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姓名 林峻永(Jun-Yong Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
(Spectrum Management for V2X Communication with Multi-Agent Partial Information Sharing)
★ 基於馬賽克特性之低失真實體電路佈局保密技術★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下從無線區域網路到行動網路之無縫換手
★ 感知網路下具預算限制之異質性子頻段分配★ 下行服務品質排程在多天線傳輸環境下的效能評估
★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下之整合型壅塞及路徑控制★ Opportunistic Scheduling for Multicast over Wireless Networks
★ 適用多用戶多輸出輸入系統之低複雜度比例公平性排程設計★ 利用混合式天線分配之 LTE 異質網路 UE 與 MIMO 模式選擇
★ 基於有限預算標價式拍賣之異質性頻譜分配方法★ 適用於 MTC 裝置 ID 共享情境之排程式分群方法
★ Efficient Two-Way Vertical Handover with Multipath TCP★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下可亂序傳輸之壅塞及排程控制
★ 移動網路下適用於閘道重置之群體換手機制★ 使用率能小型基地台之拍賣是行動數據分流方法
★ 高速鐵路環境下之通道預測暨比例公平性排程設計★ 用於行動網路效能評估之混合式物聯網流量產生器
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摘要(中) 隨著車聯網 (vehicle-to-everything, V2X) 的技術發展,新一代 V2X 的系統架構整合了車對車 (vehicle-to-vehicle, V2V)、車對基礎設施 (vehicle-to-infrastructure, V2I)、 與車對行人 (vehicle-to-pedestrian, V2P),如何在路側設施 (roadside Unit)、自駕車端 (on-board unit) 以及後端服務器 (backend server) 間提供低功耗、低延遲、高可靠與安全的資料交換,是非常大的挑戰。在近期的研究中,增強式學習 (reinforcement learning, RL) 在車聯網的應用中取得卓越的進展,許多研究者也開始透過RL的方式解決資源分配的問題,而多代理人增強式學習 (MARL) 近期受到更多的關注,因為MARL的架構更能貼近我們使用者的環境,因此,在這篇論文中,我們也希望透過 MARL 的架構,探討如何在 V2X 中進行有效的資源分配,以最大化系統的吞吐量與頻寬效益,我們比較了多種知名的 RL 和 MARL 演算法,並使用真實模擬的道路資料來進行環境建置,除此之外,由於傳統的 MARL 專注在分散式的架構,因此,代理人只能透過自身的資訊來優化合作任務的策略,然而這種方式也常常掉入次佳解的情況,因此,我們提出一個嶄新的在車聯網中基於有限資訊分享下之多代理人頻寬分配方,使得整體系統的吞吐量能更進一步的提升。
摘要(英) Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) in vehicular communication is a promising topic and attracted many researchers due to their ability to solve highly complex optimization problems. In this paper, to enhance the system throughput and spectrum efficiency, the vehicular agents can select different transmission modes, power, and sub-channels to maximize the overall system throughput in clusters. Since the agent takes action given its partial observation of the global state in conventional MARL structures, the efficiency of cooperative actions is thus degraded. In this work, we propose a novel MARL resource allocation algorithm for vehicular networks with information sharing. We extended the advantage actor-critic (A2C) to multi-agent A2C and using long short-term memory (LSTM) to estimate the global state given partial information. Moreover, a comprehensive comparison of landmark schemes is conducted on the realistic setup generated by Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO). The result shows that the agent achieves favorable performance with the proposed scheme without full observability to the environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資源管理
★ 車聯網
★ 機器學習
論文目次 1 Introduction.........................................1
1.1Background .........................................1
1.3Contribution .......................................2
1.4Framework ..........................................3

2 Background and Related Works ........................4
2.1Resources management ...............................4
2.2Reinforcement learning model .......................5

2.3POMDP ..............................................7
3 System Model and Problem Formulation.................8
3.1System Model .......................................8
3.2Communication Model.................................9

4 Multi-agent Reinforcement learning with POMDP for V2X communicationnetwork ............................12
4.1The POMDP Model and State-Action-Reward setting....12
4.2Extend A2C to MAA2C................................14
4.3Proposed method and network structure..............14
4.4Training Algorithm ................................17

5 Numerical Result....................................19
5.1Simulation Setup...................................19
5.2Performance Evaluation in Uniform Traffic Type.....21
5.3Performance Evaluation in Multiple Traffic Types...24

6 Conclusion and Future Work..........................28
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指導教授 黃志煒 審核日期 2020-8-20
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