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姓名 李仁傑(Jen-Chieh Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 12英吋矽晶圓化學氣相沉積矽磊晶製程熱輻射加熱系統之數值分析
(Numerical Analysis of Heat Radiation Heating System for 12-inch Silicon Wafer Chemical Vapor Deposition Silicon Epitaxial Process)
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摘要(中) 常壓化學氣相沉積矽磊晶反應腔體內的溫度分布,對於磊晶製程非常重要,本研究針對反應腔體加熱系統進行改善分析。磊晶生長過程藉由上下兩組燈泡模組透過熱輻射將熱量傳遞至晶圓表面,這些模組包括燈絲加熱器、黃金反射罩、晶圓載盤、石英集熱環和冷卻系統等,本文藉由建立熱傳數值模型分析此磊晶反應腔體內傳熱過程,進而改善溫場分布來得到較佳的薄膜生長均勻性。
摘要(英) It is known that temperature distribution in the silicon epitaxial process is meaningful to the atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition(APCVD) system. This study is to develop and optimize the silicon epitaxial heating system. The epitaxial growth process transfers heat to the wafer surface through thermal radiation by the lamp modules located in the chamber. The chamber consists of many different components, including filament heaters, golden reflectors, susceptor, quartz ring and cooling system, etc. This study analyzes the heat transfer process of the silicon epitaxial deposition chamber by establishing the numerical heat transfer model, and then improves the temperature field distribution to obtain better film growth uniformity.
When the silicon epitaxial thin film is growing, the temperature field of the wafer on the substrate has a considerable influence on the epitaxial growth, and the temperature field is affected by the heat transfer mechanism in the chamber and the geometry of the chamber. In this study, the three-dimensional numerical model was first established, and then the temperature distribution of the epitaxial cavity and the wafer surface is obtained by numerical simulation. The input power is obtained by the real process temperature which is about 1050-1150°C. The distribution of the temperature field will affect the silicon epitaxial film growth profile, film deposition rate and flatness. The temperature field distribution is affected by the geometry and position of the golden reflectors, quartz ring, and the input power ratio of the upper and lower heaters. The above method is used to control the temperature of different area on the wafer surface in order to acquire a temperature field suitable for silicon epitaxial growth to improve film growth uniformity. This study will propose improved chamber structures in the heating system, such as golden reflectors and quartz ring.
關鍵字(中) ★ 矽磊晶薄膜生長
★ 熱輻射加熱
★ 常壓化學氣相沉積
關鍵字(英) ★ Silicon epitaxial film
★ Radiation heater
★ Atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
符號說明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2化學氣相沉積反應薄膜磊晶過程 2
1-2-1 氣相沉積反應過程 2
1-2-2 薄膜沉積步驟 2
1-2-3 吸附作用 3
1-3化學氣相薄膜沉積與分類 5
1-3-1 矽磊晶技術 5
1-4文獻回顧 6
1-5 研究動機與目的 8
第二章 研究方法 15
2-1 模型幾何 15
2-1-1 物理系統與基本假設 15
2-1-2 統御方程式 16
2-1-3 邊界條件 18
2-2 混合氣體物理參數 20
2-3 化學反應方程式 21
2-3-1 化學反應 21
2-3-2 表面化學反應 22
2-4 表面化學計算 23
2-4-1 表面碰撞理論 (Collision theory) 23
2-4-2 吸附反應 (Adsorption reaction) 23
第三章 數值方法 28
3-1 有限元素法(Finite element method) 28
3-2 網格配置測試 28
3-3 光線解析度測試 29
3-4 收斂公差測試 29
第四章 結果與討論 32
4-1 穩態模型驗證 32
4-1-1 燈絲加熱磊晶腔體模型 32
4-1-2 矽磊晶生長模型 32
4-1-2 薄膜生長速率實驗與模擬驗證 33
4-2 燈絲加熱磊晶腔體熱場分析 33
4-2-1 燈絲加熱腔體的熱傳遞途徑 33
4-3 燈絲加熱磊晶腔體內部零件幾何形狀設計 34
4-3-1黃金反射罩設計介紹 34
4-3-2不同厚度集熱環對於溫場之影響 34
4-3-3不同位置集熱環對於溫場之影響 35
4-4製程參數探討 36
4-4-1燈泡功率比與溫場之關係 36
4-5燈絲加熱腔體溫場於磊晶生長製程之影響 37
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 52
5-1 結論 52
5-2 未來研究方向 53
參考文獻 54
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指導教授 陳志臣(Jyh-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2020-7-29
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