealed by the materiality matrix. The first information is the consistency ratio between the stakeholders and the company. The second information is the level of proportion in the impact on company’s operation. Through the combination of the two information and the motivation of CSR activities, the most suitable CSR strategy for the company is found to enhance the firm′s value.
I collect a sample of all CSR reports and materiality matrices issued in Taiwan from 2008 to 2017. My findings are as follow . First, if a company voluntarily issues a CSR report, it represents that the company is willing to actively participate in CSR activities, which will bring external benefits to the company′s operations and thereby enhance the firm′s value; Second, if the companies that are not voluntarily participating in CSR activities focus on the consistency of both parties will effectively enhance the firm′s value. Third, if the company that voluntarily participate in CSR activities focuses on issues that impact on the company′s operations more, it can also enhance firm′s value. |
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