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姓名 黃尉愷(Wei-Kai Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
(Workspace Characterization of a 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Mechanism)
★ 神經內視鏡的球面解耦機械手臂設計★ 新型機電整合之多色3-D列印機
★ 對於遠程超聲波檢查機器人機械手控制裝置的設計★ Design of a Spherical Reconfigurable Linkage for the Control of Mechanism Center of Rotation
★ Formulation of a New Index for the Evaluation of Mechanism Workspace★ Kinematic Optimization of a Reconfigurable Spherical Parallel Mechanism for Robotic Assisted Craniotomy
★ Identification of Spherical Mechanism Parameter Errors using a Genetic Algorithm★ Kinematic Design of Double Pantographic Linkage for the Tele-Echography on Intra-Incubated Newborns
★ Design of a Five-Degrees of Freedom Statically Balanced Mechanism with Multi-Directional Functionality★ 應用於股骨復位手術中之機器人機構設計
★ Design of an Augmented Clamping Instrument for Advanced Aneurysm Surgery★ Contribution to the Design of a Robotic Platform for Liposuction
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摘要(中) 當為了進行特定的運動而設計機構時,需要相當了解其運動的範圍。工作範圍是指一個機構其終端可到達的區域。這方面在文獻中受到很大的重視。對工作範圍的分析可依靠對分析法或數值方法。一個工作範圍沒辦法以幾何圖形描述的複雜機構會使用分析法來分析。這方法用於驗證已知工作範圍上每個點的機構運動模型。優化演算法若使用這方法會耗費時間。
摘要(英) As mechanisms are designed to generate a certain motion, it is important to have a good understanding of their range of motion. The workspace is the zone that a mechanism can reach with its end effector. This aspect has been subject to a lot of attention in the literature. Its analysis can rely on analytical or numerical methods. Complex mechanisms which workspace cannot be accurately represented by a geometrical figure will be analyzed using analytical methods. It consists in verifying the mechanism kinematic model for every points of a given workspace. Such a method can be time consuming if used in an optimization algorithm.
The workspace of a complex mechanism, the 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Mechanism is analyzed through numerical method to study its geometry. Based on the visual analysis of this workspace, it is first approximated using an Irregular Spherical Reuleux Triangle. The geometrical parameters of this figure allowing its dimensioning are defined. Several algorithms are programmed in order to identify the value of these corresponding parameters for several mechanisms of different design parameters. Using all collected data, a series of relationship are found between the mechanism design parameters and the size of its generated workspace. The accuracy of these models is then evaluated.
關鍵字(中) ★ 球面平行機構
★ 遠端運動中心
★ 工作範圍
關鍵字(英) ★ Spherical Parallel Mechanism
★ Remote Center of Motion
★ Workspace
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Content iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Explanation of Symbols vii
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Spherical Parallel Mechanism 1
1-2 Workspace Analysis, Representation and Optimization 3
1-3 Literature Review Analysis and Research objectives 5
2 Kinematics of the 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Mechanism 8
2-1 Definition of the Mechanism Architecture and Kinematic 8
2-2 Kinematic Model of the Mechanism 10
3 Workspace Modelling of the Spherical Mechanism 12
3-1 Visualization of the 3-RRR SPM Workspace 12
3-2 Geometrical Characterization of the SPM Workspace 13
3-3 Identification Method of the SPM Workspace Parameters 15
3-3-1 Generation of the SPM Workspace 16
3-3-2 Identification of the Workspace Vertices 16
3-3-3 Identification of the Workspace Circumcircle 17
3-3-4 Identification of the Workspace Edges 17
4 Numerical Results of the Workspace Parameters 19
4-1 Preliminary Results and Assumptions 19
4-2 Identification of the Workspace Vertices 20
4-3 Identification of the Workspace Edges 23
4-4 Identification of the Workspace Circumcircle 27
5 Conclusion 29
Reference 30
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指導教授 伊泰龍(Térence Essomba) 審核日期 2020-7-14
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