博碩士論文 107323056 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳重佑(Chong-You Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 熱驅動液滴於雙液體介質介面之運動行為分析
(Analysis of the movement of thermal-actuated droplets at the interface of two liquid layers)
★ 以流體式數值模擬直流磁控電漿濺鍍系統之磁場影響★ 利用鉻薄膜為濕蝕刻遮罩製備石英奈米針狀結構之研究
★ 石英蝕刻微結構之非等向性研究★ 具有微結構之石英表面聲波感測器之共振頻率數值模擬與分析
★ 以數值模擬方法探討電感耦合式電漿輔助製程之氣體溫度與腔體熱分析★ 石英柱狀微結構濕蝕刻製程之研究
★ 利用暫態熱微影技術製備高分子微結構★ 石英柱狀微結構之表面聲波感測器之研製與特性分析
★ 利用電子束微影製作高密度石英柱狀結構★ 利用暫態熱線法之微型熱傳導係數量測元件之設計與製備
★ 石英微結構對表面接觸角與潤濕性影響之研究★ 石英奈米針狀結構表面之潤濕性及遲滯性研究
★ 利用示差掃描熱量分析與雷射閃光熱擴散法 研究牛血清蛋白之熱變性★ MOCVD噴淋式腔體沉積模擬與進氣系統分析
★ The Deposition and Microstructure of Tungsten Oxide Films by Physical Vapor Deposition★ 利用聲子波茲曼方程式分析非對稱多孔矽之熱傳性質
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摘要(中) 近年來微機電的發展帶動微流體操控的興起,其應用以生物、化
摘要(英) In recent years, the growth of microfluidic manipulation has improved
with the rapid development of microelectromechanics, and its practices are
mainly applied to biological and chemical experiments. Common
microfluidic manipulations include chemical drive, electrostatic force,
thermocapillary, and electrowetting. In particular, thermocapillary drive has
several advantages such as low pollution, simple operation, and easy to
control. The traditional thermocapillary force is driven mainly based on a
solid platform, which uses the different surface tension on both sides of the
liquid drop due to the temperature difference, causing the contact angle to
change to form a displacement. Nevertheless, the design of this platform
inevitably have disadvantages such as high temperature gradient and liquid
In this article, the oil that is incompatible with water is used as the
control platform. The main purpose is to find a control method that is
completely different from the traditional thermocapillary force drive. The
new liquid platform uses the Marangoni effect to produce the liquid surface
level change to indirectly make the top liquid target move. The experimental
platform selects three interfaces which are composed of two fluids of
silicone oil and fluorinated oil as the main axis for discussion. Then
Droplets are dropped on the silicone oil platform, and it is found that the
droplets float on the surface of the silicone oil due to the interface tension.
The temperature gradient makes the liquid surface tilt to drive the liquid
beads to migrate to the hot end, which is higher than the solid
thermocapillary drive platform with the same temperature gradient. The use
of a two-layer fluid platform composed of fluorinated oil and silicone oil
can make the droplets stay on the platform interface more stably. This
method can still use the tilt of the interface to drive the droplets, but due to
the resistance of the flow field, The moving speed is relatively slow, and
finally the resistance produced by the flow field is estimated using Stoke′s
law of resistance, and the total net force is calculated. Finally, using the tilt
and flow field characteristics of the fluid platform, it is found that two liquid
beads of different particle sizes can be moved in opposite directions on the
same platform.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱毛細力
★ 液滴
★ 微流體
關鍵字(英) ★ Thermocapillary
★ droplets
★ microfluidic
論文目次 目錄
Abstract .....................................................................................................iii
目錄............................................................................................................ v
一、緒論.................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景..................................................................................... 1
1-2 文獻回顧..................................................................................... 2
1-2-1 利用化學方式驅動液珠.................................................. 3
1-2-2 特殊的液滴系統.............................................................. 4
1-2-3 以磁力驅動液珠.............................................................. 5
1-2-4 使用熱毛細力操控液滴.................................................. 6
1-3 研究動機與目的 ........................................................................ 9
1-4 論文架構................................................................................... 10
二、理論基礎.......................................................................................... 11
2-1 熱毛細現象所造成液面高低差 .............................................. 11
2-2 熱對流....................................................................................... 13
2-3 流場中的拖曳力 ...................................................................... 15
三、研究方法.......................................................................................... 17
3-1 研究架構................................................................................... 17
3-2 實驗方法................................................................................... 19
3-2-3 實驗規劃....................................................................... 22
3-3 量測方法................................................................................... 27
3-3-1 溫度量測方法............................................................... 27
3-3-2 液面高度量測方法....................................................... 29
3-3-3 PIV 量測方法................................................................. 29
3-3-4 液珠移動量測方法........................................................ 33
四、結果與討論...................................................................................... 36
4-1 液珠在矽油移動分析 ............................................................... 36
4-1-1 矽油加熱之液面變化................................................... 36
4-1-2 矽油液體流場觀測....................................................... 37
4-1-3 矽油介面與不同溫度梯度之液珠移動情形............... 41
4-1-4 液珠運動機制分析....................................................... 44
4-2 液珠在氟化油平台移動分析 .................................................. 48
4-2-1 氟化油加熱之液面變化................................................ 48
4-2-2 氟化油液體流場觀測................................................... 49
4-2-3 氟化油與不同溫度梯度之液珠移動情形................... 50
4-3 液滴在雙流體介面之移動分析 ............................................... 53
4-3-1 雙層流體界面高度量測................................................ 53
4-3-2 雙層流體表面與介面流速........................................... 54
4-3-3 液滴在雙層流體之移動結果....................................... 59
4-3-4 液滴在雙層流體之移動行為分析............................... 65
4-3-5 液珠在雙層流體之移動合力分析............................... 75
4-4 液珠於雙層流體來回運動 ....................................................... 75
4-5 液珠於兩種介面之運動 ........................................................... 77
五、結論與未來展望.............................................................................. 79
6 參考文獻........................................................................................... 82
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指導教授 洪銘聰(Ming-Cong Hong) 審核日期 2020-8-20
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