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姓名 周祐豪(Yu-Hao Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 固態硬碟設計製造廠經營策略之探討─以S公司為例
★ 電腦CPU散熱模組的技術發展策略★ 探討台灣印刷電路板產業經營策略-以A公司競爭策略為例
★ LED照明市場進入策略探討—以M公司為例★ 集團企業多角化對總部管控模式影響之研究 -以W集團企業為例-
★ 安全注射器中國專利授權模式研究★ 中國大陸房地產投資評估決策之研究 -以上海地區服務式公寓之投資為例-
★ 臺灣電子企業組織架構運作模式在中國之競爭優勢分析★ 小型台灣建築設計事務所於中國之發展策略探討
★ 半導體測試設備公司成長策略之個案分析★ 台灣不動產估價師事務所於中國發展策略研討
★ 軟體能力成熟度專案導入之個案研究-以某研發機構為例★ 新巴賽爾協定(Basel II)對中小型銀行授信風險管理政策的影響 -以U銀行為例
★ 價值投資法實證之研究-以臺灣證券市場為例★ 委外生產評估與執行之研究-以冷卻塔製造業個案為例
★ 企業多角化經營對供應鏈管理的決策影響★ 新產品導入量產流程之探討-以W公司衛星接收器為例
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摘要(中) 提及電腦的發展演化就一定會提到電腦中必要存在的儲存裝置,儲存裝置的發展史在時間及技術的推移下,不斷的更新進化,現今的固態硬碟(Solid-State Drive 又稱SSD)更是近年來儲存裝置的閃亮之星,歷經數十年的發展,如今固態硬碟的輕薄、耐震、省電及超快速的讀寫等優勢,加上NAND快閃記憶體(Flash)製程不斷的突破,在成本上更是取得了更大的競爭優勢,使得多年來由機械式硬碟(HDD)所主導的儲存市場出現了巨大的轉變。
此研究將以台灣廠商S公司為例,SSD主要硬體的關鍵零組件:NAND快閃記憶體、與控制晶片(Controller),另一個重要的因素在於韌體(Firmware-F/W)的配合與設計,以目前快閃記憶體製程及控制晶片的成熟度而言,硬體好壞僅能區分高低階,而韌體分位設計的優劣更是在這高低階分明的區塊中決定一個SSD好與壞的勝負關鍵。S公司如何僅靠掌握韌體設計的核心技術,在面對全球擁有NAND 快閃記憶體及控制晶片製造技術的國際一線大廠所競逐的市場中,以精確及穩定的策略找到SSD的應用發展趨勢,以自身的核心技術創造公司的價值,在固態硬碟的競爭中贏得生存空間並取得市場中的方寸之地。研究中將以不同的分析手法,解析S公司在各個應用市場中的機會及危機,提出適當的建議,以做為產業未來新進公司經營的發展參考。
摘要(英) Referring to the development and evolution of computers, the necessary devices are storage devices. The storage device has constantly improved and evolved from time and through technological advances. In recent years, solid-state drive (also known as SSD) is the shining star of storage device. After decades of development, now the solid-state hard drives are thin, shock-resistant, power-saving, and ultra-fast in reading and writing; moreover, with continuous breakthroughs, the manufacturing process of NAND has achieved a greater competitiveness in cost, leading to a huge change in the storage market that had been dominated by mechanical hard disk drives (HDDs) for many years.
This study takes Taiwanese S company as an example. An SSD has two key components: a flash controller and NAND flash memory chips; and another important factor for producing SSD is the combination and design of the firmware (firmware-F/W). In terms of the maturity of flash memory chips and control systems, we can only distinguish the quality of hardware between high and low levels, but the decisive factor of advantages and disadvantages of SSD is the firmware. In terms of flash design, S company can only compete with the world first-tier NAND flash memory chips and control manufacturers by mastering the core technology of firmware. Using a precise and stable strategy to find SSD future application trends, and creating the company’s core values by its own core technology may help the case company survive and obtain a place in the market of solid-state drives. In this research, we will use different analytical frameworks to analyze the opportunities and threats to S company in each application market. The result of the study is expected to propose appropriate suggestions, and serve as a reference for the case company to develop strategies in the future.

This case study collects the distribution status of external environment and internal resources, discusses comprehensively the situation facing the case company by the five force analysis and SWOT analysis, and uses secondary data when appropriate in the research process. The analysis tries to find out the competitive situation, future development trends, opportunities and threats of current storage device industry. The study then analyzes S company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, and then integrates the internal analysis with the industry’s opportunities and threats to produce the strategy matrix of the SWOT analysis.
The study finds that the development of solid-state drives and the continuous evolving of related technologies have also driven fierce competition in the industry. S company however has been lacking dominance in main components and thus has limited in resources and clients base since the appearance of SSD. Therefore, when negotiating with suppliers or buyers, S company tends to fall into an unfavorable situation because of lack of bargaining power. However, if the case company can use competitive partnerships, technical cooperation, alliances or other methods to reduce its own disadvantages, the company may obtain a stable business for the long-term development in the solid-state hard disk industry; if S company is unable to respond to the rapid changes in the market and multiple needs, it should consider shifting to other more stable OEM industries. It is hope that the result of the study can provide various specific and feasible business strategies that combine attack, differentiation, defense and back off strategies for the case company to take in the future..
關鍵字(中) ★ 固態硬碟
★ 儲存裝置
★ 經營策略
★ 五力分析
★ 策略
★ 矩陣策略
關鍵字(英) ★ Solid-state Drive
★ Business Strategy
★ Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
★ SWOT Matrix
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1固態硬碟產業鏈 5
2.2企業經營策略分析–SWOT 6
2.3企業經營策略分析–五力分析 9
2.4 企業競爭策略 13
2.4.1策略型態分析 13
2.5文獻探討小結 16
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 個案分析與架構 18
3.2 個案研究 19
3.3 資料收集和分析 20
3.4 研究範圍和對象 20
第四章 個案分析 21
4.1 個案簡介 21
4.1.1 固態硬碟產業介紹 21
4.1.2 傳統硬碟產業介紹 23
4.2 個案公司介紹 26
4.3個案S公司五力分析 30
4.3.1 固態硬碟市場競爭分析 30
4.3.2個案公司五力分析 30
4.3.3 S公司五力分析小結 34
4.4個案S公司SWOT分析 38
4.4.1 S公司外部環境之機會分析 38
4.4.2 S公司外部環境之威脅分析 40
4.4.3 S公司內部能力之優勢分析 41
4.4.4 S公司內部能力之劣勢分析 42
4.5 個案分析小結 43
第五章 結論 47
5.1 研究總結 47
5.2 對個案S公司的建議 47
5.3 研究意涵 48
5.4 研究限制 49
5.5 對未來研究方向的建議 49
參考文獻 51
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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2020-6-2
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