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姓名 葉欣茹(Hsin-Ju Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 商標戲謔仿作之研究
(A Study of Trademark Parody)
★ 網路中立原則 - 我國管制可能性之研究★ 電子投票與民主參與 -以英國之實驗經驗為借鏡
★ 智慧財產證券化—法制環境之檢討與建議★ 開放源碼軟體商業應用之法律爭議及其可能之解決途徑
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★ 專利主張實體問題之研究─以美國經驗為借鏡★ 論跨媒體合併行為之管制―以民主機能之健全為中心
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摘要(中) 現今流行的惡搞文化一直豐富著我們的社會,戲謔仿作人藉由此等惡搞作品向社會大眾傳達幽默玩笑或是諷刺意見。此等惡搞作品於著作權法領域,被學者稱為戲謔仿作,屬一種民主社會常見的言論表達方式。戲謔仿作人常於著作權侵權訴訟主張其惡搞作品屬具有憲法言論自由價值的戲謔仿作,故得合理使用著作人的著作。此等惡搞文化亦吹進商標法領域。然當戲謔仿作人的素材為商標且將其惡搞作品作為商標使用時,此等戲謔仿作人是否仍得於商標侵權訴訟主張其惡搞作品屬商標戲謔仿作,而得合理使用商標權人的商標?我國法院面對此等戲謔仿作人的主張,該如何權衡此等戲謔仿作人的言論自由與商標權人的商標權?
摘要(英) Nowadays, there are some kuso works which the parodists spread their own humorous jokes or critical comments directly to the society by making fun of the copyrighted works enriching and existing in our multiple cultures. The kuso works are parodies and are regarded as a common and constitutional protected form of expression in a democracy society. The parodists in copyright infringement usually claim that their kuso works are the constitutional protected parodies. Therefore, they may exploit the works of copyright owners and their conducts constitute the fair use of work. The parodists also aim at the trademarks as their mocking targets. However, could the parodists in trademark infringement also claim that their kuso works are “trademark parody”? How do our courts balance the parodists’ the freedom of speech and the trademark owners’ trademark right in trademark infringement?
After Supreme Court of the United States recognizing that the commercial speech is a constitutional protected speech in 1976, there are a lot of academic articles studying the balance between the freedom of speech and trademark right. There are many precedents and the rule of law of trademark parody as well. By contrast, in Taiwan, there are merely few related publications, studies and researches and rare trademark parody precedents. Also, there is no trademark parody provision in Trademark Act. Even there are few trademark parody precedents referring the rule of law of trademark parody of the United States. However, in the circumstance of no uniform trademark parody provision, there might be cause the arbitrary judgments and the infringement of freedom of speech and trademark right.
Therefore, in order to protect the freedom of speech of the public and the trademark owners’ trademark right and sustain the legislative purpose of Trademark Act, this paper suggests that enacting the trademark parody provision in our Trademark Act. However, this paper suggests that Legislative Yuan and the courts both shall not take the copyright parody test in Copyright Act as reference under Trademark Act. Also, if there is still no trademark parody provision in Trademark Act, this paper borrows the trademark parody perspectives of the United States courts to discuss and to establish the trademark parody guidelines of Taiwan. This paper suggests that the courts may take the trademark parody guidelines of Taiwan which is discussed by this paper as reference in trademark infringement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 商標戲謔仿作
★ 商標權
★ 智慧財產權
★ 混淆誤認之虞
★ 商標淡化
關鍵字(英) ★ trademark parody
★ trademark right
★ intellectual property right
★ likelihood of confusion
★ trademark dilution
論文目次 1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3 研究方法與架構 2
2 商標戲謔仿作之侵權爭議 5
2.1 商標法歷史與商標 5
2.1.1 商標法歷史 5
2.1.2 商標法立法目的 6
2.1.3 商標意義與功能 7
2.2 商標侵權態樣 10
2.2.1 混淆誤認之虞 10
2.2.2 商標淡化 15
2.3 商標戲謔仿作之爭議 20
2.3.1 翻玩、惡搞與商標戲謔仿作 20
2.3.2 衝突展現 21
2.3.3 實務爭議 23
3 商標戲謔仿作之法理基礎與商標權間之平衡 27
3.1 商標戲謔仿作之意義與特徵 28
3.1.1 意義 28
3.1.2 特徵 30
3.1.3 小結 35
3.2 商標戲謔仿作之審查基準——以美國商標戲謔仿作案例說明 37
3.2.1 Cliffs Notes v. Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub. Group (2nd Cir. 1989) 37
3.2.2 Mattel, Inc. v. MCA Records, Inc. (9th Cir. 2002) 45
3.2.3 Louis Vuitton Malletier v. Haute Diggity Dog (4th Cir. 2007) 52
3.2.4 小結 58
3.3 言論自由與商標權間之平衡 62
3.3.1 商標戲謔仿作屬言論自由 63
3.3.2 商標戲謔仿作對商標權人之影響 67
3.3.3 小結 68
4 戲謔仿作之法院實務比較 75
4.1 著作權法處理戲謔仿作之方式 75
4.1.1 著作權法概述 75
4.1.2 合理使用概述 78
4.1.3 法院實務 81
4.1.4 小結 94
4.2 商標法與著作權法處理戲謔仿作之差異 96
4.2.1 法制歷史與立法目的之差異 97
4.2.2 法律經濟學分析之差異 99
4.2.3 法律符號學分析之差異 100
4.2.4 法院實務之差異 106
5 商標戲謔仿作於我國法下之近況與建議 123
5.1 我國法院實務之近況 123
5.1.1 智慧財產法院103年度刑智上易字第63號判決 123
5.1.2 智慧財產法院108年度民商上字第5號判決 128
5.1.3 小結 145
5.2 對我國法院實務之建議 148
5.2.1 美國法理參酌 148
5.2.2 商標戲謔仿作審理基準 152
5.2.3 其他建議與留意事項 158
6 結論 165
參考文獻 169
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指導教授 王明禮(Ming-Li Wang) 審核日期 2020-8-20
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