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姓名 林繼任(Chi-Jen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 一個適用於解題領域的支援教師開發家教式互動元件之方法
(An Approach to Helping Teachers in Developing a Computer-Supported Tutoring Interaction Component in Problem-Solving Domain)
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摘要(中) 在過去,家教式教學系統(Intelligent Tutoring System, ITS)往往只限於具備知識工程基礎的研究人員或專業人士才能開發。這項限制是起因於家教式教學系統開發方法的特性,結果造成大多數學教師在開發相關系統時的障礙。然而,就所具備的知識及動機而言,教師們卻是開發家教式教學系統的最佳人選。本研究的終極目的在於提出一個可供教師開發家教式教學系統的方法,以便加速家教式教學系統的普及化。本研究的現階段目的,則在解題領域為範圍內,提出一個可支援教師用以開發家教式互動元件的方法。
摘要(英) Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) were used to be developed only by researchers or professionals with knowledge engineering background. This constraint is imposed by the characteristics of the adopted approach to ITS development. As a result, most of teachers, who are the best candidates of ITS developers of relevant subject domains in terms of their knowledge and motivation, are hindered from developing relevant systems. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this study is to propose an approach to ITS development for teacher use in order to help the dissemination of ITS applications. The current goal of this study is aimed at proposing an approach to helping teachers in developing a computer-supported tutoring interaction in problem-solving domain.
The concept of interaction data reuse (IDR) is proposed as the key concept for the design of the ITS development approach. An IDR story is narrated and some IDR applications as well as the major components and assumptions of an IDR application are described to explain the IDR concept. To apply the IDR concept to ITS development, a data model of tutoring interaction is proposed and a set of abstract procedures to generate tutoring actions by reusing existent tutoring data is introduced. A study of data repetition rate based on the data obtained from an experiment on quiz marking was performed to understand the feasibility of the IDR approach. This study lays down a theoretical foundation for the IDR approach to developing a computer-supported tutoring interaction component in problem-solving domain for teacher use. With the readiness of relevant tools, the goal can be achieved.
關鍵字(中) ★ 互動紀錄
★ 系統開發
★ 家教式教學系統
關鍵字(英) ★ system development
★ interaction data reuse
★ Intelligent tutoring system
★ knowledge model development
論文目次 中文提要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Significance of intelligent tutoring systems 1
1.2 Problem solving and ITS 3
1.3 The behavior of ITS 5
1.4 Existent ITS development problem 8
1.5 Purpose of this study 11
1.6 Dissertation organization 12
2. Related Studies 14
2.1 Spectrum of ITS development approaches 14
2.2 Knowledge engineering tools 16
2.3 Example-tracing tutor 18
2.4 Learning companion system 20
3. First Attempt to Solve the ITS Development Problem 22
3.1 Student assessment 23
3.2 Problem-solving exercise model 26
3.3 Problem bank authoring 28
4. Introduction to Interaction Data Reuse 34
4.1 A story of interaction data reuse 34
4.2 IDR components and applications 35
4.3 Common IDR assumptions 38
5. Tutoring Interaction Data Model 40
5.1 Modeling tutoring interaction 40
5.2 The context of episodes 43
5.3 Similar episodes 45
6. Generation of Tutoring Actions with IDR 47
6.1 IDR application overview 47
6.2 IDR component implementation 49
6.3 General procedures for generating tutoring actions 50
7. Hypothetical IDR Applications 52
7.1 Application to example-tracing tutor 52
7-2 Application to arithmetical skill tutoring 54
8. Study of Data Repetition Rate 59
8.1 Experiment descriptions 59
8.2 Repetition rate of student steps 62
8.3 Problem complexity and repetition rate 64
8.4 Repetition rates of student steps marked as incorrect 66
8.5 Simulation on providing tutoring support 67
9. Concluding Remarks 71
References 76
Appendix 84
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2008-1-24
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