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姓名 安蒂娜(Andina Mugi Utami)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 印尼營建業之營建安全指引倡議
(The Construction Safety Guideline Initiatives for The Construction Sector in Indonesia)
★ 專業營造廠商監督管理能力對品質成本影響之探討 -以柔性鋪面工程為例★ 營造業施工安全評估與風險評估制度精進之研究
★ 運用知識本體與電腦模擬技術推估品質成本之研究-以柔性鋪面工程為例★ 整合專案交付契約之研究-以ConsensusDocs文件為中心
★ 人本安全管理原則應用於營造業分析探討★ 桃園市共同管道建設與管理策略之研究
★ 逆打與雙順打工法應用於SRC結構之工期探討★ 應用碳足跡評估在印度尼西亞首都城市遷移之研究
★ 桃園市房屋建築工程作業基金設立之研究★ 營造業職業災害訴訟民刑事責任態樣分析
★ 非正式化住居改造專案因應氣候變遷作爲之研究—以三個東南亞國家爲例★ 營造業工程人員之正念覺察特質與 安全行為關聯性之探討
★ 輕軌運輸系統軌道型式選用分析之探討★ 應用知識本體建模技術輔助碳排放計算之研究
★ 基於不安全行為規則防範營建工程專案意外發生之研究★ 公共工程安全衛生費用編列之探討-以工程主辦機關人員為中心
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摘要(中) 印尼的營建業有許多的意外事故發生,然而,在過去十年間,營建業的投資價值提升,使其扮演印尼經濟成長的重要角色。為提高安全績效,政府於聯邦法律中訂定關於營建安全之新法規 (2017年第12號法令,即《建築服務》)。因此,必須針對衍生法律層級相對應之法規進行調整與更新。本研究之目的在於提出營建業的安全指引倡議,以作為印尼政府在調整衍生法規時之參考。
摘要(英) Construction Industry in Indonesia has a massive number of accidents. However, it has increased investment value over the past ten years, which made this sector crucial in Indonesia′s economic growth. In order to increase safety performance, the government made new regulations for construction safety in federal law (The Act No. 12 Year 2017 on The Construction Service). Therefore, some adjustments and renewal in the derivative law level are necessary. This research aims to present safety guidelines initiatives for the construction industry as a reference for the Indonesia Government to adjust regulation in derivative law. It is essential to study and compare the regulations of advanced countries in the process of adjusting regulation, which is used in this research as a tool to have a better understanding and knowledge in developing country law-making. Safety regulations from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia have been used as a benchmark for the comparison process, and these regulations will be adapted to develop the safety guideline initiatives. In the developing process, Indonesia′s safety goals were used to define the specific target of Indonesia safety guidelines in order to choose the most suitable regulations from the advanced countries. Online Expert Panel Discussion was conducted as a validation process to get a review from experts and get feedback questionnaires from the audiences related to the applicability of the guidelines. The result of the validation process was used to finalize the safety guideline and make sure that the guideline is suitable and can be implemented in Indonesia′s current situation. These initiatives are expected to achieve good safety performance, decrease the level of accidents, and also integrate several safety regulations in Indonesia over different institutions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 安全法規
★ 安全指引
★ 標竿學習
★ 先進國家
★ 營建安全
關鍵字(英) ★ Construction Industry in Indonesia has a massive number of accidents. However, it has increased investment value over the past ten years, which made this sector crucial in Indonesia′s economic growth. In order to increase safety performance, the government made new regulations for construction safety in federal law (The Act No. 12 Year 2017 on The Construction Service). Therefore, some adjustments
論文目次 摘要 i
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objective 4
1.3 Scope and Limitation 4
1.4 Research Problem 4
1.5 Research Method 4
1.6 Thesis Organization 5
2.1 Construction Safety Performance 7
2.2 Construction Safety Regulation 8
2.3 Safety Guidelines 9
2.4 Benchmarking Method 11
3.1 Advanced Country Selection 14
3.2 Safety Regulation Review and Comparison from Advance Country 16
3.3 Safety Regulation Review in the United States 23
3.4 Safety Review in the United Kingdom 28
3.5 Safety Regulation Review in Australia 30
3.6 Safety Regulation Review in Indonesia 34
4.1 Indonesia’s Construction Safety Goals and Indicators 39
4.2 Benchmarking and Comparison 46
5.1 Proposed Construction Safety Guidelines 48
5.1.1 Section 1 - Safety Responsibilities for Every Party 48
5.1.2 Section 2 - Pre-Construction Phase 50
5.1.3 Section 3 - Construction Phase 52
5.1.4 Section 3 - Final Hand Over Phase 54
5.2 Validation 55
5.2.1 Expert Panel Interview 55
5.2.2 Feedback Questionnaire 59
5.3 The Revised Version of Construction Safety Guidelines 63
6. 1 Conclusion 68
6.2 Future Research 68
Reference 70
App 1 – Safety Guidelines Initiative – Original Version …………… App 1-1
App 2 – Feedback Questionnaire Survey ……………………………. App 1-2
App 3 – Safety Guideline Initiative – Revised Version ……………… App 1-3
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指導教授 王翰翔(Han-Hsiang Wang) 審核日期 2020-7-28
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