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姓名 吳贒亍(Hsien-Chu Wu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班 論文名稱 台灣電動機車產業現況與發展策略探討─以C公司為研究對象 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 臺灣機車產業發展已逾半個世紀,還曾是全球機車密度最高的國家。2019年台灣機車銷售量約為90萬輛,機車總量已高達1375萬輛,造成相當大的空氣汙染。為解決大量機車造成的污染問題,世界各國開始規畫發展零污染的電動機車,台灣也不例外。台灣電動機產業起步甚早,雖在政府政策的支持下提供優惠的購車補助,但成長速度緩慢,始終無法擴量而達到規模經濟。
本研究發現,電動機車產品性能、售價、耐用性及能源補充便利性是否符合消費者期望值及實用性,是電動機車能否取代燃油機車之關鍵性因素。而提高電動機車產品性能、扶植國產電池電芯研發以降低成本並提高品質、建置足夠的公規充換電站,打造一個便利無里程憂慮之使用環境,為電動機車產業重點發展方向。展望未來,相信在電動機車業者及政府積極推動下,定能加速電動機車產業發展,改善空氣污染及環境噪音。摘要(英) Taiwan’s scooter industry has been developed for half a century. Furthermore, Taiwan used to be a country who has the highest scooter density in the world. In 2019, the sales volume of scooter in Taiwan is about 900,000, and the total number of scooter had reached 13.75 million. This phenomenon had caused serious air pollution. To solve the pollution problem caused by those numerous scooters, countries of the world started to develop electric scooter which has zero pollution, including Taiwan. Taiwan started its electric scooter industry early. However, even though government launched policy to provide favorable subsidies for electric scooter purchase, the industry still grows at a slow pace and cannot reach the Economies of scale.
The study aims to find out the key reason why electric scooter cannot gained popularity in Taiwan via analyzing current situation of electric scooter industry and discussing problems that a case company had faced while researching, developing, and selling its product over the years. The case company is a representative company in Taiwan local automotive industry, and it extended its diversification to electric scooter industry development. Through using approaches of Case Study and SWOT Analysis, it come up with suggestions that can help popularize electric scooter and improve its future development. Furthermore, those suggestions can help case company and people in electric scooter business to draw up their product’s development strategy, and further provided for government to take as reference while launching related policies.
The study find out that the performance, price, durability of electric scooter, and the convenience to charge the battery are key factors to decide whether electric scooter can replace gasoline-fueled scooter. If those factors can reach consumer expectations and be practical enough, electric scooter are more able to replace gasoline-fueled scooter. Therefore, improving electric scooter’s performance, supporting to research and develop domestic battery to help lower the cost and improve quality, and building sufficient standard charging station to create a convenient and friendly environment for scooter rider is the main direction of development for electric scooter industry. Gazing into the future, under people in electric scooter business and government’s active promotion, electric scooter industry’s development must be able to be accelerated and consequently improve the situation of air pollution and ambient noise.關鍵字(中) ★ 電動機車
★ 充電模式
★ 產業發展關鍵字(英) ★ Electric scooter
★ Charging mode
★ Industry development論文目次 第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景2
1.2 研究動機3
1.3 研究問題與目的的3
1.4 研究範圍3
第二章 文獻探討5
2.1 國內電動機車產業發展概況5
2.2 國內電動機車市場分析7
2.3 國內電動機車政府補助政策10
2.4 電動機車分類概述14
2.5 全球各地區電動機車相關政策15
第三章 研究方法17
3.1 研究方法17
3.1.1 個案研究法17
3.1.2 SWOT策略分析17
3.2 個案公司簡介17
3.2.1 個案公司概要17
3.2.2 成長歷程19
3.2.3 經營理念20
3.2.4 主要產品22
3.2.5 未來挑戰23
第四章 個案分析與探討25
4.1 個案公司電動機車事業發展推動難題25
4.1.1 產品政策26
4.1.2 售價高於燃油機車,降低產品競爭力28
4.1.3 充電站不普及,影響消費者購買意願28
4.1.4 政府政策-購車補助逐步退場29
4.2 個案公司電動機車發展優劣勢分析30
4.3 電動機車經營環境變化分析32
4.4 電動機車能源補充模式探討34
4.4.1 換電模式介紹34
4.4.2 電動機車充電模式介紹35
4.4.3 台灣主要電動機車廠商能源補充策略36
4.4.4 國際趨勢充電模式為主流36
4.4.5 中油電動機車充/換電站建構計劃37
4.5 電動機車售價分析37
4.6 個案公司電動機車發展策略38
4.6.1 產品策略38
4.6.2 成本面43
4.6.3 能源補充-充/換電並行45
4.6.4 通路及行銷策略48
第五章 結論與建議51
5.1 研究結論51
5.2 對個案公司的建議53
5.3 對政府在電動機車產業政策的建議54
參考文獻56參考文獻 一、論文與期刊:
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1.Charles W.L.Hill、Melissa A.Schilling、Gareth R.Jones,STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT- THEORY,朱文儀、陳建男譯,四版,台北市,民國106年。
3.經濟部工業局網站,2020年3月,取自https://www.moeaidb.gov.tw/view/rwd_tw/。指導教授 鄭晉昌 審核日期 2020-6-11 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare