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姓名 張立杰(Li-Jie Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 一個設計結構化網路學習社群之方法
(An Approach of Designing Structured Network Learning Communities)
★ 一個適用於解題領域的模擬多重學習同伴之方法★ 亞卓市全民學校系統設計與初步使用成果
★ 網路學習資訊護照系統★ 全民學校之團隊教學與團隊學習設計
★ 電腦支援問答競爭學習遊戲設計之探索★ 亞卓期刊系統之設計與實作
★ 網路上目標設定環境的建置網路上目標設定環境的建置 以閱讀網站為例★ 亞卓合作觀察實驗站之研究
★ 使用 EduClick 當作遠端遙控互動評量系統★ 出題與同儕評題支援系統之設計及評估
★ 支援不同解題練習遊戲活動之雙人學習系統★ 亞卓市多重學習系統之黏合機制
★ 激發使用動機之網路個人學習平台★ 線上社群系統上可客製化機制之設計與實作
★ 無線環境下支援高互動學習之通訊伺服器設計★ 行動電腦教室與其管理系統的設計與建置
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摘要(中) 資訊通訊科技的發展,使用人口不斷的增加。龐大的網路使用人口,在不同領域產生許多不同的網路社群群體,這些網路社群群體包含在商業、政府、醫學以及學習等領域。龐大的網路使用人口,雖然在網路上,匯集成許多不同的網路社群結構,但是到目前為止,這些社群組織仍是鬆散的散佈在網路上,一個真正的網路社群結構尚未出現。在一九九八年,台灣的一批學習科技研究者,建構了一個名為亞卓市(EduCities)的教育入口網站,這一個網站在數年的演化後,隨著使用人口的不斷增加,逐步演化成為一個網路上的學習型社群。亞卓市教育網站是一個集合研究者、系統維護者、及使用者互相搭配所建構出來的教育網站。這個網站依據使用者的期望,不斷進行調整及演化。在亞卓市發展了四年後,所呈現出來的是一個多階層式的網路結構化社群組織。在亞卓市上,產生許多不同的社群結構,包含如亞卓鎮、亞卓村、亞卓個人以及亞卓家庭等。在這篇論文中,作者介紹了亞卓市的發展過程,同時也描述了建構一個結構化網路學習社群所需要的十個基礎元素,這些基礎元素包含了:參與者(Participants)、共同願景(Shared visions)、存取輔具(Devices)、服務項目(Services)、管理規則(Rules)、階層關係(Relations)、社群規範(Manners)、學習領域(Learning domains)、學習目標(Learning goals)以及學習活動(Learning activities)等。依據這些基礎元素,建構出亞卓市、鎮、村、個人以及家庭等不同的學習社群,以及依據在這些社群上,所產生許多的學習活動。除了結構化網路學習的概念外,本篇論文中也描述了結構化網路學習社群的雛型系統,以及系統的設計方法。在這篇論文中,也整理了一系列針對亞卓市相關系統的使用資料,這些資料包含系統使用族群成長統計、瀏覽較頻密群體統計、日瀏覽次數統計、系統於台灣每一縣市使用狀況統計、老師訪談、線上問卷調查等。初步的評估結果顯示,結構化網路學習社群對於學習者之間的互動很有幫助。在結構化網路學習社群的架構下,本篇論文也加以討論,這些討論包含結構化網路學習社群的設計對於學習者的幫助、區隔網路社群設計者及線上使用者的設計理念、網路社群中供給-派送-分析的循環、結合實體與網路學習環境的描述、結構化網路學習社群的遷徙效應等。統計資料及討論的結果均指出,網路上結構化的社群及此一社群所產生的結構化網路社群,對於學習者在與其他人互動上,有很大的幫助。我們相信,結構化網路學習社群在未來將是網路上學習社群的一個基礎且重要的雛型架構。
摘要(英) Recently, the information and communication technologies change the style of a community, so online community is created. The population of the Internet raised extremely, the network community forms and evolves in different domains, such as commercial, government, medical, and learning. Many different styles of network communities are displayed on the Internet, but the basic format of a network community, especially a network learning community, is still unclear. In 1998, a group of researchers in Taiwan were attempting to construct a network learning community, named “EduCities”. According to the experiences of building the network learning community, the researchers found that a structured network learning community architecture is helpful to support participants in coordinating, managing, and interacting during learning processes. In this work, the EduCities website development background was described, firstly. The author also described ten basic elements include participants, shared visions, devices, services, rules, relations, manners, learning domains, learning goals, and learning activities, which to construct a structured network learning community. Based on the structured network learning community concept, the structured network learning community system, “EduCities”, was implemented and practiced. On the EduCities, many structural designs, such as EduCity, EduTown, EduVillage, EduCitizen, and EduHome were practiced. People in the EduCities play their roles, managing power, learning goals, and social relations. The system design and implementation methods are also introduced in this paper. The system data censuses include growth of the system, frequently visited EduX layers, daily page views analysis, EduTown layers analysis on each county in Taiwan, interviews, and questionnaires, indicate that the structured network learning community is accepted by people. Discussions about structural network learning community design is benefic to learners, separate the online social designers and the online users, supply-deliver-analysis circle, hybrid physical and network learning environments, and migration effect of structured network learning community, were also displayed in this paper. The system statistics and discussions showed that a structured network learning community is easier to support users to interact with others.
關鍵字(中) ★ 結構化網路學習社群
★ 服務提供者
★ 亞卓市
★ 網路社會設計
★ 社會化學習
關鍵字(英) ★ structured network learning community
★ services providers
★ social design
★ EduCities
★ social learning
論文目次 摘要 III
致謝 VII
1.1. The development of network communities 1
1.2. Physical communities in K12 2
1.3. Taiwan context in information technology in education 3
1.4. Information technology gap in K12 5
1.5. Motivation and goals 6
1.6. Related theories 10
1.7. Organization of this thesis 13
2.1. Relationship between active social learning theory, ICEmanship, and structured network learning community 15
2.2. The EduCities website 16
2.2.1. The original version of the EduCities website 17
2.2.2. The second version of the EduCities website 19
2.3. Basic elements of a network tribal community 21
2.3.1. A basic NTC example: school-based learning community 25
2.4. Basic elements of a structured network community 27
2.5. Basic elements of a structured network learning community 30
3.1. A basic SNLS platform: EduCities 33
3.2. The NTCs in the EduCities platform 34
3.2.1. EduCity 34
3.2.2. EduTown 38
3.2.3. EduVillage 43
3.2.4. EduCitizen 47
3.2.5. EduSisterTown 48
3.2.6. EduSisterVillage 49
3.2.7. EduHome 50
3.3. The structured network learning community of the EduCities 51
3.4. The learning activities on the EduCities 53
4.1. EduXs 54
4.2. Layer creation flow 55
4.3. System architecture 56
4.4. Educational application services provider 58
4.4.1. Application services provider 58
4.4.2. Service items 60
4.4.3. Synchronous service item example: Joyce 61
4.4.4. Asynchronous service item example: Reading passport system 63
4.5. System deployment 64
4.6. Diffusion strategy 66
5.1. Censuses goals 68
5.2. Growth of the system 68
5.2.1. Goals 68
5.2.2. Methods 69
5.2.3. Results 69
5.3. Frequently visited EduX layers 70
5.3.1. Goals 70
6.3.2. Methods 71
5.3.3. Results 71
5.4. Daily page views analysis 74
5.4.1. Goals 74
5.4.2. Methods 74
5.4.3. Results 74
5.5. EduTown layers censuses on each county in Taiwan 75
5.5.1. Goals 75
5.5.2. Methods 76
5.5.3. Results 77
5.6. Interviews 80
5.6.1. Goals 80
5.6.2. Methods 80
5.6.3. Results 80
5.7. Questionnaires 82
5.7.1. Goals 82
5.7.2. Methods 82
5.7.3. Results 83
6.1. Structured network learning community design is benefic to learners 92
6.2. Separate the online community designers and the online participants 93
6.3. Supply-Delivery-Analysis circle 94
6.4. Hybrid physical and network learning environments 96
6.5. Migration effect of the structured network learning community 98
6.5.1. Gap in building network community-based learning environment 99
6.5.2. Simple assumption regarding the teacher style of community-based learning 101
7.1 Contribution 105
7.2 Future work 107
References 108
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2003-6-12
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