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姓名 英娜娣(Netty Imbu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班 論文名稱 在巴布亞新幾內亞的紮克河谷的凱帕克社區的一個混合型微電網提議
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摘要(中) 巴布亞新幾內亞(PNG)能源部門依據其在2030年底實現的中期發展目標的焦點是增加電力供應並提供清潔和可負擔的電力,以改善其800萬人的生活水準。約有80%的人住在巴布亞新幾內亞的農村地區,由於崎嶇的地形和社會經濟的限制,而無法將電力從主電網輸送到那些偏遠社區。本論文提出了一種離網的微電網的設計,模擬和分析的有效方法。這項研究的案例是位於Enga省Wapenamanda區Tsak谷地的Kepkak社區。經由微電網模擬軟體HOMER Pro的優化的架構包括微型水力發電廠(MHPP),太陽光電(PV)陣列的尺寸以及鉛酸電池組,轉換器的數量以及柴油發電機的容量。依據軟體估計的電力負載需求為165.44 度/天,峰值為30.20 kW的微電網的電力系統配置。該微電網設計採用混合方式,電網包括25.2 kW PV,具有39.2 kW的MHPP,容量為90.9 kWh的鉛酸電池和5 kW柴油發電機的儲能系統。微電網的總淨現值(NPC)為248,891.19美元,初始資本成本為183,879.13美元,其中當柴油價格為0.90美元/升時電費為美金0.44/度。PNG一直在談論實現微電網建置,但是實現此類系統存在很多挑戰。全世界的援助組織在為這些計畫提供資金方面已經取得了進展,但是PNG政府必須加緊並補貼由開發合作夥伴開發的這些微電網和相對補助相關計畫的安裝和維護。 摘要(英) The focus in the energy sector in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is to increase access and provide clean and affordable electricity to improve living standards for its eight million people in accordance with its medium-term development goals set to achieve at the end of 2030. Approximately 80% of the population live in the rural areas of PNG with less to no access to electricity due to rugged topography and socio-economic constraints which makes it infeasible to transmit electricity from the main grid to those isolated communities. This research work proposes an approach of design, simulation and analysis of an off-grid microgrid which utilizes a hybrid approach for a typical rural village in PNG. This study site is located on Kepkak community situated in Tsak valley in Wapenamanda district, Enga Province. The architecture consists of sizing of the micro hydro power plant (MHPP), photovoltaic (PV) array and number of battery strings, converter, and diesel generator which is optimized with the microgrid simulation software - HOMER Pro. The feasible and optimal power system configuration for the microgrid based on the estimated load demand of 165.44 kWh/day with a peak of 30.20 kW gives a microgrid design which utilizes a hybrid approach that consists of a 25.2 kW PV plant, a MHPP with a capacity of 39.2 kW and a storage system with a capacity of 90.9 kWh of lead acid batteries and a 5 kW diesel generator which gives the microgrid an overall net present cost of US$ 248,891.10 with an initial capital cost of US$ 183, 879.13 with a cost of electricity of US$ 0.44 per kWh when the price of diesel is at US $0.90/L. PNG has been talking about implementing microgrid but there is a lot of challenge to implement such systems. There’s been progress in terms of aid organization around the world funding these projects, but the government has to step up and subsidize the installation and maintaining of these microgrids and counter fund projects developed by development partners. 關鍵字(中) ★ 混合電力
★ HOMER Pro軟體
★ 太陽光電
★ 離網關鍵字(英) ★ Microgrid
★ HOMER Pro software
★ Micro-hydro
★ Photovoltaic
★ Off-grid論文目次 CHINESE ABSTRACT.............................................................................i
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................iv
TABLE OF FIGURES .............................................................................vi
TABLE OF TABLES.................................................................................ix
EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS............................................................x
1.1 Research Problems.........................................................................1
1.2 Objectives...........................................................................................4
1.3 Scope of Study..................................................................................5
1.4 Organization of the Thesis...........................................................6
1.5 Thesis Limitations............................................................................7
2.1 Renewable Energy Potentials in Papua New Guinea.........8
2.2 Importance of Microgrid for Rural Electrification ..............9
2.3 Rural Electrification in Papua New Guinea...........................15
2.4 HOMER Pro Tool............................................................................16
3.1 Methodological Framework......................................................22
3.2 Electricity Load Estimation of the Village based on HOMER Pro ...........................................................................................26
3.3 Renewable Energy Potential in Kepkak community........33
3.4 Optimisation of Inputs of the Microgrid..............................37
3.5 Cost Data and Size Specification of Each Component...39
3.6 Other System inputs into HOMER Pro..............................................................................................................46
3.7 Sensitivity Variables.....................................................................48
4.1 Systems Optimisation and selection scenarios.................50
4.2 Economic feasibility analysis of the selected scenarios..................................................................................................51
4.3 Optimization Analysis of Scenario E.....................................56
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis ......................................................................60
4.5 Comparison of designed microgrid with the current cost of microgrids.........................................................................................61
5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................63
5.2 Recommendation........................................................................64
5.3 Suggestions for Future work...................................................64
APPENDIX 1 TYPES OF HOUSES AND BUILDINGS IN THE STUDY AREA …................................................................................... 70
APPENDIX 2 ELECTRIC COMPONENTS SIZING, & COSTING ...................................................................................................................74參考文獻 Aiau, S. 2016, PNG′s energy sector and estimation of renewable energy resources in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea: Solar and Wind power for New Umi township. 8. 39-46.
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