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姓名 蔡宗良(Chuang-Liang Tasi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 攝影老手的攝影實踐知識
(Practical photography knowledge of old-timers)
★ 網路學習社群中的潛水現象:一種被忽略的充分參與★ 網路學習社群中的共構面貌:以迷思概念為探針
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★ 網路科學探究的合作學習:小組認同與共同作者的決定歷程★ 應用搭配字學習工具於網路瀏覽以提升英語學習者對搭配字之察覺能力
★ 節能減碳實踐中教師和行政的矛盾-活動理論觀點★ 線上小組推進探究的關鍵時刻
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摘要(中) 在攝影資訊豐富與科技進步的時代還欠缺什麼嗎?本研究希冀揭露一般攝影者難以覺察且有違攝影常理的現象,破除大眾攝影資訊帶給讀者的刻板印象,進而提出目前攝影文獻中較為罕見的攝影實踐知識。考量研究目的與合理分析範圍內,本研究以立意取樣5位在該領域業界資歷平均超過40年以上的攝影老手為主要研究對象。研究問題定錨於攝影實踐知識及其意義性為何?



摘要(英) Is there a gap between existing photography knowledge and technological advancement? This study aims to investigate the phenomenon that is uncommon and difficult for ordinary photographers to observe, and thus break the stereotype that public photography information brings to readers, and then propose the relatively rare knowledge in photography which cannot be found in the current photography literature. Considering the purpose of the research and the scope of analyses, this research is based on the interviews with 5 experienced photographers, old timers, who have an average of more than 40 years of experience in photography. This research emphasizes the significance of the practical knowledge of photography.

This research develops a set of methods suitable for analyzing practical knowledge, with grounded theory as the foundation. The specific analysis methods are as follows: First, identifying the major concerns and disputes among old timer photographers is conducted. This research uses the Community of Practice theory as a detecting sensor to explore the stakes (major concerns) of old timer photographers, and then pinpoint and annotate on the research data to identify the concerns and disputes. Investigations are conducted to clarify the essential issues that old timers refer to in their concerns and disputes. Data driven (Buttom-up) principle is applied to naming these conceptualized and categorized concerns and disputes. Secondly, the practical photography knowledge is defined. From the perspective of quaternity, including techniques, basic issues, epistemological, and ontological views, this study aims to explore the practice of photography old timers.

Five research results were obtained from the above analyses. First, in terms of mountain photography, in order to capture a unique scene, the practical knowledge composed of distributed expertise, such as a group of monsters and ghosts, were developed. Secondly, in ecology photography, in order to shoot ecologically educational works, the practical knowledge such as listening position, foot movement zoom, trap focusing, etc. were developed. Thirdly, in portrait photography, practical knowledge such as “ball-guided” or “post-production Yi Jin Jing” were developed to record good memories or satisfy the client. Fourth, in terms of human body photography, the most important thing is to shoot the works that both the photographer and the client are satisfied with. The establishment of mutual trust is the key point. Fifth, in the aspect of keyboard photography, in order to smoothly circulate the meaning produced by the creator, and develop a realistic business.

Finally, there are two specific contributions made by this research: First, this article points out the difference between the practical knowledge of photography old-timers and general photographers. It also reveals the myths in photography, such as, "beautiful or award-winning photos are good works" and "workers must obtain expensive equipment to produce good quality photographs”. Secondly, from the perspectives of local members, the researchers attempt to narrow the gap between a researcher’s and a photographer’s practical knowledge of photography and open up a new vision of the literature of practical photography knowledge.
關鍵字(中) ★ 攝影
★ 攝影老手
★ 實踐社群
★ 實踐知識
★ 四位一體
★ 紮根理論
關鍵字(英) ★ photograph
★ photography old-timer
★ Community of Practice
★ practical knowledge
★ quaternity
★ grounded theory
論文目次 目錄

壹、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究目的 3
第三節、名詞解釋 3
貳、文獻評述 4
第一節、攝影相關文獻評論 4
一、相關研究趨勢 4
二、攝影知識的缺口 8
第二節、理論介紹 14
一、實踐社群中的學習 14
二、實踐社群的基本面向 16
三、小結 21
參、研究方法 23
第一節、研究者 24
一、研究者的四位一體 24
二、研究者在攝影實作的投入 26
第二節、研究對象 32
第三節、資料收集 36
一、參與觀察資料 37
二、個人深度訪談 42
三、研究日誌 46
第四節、資料分析 49
一、資料分析具體操作 49
第五節、研究信實度 62
小結 66
肆、研究結果 67
第一節、山岳攝影一點訣 67
一、歡迎體驗三天兩夜的山岳攝影 67
二、山岳攝影的實踐知識-追求生存的事業 77
第二節、生態攝影一點訣 81
一、歡迎來到生態攝影的一天 81
二、生態攝影的實踐知識-追求永續事業 89
第三節、形象攝影攝影一點訣 93
一、歡迎來到形象攝影的一天 93
二、形象攝影的實踐知識-拿捏合宜的攝影事業 107
第四節、人體攝影一點訣 113
一、歡迎來到人體攝影的一天 113
二、人體攝影的實踐知識-追求信任的事業 118
第五節、鍵盤攝影一點訣 123
一、歡迎來到鍵盤攝影的一天 123
二、鍵盤攝影的實踐知識-追求擬真與流通的事業 135
伍、討論與結論 142
第一節、研究結果 142
一、攝影老手們的四位一體 142
二、攝影老手們具體攝影實踐知識的指認 147
第二節、攝影老手與普羅攝影者在攝影實踐知識的差異 150
第三節、攝影實務意涵 154
第四節、研究限制與未來建議 156
參考文獻 158
參考文獻 參考文獻

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指導教授 陳斐卿 審核日期 2020-7-30
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