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姓名 李培華(LEE PEI HUA)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士在職專班
論文名稱 逆打與雙順打工法應用於SRC結構之工期探討
(A Study on Construction Durations of SRC Structures Using Top-down and Up-upConstruction Methods)
★ 專業營造廠商監督管理能力對品質成本影響之探討 -以柔性鋪面工程為例★ 營造業施工安全評估與風險評估制度精進之研究
★ 運用知識本體與電腦模擬技術推估品質成本之研究-以柔性鋪面工程為例★ 整合專案交付契約之研究-以ConsensusDocs文件為中心
★ 人本安全管理原則應用於營造業分析探討★ 桃園市共同管道建設與管理策略之研究
★ 應用碳足跡評估在印度尼西亞首都城市遷移之研究★ 印尼營建業之營建安全指引倡議
★ 桃園市房屋建築工程作業基金設立之研究★ 營造業職業災害訴訟民刑事責任態樣分析
★ 非正式化住居改造專案因應氣候變遷作爲之研究—以三個東南亞國家爲例★ 營造業工程人員之正念覺察特質與 安全行為關聯性之探討
★ 輕軌運輸系統軌道型式選用分析之探討★ 應用知識本體建模技術輔助碳排放計算之研究
★ 基於不安全行為規則防範營建工程專案意外發生之研究★ 公共工程安全衛生費用編列之探討-以工程主辦機關人員為中心
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摘要(中) 台灣隨著經濟之繁榮發展,人口越往都市集中,建築開發商以有限之都市土地,創造最大之容積使用率,謀求最大之商業利益,致建築物越往高層建築發展,而鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構造(Steel Reinforced Concrete,以下簡稱SRC),其耐震性遠比鋼筋混凝土構造佳且構件斷面較小,可創造室內較佳之空間使用,是一種安全且適合台灣居民使用習慣之構造。
摘要(英) With the prosperity and development of Taiwan’s economy, the population is more concentrated in the city, and the construction developers exploit limited urban lands to create the largest volume utilization rate and seek the greatest commercial benefits. As a result, high-rise buildings are getting popular and steel reinforced concrete (SRC) used for such buildings is a safe and suitable structure for Taiwan residents because of its superior seismic resistance to reinforced concrete structures and better indoor space usage for its smaller cross-sectional components.
Common SRC structure construction methods, include bottom-up method, top-down method and up-up method. A SRC structure involves two different types of material, and thus, its construction duration is the superposition of those of structures using respective material. If traditional bottom-up construction method is adopted, the construction period is unable to meet developers′ schedule needs and buyers′ expectations of early move-in.
Because top-down method and up-up method are relatively new construction methods and techniques, there is currently no approach in the industry to fast and correctly estimate their required construction durations. Currently, an approximate construction duration estimate is first obtained based on an estimator’s experience, and the estimate is then used to select and combine construction methods; a final duration estimate is calculated according to the selected construction methods. That is, there is no systematic discussion or process as the estimation basis, making the obtained estimating result often different from an actual duration. Thus, the selection and combination of various construction methods will result in different construction durations. How to select correct construction methods and properly arrange the sequence of activities will be an important factor affecting an estimated duration and is also a subject worthy of further study and discussion.
This study aims at developing an approach for approximately estimating construction durations to provide developers or designers with a basis for construction method selection and rapid and accurate duration estimation for the selected construction method. The proposed approach is expected to improve the shortcoming of having large difference between estimated and actual durations to avoid unnecessary losses for developers.

Keyword: high-rise building, steel reinforced concrete structure, bottom-up method, top-down construction method , up-up construction method
關鍵字(中) ★ 高層建築
★ 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構造
★ 順打工法
★ 逆打工法
★ 雙順打工法
關鍵字(英) ★ high-rise building
★ steel reinforced concrete structure
★ bottom-up method
★ top-down construction method
★ up-up construction method
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究範圍 4
1-4 研究限制 4
1-5 研究方法 5
1-6 研究流程 7
1-7 預期成果及效益 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2-1構造簡述 9
2-2構造形式之名詞解釋 9
2-3高層建築所使用之構造形式 10
2-4 建築物地下室施工方式 14
2-5 SRC地上層工法之探討 16
2-6 各工法之作業拆解結構圖 19
第三章 排程工具 27
3-1重複性排程法 27
3-2蒙地卡羅模擬法 30
第四章 工法之分析與研究 39
4-1、相關案例分析 39
4-2、案例分析總結 140
第五章 案例演練 151
5-1工期推估流程 151
5-2工期推估演練 158
第六章 結論與建議 170
6-1結論 170
6-2 建議 174
參考文獻 175
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指導教授 王翰翔 審核日期 2020-7-28
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