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姓名 陳瑞明(Jui-Ming Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 異質無線網路中之多媒體串流系統
(Streaming Media Delivery in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks)
★ 無線行動隨意網路上穩定品質服務路由機制之研究★ 應用多重移動式代理人之網路管理系統
★ 應用移動式代理人之網路協同防衛系統★ 鏈路狀態資訊不確定下QoS路由之研究
★ 以訊務觀察法改善光突發交換技術之路徑建立效能★ 感測網路與競局理論應用於舒適性空調之研究
★ 以搜尋樹為基礎之無線感測網路繞徑演算法★ 基於無線感測網路之行動裝置輕型定位系統
★ 多媒體導覽玩具車★ 以Smart Floor為基礎之導覽玩具車
★ 行動社群網路服務管理系統-應用於發展遲緩兒家庭★ 具位置感知之穿戴式行動廣告系統
★ 調適性車載廣播★ 車載網路上具預警能力之車輛碰撞避免機制
★ 應用於無線車載網路上之合作式交通資訊傳播機制以改善車輛擁塞★ 智慧都市中應用車載網路以改善壅塞之調適性虛擬交通號誌
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摘要(中) 隨著無線網路技術的百家爭鳴,網路使用者有了各式各樣的選擇,包含不同的頻寬、不同的網路涵蓋範圍以及不同的價格。而隨著這些網路的佈建與普及,越來越多的使用者端設備同時具有多種的網路介面,以提供使用者多樣化的選擇,甚至同時使用多種網路。這些同時使用多種網路的使用者稱為多重連線使用者(multihomed user),而多種不同的網路形成的網路環境則稱為異質無線網路環境。新的無線網路科技如IEEE 802.11(Wi-Fi), IEEE 802.16(WiMAX)以及802.20(MBWA)開始能提供串流多媒體服務(media streaming services),但若要在上述之異質網路環境中提供串流多媒體服務則仍有許多問題。首先,在使用串流多媒體服務時若遇上交遞(handoffs)將可能導致服務暫停或中斷;其次,不同種類的網路所能提供之服務品質及頻寬也大不相同,使用者在不同的網路間移動時,如何得到相同的服務品質也是一個議題。本論文針對前者提出了一個多重連線串流多媒體服務架構(Multihomed streaming media architecture)以提供使用者在某一網路交遞時不中斷的串流多媒體服務。當使用者某一網路在交遞時,透過多個網路提供使用者多個串流做為備援,可以讓使用者不因交遞時的網路服務中斷而導致串流多媒體服務中斷。然而經由不同網路傳立的多份串流可能會不同時抵達,所以本論文也提出一串流多媒體同步演算法來控制多份串流,使其同時抵達。而針對頻寬落差過大以及涵蓋範圍不足的問題,本論文提出使用隨意網路來延伸高頻寬網路的涵蓋範圍,並減少使用者更換IP的次數。
摘要(英) The emerging wireless network technologies have made it possible for the users to access to the Internet ubiquitously. And the variety of the wireless network technologies gives the users choices for prices, bandwidth and coverage and so on. These wireless networks can be accessed by the users simultaneously form a heterogeneous wireless network (HWN) environment. The wireless network technologies such as IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi), IEEE 802.16 (Wi-Max) and IEEE 802.20 (MBWA) have enabled the streaming media services, but the characteristics of HWN bring new challenges of providing them. Handoffs during delivering streaming media may pause or break the service. Coverage and bandwidth provide by different kind of networks are very different. It makes the provision of equal quality for mobile users ubiquitously difficult. For the former problem, the dissertation proposes to use the multihoming techniques during handoffs to ease the effect of delay, pause or termination of service delivery. Multicasting is utilized to provide multiple copies of streams to the user multihomed so that there will be backup streams for the user when specific network interface is handing off. Multiple streams delivering via different route may arrive at different time, so the dissertation proposed a streaming media synchronization algorithm to synchronize the streams to ensure the backup streams arrive in time. For the latter problem, the dissertation introduces ad hoc networks as interjacency to help to extend the service coverage and thus reduce the IP change rate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 串流多媒體服務
★ 多重連線
★ 群播
★ 隨意網路
★ 異質無線網路
★ 垂直交遞
關鍵字(英) ★ streaming media
★ multihoming
★ multicasting
★ heterogeneous wireless network
★ ad hoc network
★ vertical handoff
論文目次 Abstract i
摘要 ii
Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivations and Goals 3
1.3 Dissertation Organization 6
Chapter 2. Multihomed Streaming Media Architecture in HWN 7
2.1 Related Work 7
2.2 Assumptions and Modeling 11
2.3 Architecture of Proposed Multicast-Based Multihoming 13
2.4 Implementation and Experimental Results 21
Chapter 3. Media Streaming Synchronization 37
3.1 Related Work 39
3.2 Assumptions and Modeling 48
3.3 Architecture of The Media Streaming Synchronization System 52
3.4 Simulations and Discussions 58
Chapter 4. Ad hoc Network Adjacency Network Selection 75
4.1 Assumptions and System Modeling 75
4.2 The Proposed Ad Hoc Network Selection Strategies 77
4.3 Simulations and Discussions 86
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future works 89
References 93
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指導教授 周立德(Li-Der Chou) 審核日期 2006-7-25
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