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姓名 時福仁(Naufal Said)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 朝向有效率的非監督式網頁資料擷取:從非監督到自我訓練Wrapper
(Toward Efficient Unsupervised Web Data Extraction: From Unsupervised to Self-Trained Wrappers)
★ 行程邀約郵件的辨識與不規則時間擷取之研究★ NCUFree校園無線網路平台設計及應用服務開發
★ 網際網路半結構性資料擷取系統之設計與實作★ 非簡單瀏覽路徑之探勘與應用
★ 遞增資料關聯式規則探勘之改進★ 應用卡方獨立性檢定於關連式分類問題
★ 中文資料擷取系統之設計與研究★ 非數值型資料視覺化與兼具主客觀的分群
★ 關聯性字組在文件摘要上的探討★ 淨化網頁:網頁區塊化以及資料區域擷取
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摘要(中) 網頁資料擷取在許多智慧商業任務中是一個關鍵元件,像是資料的轉換、交換、分析和解釋。已經有許多人工、監督式或非監督式的Wrapper induction方法被提出 。但是大多數的研究都專注在資料擷取的成效,並沒有專注在擷取的效率。在這篇論文中,我們顯示出非監督式網頁資料擷取的Wrapper生成是和監督式的Wrapper induction同等重要的,因為已經生成的Wrapper可以不需要複雜的分析並更有效率地完成任務,因此,我們將非監督式網頁擷取視為一個Oracle Machine來生成標記的訓練資料並採用兩種方法來生成Wrapper:Schema引導的Finite-State Machine (FSM)和資料驅動的機器學習方法。實驗結果顯示FSM生成的Wrapper可以在較少量的訓練資料中便達到好的成效,而機器學習類的方法則是在測試時更有效率但需要較多的訓練資料來達到同等的成效。此外,FSM生成的Wrapper可以當作是機器學習類方法的Filter來達到減少資料量並改善學習曲線的效果。
摘要(英) Web data extraction is a key component for many business intelligence tasks, such as data transformation, exchange, analysis, and interpretation. Many approaches have been proposed for wrapper induction, either manual, supervised or unsupervised. However, most research focuses on extraction effectiveness. Not much attention has been paid to extraction efficiency. In this thesis, we argue that wrapper generation for unsupervised web data extraction is as important as supervised wrapper induction because the generated wrappers could work more efficiently without sophisticated analysis. Therefore, we can treat unsupervised data extraction as an oracle machine to generate annotated training examples and consider two methods of wrapper generation: schema-guided finite-state machine (FSM) approaches and data-driven machine learning (ML) approaches. The experimental result shows that the FSM wrapper can perform well even with fewer training data, while the ML-based models are more efficient during testing but require more training pages to achieve the same effectiveness. Furthermore, FSM wrappers can work as a filter to reduce the number of training pages and advance the learning curve for ML-based wrappers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊系統
★ 資料擷取與整合
★ 深層網路
★ Wrappers
★ 資料交換
關鍵字(英) ★ Information Systems
★ Data Extraction and Integration
★ Deep web
★ Wrappers (data mining)
★ Data exchange
論文目次 Acknowledgements iv
Abstract vii
Contents viii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 Contribution 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Wrapper 8
2.1.1 Wrapper Induction 9
2.1.2 Automated Data Extraction 10
2.1.3 Wrapper Maintenance 11
2.2 Finite State Machine 12
2.3 Active Learning 13
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 15
3.1 Training Phase: FSM Construction 15
3.2 Testing Phase: Universal Wrapper 20
Chapter 4 Experiment 26
4.1 Dataset 26
4.2 Evaluation 27
4.3 Baseline 27
4.3.1 KNN and SVM 28
4.3.2 CRF Suite 29
4.3.3 CNN-based Neural Networks 29
4.4 Result & Analysis 30
4.4.1 Small dataset: EXALG+TEX 31
4.4.2 SWDE dataset 32
4.4.3 Active page selection 35
Chapter 5 Conclusion 38
References 39
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指導教授 張嘉惠(Chia-Hui Chang) 審核日期 2020-7-23
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