摘要(英) |
As the economy advances, companies are stepping into a more competitive market, and the core value of a company still lies in the knowledge workers who created knowledge for companies. One of the key topics in human resource such as ′how to make employees voluntarily pay more attention to work, appreciate the value and culture of the organization, and take an active part in the organization with high commitment, without easy switching jobs is of great importance among modern companies.
In recent years, the development of experiential service both become applicable to customers and employees. Jacob (2017) suggests that treating employees as internal customers of the organization would be helpful for employees to get better services from the cultural, physical and technological environmental. This is the concept of employee experience which is a positive strategy to retain core talents of a company. Therefore, the study is trying to investigate the level of impact of employee experience and the influence of the locus of control over the commitment of an organization.
The demographic coverage of the study is the employees of the high-tech firms in mainland China. The methodology is online survey. The study collected 447 respondents in total, and left with final 416 respondents after expurgating the 31 invalid ones.
This research result found that the emotional commitment to a company will subject to employee experience, namely physical environment, cultural environment and technical environment, and the commitment to the company is positive related to employee experience. Also, as significant level of regression analysis is reached between the locus of control and each attribute of employee experience, therefore, locus of control is justified to have certain influence on the employee experience. |
參考文獻 |
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