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姓名 曾俊凱(Chun-Kai Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 單一類別分類方法於不平衡資料集-搭配遺漏值填補和樣本選取方法
(One-class classification on imbalanced datasets with missing value imputation and instance selection)
★ 單分類方法於類別不平衡資料集之研究-結合特徵選取與集成式學習★ 應用文字探勘技術於股價預測: 探討傳統機器學習及深度學習技術與不同財經新聞來源之關係
★ 混合式前處理於類別不平衡問題之研究 - 結合機器學習與生成對抗網路★ 單一與並列式集成特徵選取方法於多分類類別不平衡問題之研究
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摘要(中) 不平衡資料集在實務資料分析中是非常重要的一環,如信用卡盜刷、醫療診斷分類和網路攻擊分類等不同領域內重要問題。面對不平衡資料集我們可以採取不同的資料處理或使用不同分類方法達到更好的分類效果。單一類別分類方法在不同的領域中可以稱作為離群值檢測或奇異點偵測,本論文嘗試使用單一類別分類方法於不平衡資料集中二分類問題如單分類支援向量機器(One-Class SVM)、孤立森林(Isolation Forest)和局部異常因子(Local Outlier Factor)。進一步探討若資料發生缺失的情況,透過模擬遺漏值10%~50%且將使用如分類與回歸樹方法(Classification And Regression Trees)將資料填補至接近原始資料,增加分類模型的分類正確率。同時也對不平衡資料中存在影響分類方法的雜值採取樣本選取方法如Instance Based algorithm(IB3)、Decremental Reduction Optimization Procedure(DROP3)、Genetic Algorithm(GA)希望減少資料集中雜質與減少訓練模型的時間成本且找出足夠影響力的資料
摘要(英) Imbalanced data sets are a very important part of practical data analysis, such as credit card fraud, medical diagnosis classification and network attack. Faced with imbalanced data sets, we can adopt different data processing or use different classification methods to achieve better classification results. This paper attempts to use the one-class classification methods to classify two classification problems in imbalanced data sets, such as the one-class SVM, Isolated Forest and Local Outlier Factor. To further explore the case of missing data, by simulating missing values of 10% to 50% and using methods such as CART to impute the data, increase the classification accuracy. At the same time, Instance selection methods such as IB3, DROP3, and GA are also adopted for the imbalanced data. Hope to reduce impurities in the data set and reduce the time to train the model cost and find sufficient information
Discuss the missing value filling and one-class classification methods and which instance selection methods will improve the accuracy. Simulate missing value and instance selection methods and the order of filling. After the above experimental process and results, it can be found that when missing value is filled classification accuracy is close to classification accuracy; through the instance selection methods, the classification accuracy can be increased and the reduction rate is found to directly affect the classification correct rate; finally, the missing value and combination of selection methods, it can be found the process of separating the incomplete data from the complete data can improve the classification accuracy. However, when the stable accuracy is selected, using the complete data to simulate the missing values and filling and uses the instance selection methods will have good performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 不平衡資料集
★ 單一類別分類方法
★ 遺漏值填補
★ 樣本選取方法
關鍵字(英) ★ Imbalance data sets
★ One-Class Classification
★ Missing value imputation
★ Instance selection
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 v
附表目錄 vi
一、 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機 2
1-3研究目的 3
1-4研究架構 3
二、文獻探討 5
2-1不平衡資料集 5
2-2-1單類別支援向量機(One-Class SVM, OCSVM) 9
2-2-2孤立森林(Isolation Forest, iForest) 11
2-2-3局部異常因子(Local Outlier Factor, LOF) 13
2-3資料遺漏 15
2-3-1遺漏值補值流程和方法 16
2-4樣本選取方法 17
三、研究方法與設計 19
3-1實驗架構以及實驗準備 19
3-2實驗一 22
3-3實驗二 23
3-4實驗三之一 24
3-5實驗三之二 25
3-6評估標準 26
四、實驗結果 27
4-1實驗一結果 27
4-2實驗二結果 28
4-3實驗三之一結果 30
4-4實驗三之二結果 33
4-5實驗結果總結 36
五、結論 42
5-1總結 42
5-2 研究貢獻與未來展望 43
參考文獻 45
附錄一、分類正確率詳細實驗數據 44
1-1遺漏率10%~50%分類正確率(MI) 44
1-2樣本選取方法分類正確率(IS) 49
1-3遺漏率10%~50%搭配樣本選取方法分類正確率 52
附錄二、樣本選取篩檢率詳細實驗數據 70
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指導教授 蔡志豐 蘇坤良(Chih-Fong Tsai Kuen-Liang Sue) 審核日期 2020-7-21
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