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姓名 沙伊曼(Imang Eko Saputro)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 工業機械沖床正齒輪之熱處理實驗與數值研究
(Numerical and experiment investigation of the heat-treated spur gear for application in the industrial mechanical press)
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摘要(中) 齒輪系統是常見的機械零組件之一(如機械沖床中),齒的耐磨性和抗疲勞性是影響齒輪壽命的關鍵因素,其可利用熱處理製程加以改善。為了提高齒輪的耐磨性,硬化能是主要的追求目標。如鋼鐵硬化處理中的淬火製程就扮演著重要的角色。然而,傳統以物理測試獲取的熱處理最佳化技術常須耗費龐大的勞力及物力(成本)。故數值模擬技術就是種有效降低成本的替代方式,該技術結合物理模型與數值計算方法,可應用於多數的熱處理製程。
摘要(英) Gear system is one of most common mechanical parts for machinery, such as mechanical press machine. Wear resistance and fatigue resistance of the teeth are the most critical factors influencing gear life and can be improved using heat treatment process. To improve wear resistance, the achievement of desired hardenability is the main goal. Therefore, the steel hardening technique such as induction hardening (commonly used in gear) and quenching process takes an important role for this treatment. However, traditional physical testing for optimizing heat treatment techniques must be obtained at the expense of large amounts of labor and materials. Numerical simulation, an economic alternative technique which is based on some physical models and by combining with some numerical calculation methods can become breakthrough solution for those numerous heat treatment tests.
A numerical method is built to simulate the induction hardening-heat treatment process of the spur gear. The evolution of temperature, phase transformation, and residual stress distribution of gear tooth have been studied according to the simulation results. The hardness experimental validation is also conducted to analyze the accuracy of the numerical method. As the results, the numerical method is not too accurate in predicting the real hardness distribution due to some issues such as measurement error, parameter data mismatch between simulation and real case, and skin depth phenomenon in induction hardening which is difficult to be implemented in numerical method. Cooling time during quenching takes a big role on the distribution of martensite evolution and the hardening depth, the higher heat transfer coefficient of quenchant does not increase the maximum hardness value, but shorten the quenching time to reach it, quenching process leaves massive compressive residual stresses in the root of gear teeth and tensile residual stresses in the tip of gear teeth, design of gear influence the distortion in the gear geometry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 硬化能
★ 熱處理
★ 機械沖壓機
★ 數值模擬
★ 淬火
★ 殘餘應力
★ 鋼硬化
關鍵字(英) ★ Hardenability
★ heat treatment
★ induction hardening
★ mechanical press machine
★ numerical simulation
★ quenching
★ residual stress
★ skin depth
★ steel hardening
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Heat treatment on the gear 1
1.2 Austenitizing process 2
1.3 Quenching process 4
1.4 Residual Stresses Due to Heat Treating 5
1.5 Distortion Due to Heat Treating 7
1.6 Induction Hardening on Commercial Spur Gear of Mechanical Press Machine 9
1.7 Objectives 13
Chapter 2. Theoretical Formulations and Computational Methods 14
2.1 Theoretical Formulations 14
2.1.1 Mathematical Model of Temperature Distribution 14
2.1.2 Mathematical Model of Microstructural Evolution 15 Diffusion-controlled phase transformation (ferrite, pearlite, and bainite evolution) 16 Diffusion-less phase transformation (martensite evolution) 17
2.1.3 Mathematical Model of Stress/Strain Fields 17
2.2 Computational Method 19
2.2.1 Defining geometry 19
2.2.2 Defining workpiece parameters 21
2.2.3 Stop and Boundary Conditions 25
Chapter 3. Results and Discussions 27
3.1.The Evolution of Temperature 27
3.2 The Phases Transformation 29
3.3 The Evolution of Hardness 30
3.4 The Hardness Experimental Measurement 32
3.5 The Evolution of Residual Stresses 37
3.6 The Investigation of Distortion Possibility in Gear Geometry 39
Chapter 4. Conclusion and Future Works 43
4.1 Conclusion 43
4.2 Future Works 44
References 45
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指導教授 傅 尹 坤(Yiin-kuen, Fuh) 審核日期 2020-7-30
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