博碩士論文 107522005 詳細資訊

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姓名 彭宇喧(Yu-Syuan Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於pix2pix深度學習模型之條件式虹膜影像生成架構
(A Deep Learning Framework for Conditional Iris Image Generation Based on Pix2Pix Model)
★ 基於虹膜色彩空間的極端學習機的多類型頭痛分類★ 以多分數加權融合方式進行虹膜影像品質檢定
★ 基於深度學習之工業用智慧型機器視覺系統:以文字定位與辨識為例★ 基於深度學習的即時血壓估測演算法
★ 基於深度學習之工業用智慧型機器視覺系統:以焊點品質檢測為例★ 以核方法化的相關濾波器之物件追蹤方法 實作眼動儀系統
★ 雷射都普勒血流原型機之驗證與校正★ 以生成對抗式網路產生特定目的影像—以虹膜影像為例
★ 一種基於Faster R-CNN的快速虹膜切割演算法★ 運用深度學習、支持向量機及教導學習型最佳化分類糖尿病視網膜病變症狀
★ 應用卷積神經網路的虹膜遮罩預估★ Collaborative Drama-based EFL Learning with Mobile Technology Support in Familiar Context
★ 可用於自動訓練深度學習網路的網頁服務★ 基於深度學習方法之高精確度瞳孔放大片偵測演算法
★ 基於CNN方法之真假人臉識別模型★ 深度學習基礎模型與自監督學習
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摘要(中) 在市場上主流的生物辨識技術有指紋辨識、人臉辨識、虹膜辨識,而在安全性需求高的門禁系統,虹膜辨識往往佔有舉足輕重的角色。近年來興起的深度學習技術也漸漸應用到虹膜辨識技術上。眾所皆知,應用深度學習技術需要大量且有良好人工標籤的資料集,越大量的資料越能提升演算法效能。
摘要(英) The mainstream biometrics technology in the market include fingerprint recognition, face recognition, and iris recognition. Iris recognition often plays a pivotal role on access control system with high security requirements. The deep learning techonology that rise in recent years has gradually been applied to iris recognition technology. As we all know, applying deep learning techniques requires a large amount of data sets with high quality manual labels. The larger the amount of data, the better the algorithm performs.
Nowadays, the general public pays more attention to privacy and legal restrictions, so it is very difficult to collect personal iris image data. Not to mention the high quality iris image data with decent manual labels. In this work, we proposed a deep learning network architecture based on pix2pix. We have manually produce iris masks for two iris datasets: CASIA-Iris-Thousoud dataset and ICE dataset. Based on the original iris image in Cartesian domain, we create contour information and binary mask for each iris image. The ultimate goal for this study is a conditional iris image and mask generator, which takes inputs of iris and eye mask are provided, and outputs a photo-realistic iris image by applying the proposal conditional Pix2Pix generative models. We also proposed a method to produce a reasonable iris mask and periocular mask for follow-up research based on deep learning iris segmentation algorithm, which enables researchers to generate unlimited number of artificial iris data sets. Such large-scale iris dataset is very hard to be collected in practical situations. The work described in this thesis will enable researchers to have enough training data to train iris segmenter and mask producer based on deep learning technique.
關鍵字(中) ★ 深度學習
★ 生成對抗式網路
★ 虹膜辨識
關鍵字(英) ★ Deep Learning
★ Generative Adversarial Network
★ Iris Recognition
論文目次 中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
1、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 論文架構 5
2、 文獻探討 6
2-1 生成對抗式網路介紹 6
2-1-1 GAN 6
2-1-2 cGAN 8
2-1-3 Pix2Pix 10
2-2 語意分割技術介紹 12
2-2-1 FCN 12
2-2-2 Unet 14
3、 方法介紹 16
3-1 方法架構 16
3-2 網路架構 17
3-2-1 生成器網路 17
3-2-2 判別器網路 18
3-3 損失函數 19
3-4 遮罩生成與參數定義 21
3-5 參數範圍的選擇 23
3-6 評估指標 33
3-6-1 Pixel Accuracy (PA) 33
3-6-2 Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA) 33
3-6-3 Mean Intersection over Union (MIoU) 34
3-6-4 Frequency Weighted Intersection over Union (FWIoU) 34
4、 虹膜影像介紹及實驗結果 35
4-1 虹膜影像介紹 35
4-1-1 CASIA-Iris-Thousand虹膜資料庫 35
4-1-2 ICE虹膜資料庫 38
4-2 生成對抗式網路訓練 40
4-2-1 資料增量與前處理 40
4-2-2 訓練細節與生成階段 40
4-3 生成對抗式網路實驗結果 41
4-3-1 使用ICE資料庫中的遮罩生成虹膜影像 42
4-3-2 使用遮罩生成方法的遮罩生成虹膜影像 44
4-4 語意分割網路架構及訓練 46
4-5 語意分割網路實驗結果 49
4-6 評估指標結果 50
5、 結論與未來展望 53
5-1 結論 53
5-2 未來展望 53
6、 參考文獻 55
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指導教授 栗永徽(Yung-Hui Li) 審核日期 2020-8-17
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