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姓名 劉晏辰(Yen-Chen Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 利用耦合非負矩陣分解方法進行Hyper-SCAN影像合成
(Hyper-SCAN image fusion using coupled non-negative matrix factorization)
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摘要(中) Hyper-Spectral Camera Analyzer (Hyper-SCAN) 為本實驗室自行組裝之高光譜儀,計畫將於2022年搭載於scion微衛星太空任務中,特色為體積小、重量輕以及成本較低,其連續光譜帶範圍在464nm~676nm,擁有高光譜分辨率(~1nm),此儀器以推掃式(push-broom)掃描獲取高光譜影像,視角大約為5.6度,在高度500公里的掃描幅寬為48.9公里,中心波長為570nm。

摘要(英) Hyper-Spectral Camera Analyzer (Hyper-SCAN) is a self-assembled hyperspectrometer in this laboratory. It is planned to be installed in the scion microsatellite space mission in 2022. It is characterized by small size, light weight and low cost. Its continuous spectrum The band range is 464nm~676nm, with high spectral resolution (~1nm), this instrument uses push-broom scanning to obtain hyperspectral images, the viewing angle is about 5.6 degrees, and the scan width at a height of 500 kilometers is 48.9 Kilometers, the center wavelength is 570nm.

Since Hyper-SCAN is still in the development stage, many instruments need to be adjusted in the process of acquiring images. Therefore, in this paper, a set of image acquisition experiment procedures is proposed, and the automatic control of the instruments reduces the manual error and instrument operation time in the overall experiment process. Furthermore, because spectrometers with both high spatial resolution and high spectral resolution are expensive and have institutional limitations, the coupled non-negative matrix factorization (CNMF) method is used to fuse hyperspectral image data and multispectral images. Different initial endmember spectra are used as input to the algorithm to compare the fusion results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高光譜儀
★ 影像融合
論文目次 摘要 ............................................i
Abstract ...................................... ii
目錄 .......................................... iii
圖目錄 ......................................... v
表目錄 ........................................ vii
一、緒論 ........................................ 1
二、高光譜儀 .................................... 4
2-1 高光譜遙測簡述 .............................. 4
2-2 Hyper-SCAN 成像基本原理 ..................... 6
2-3 Hyper-SCAN 系統規格與結構 ................... 8
三、高光譜影像處理原理 .......................... 11
3-1 各波段雜訊估計 ............................. 11
3-2 波段選擇 .................................. 12
3-2-1 協方差矩陣行列式法 ....................... 14
3-2-2 OIF 法 .................................. 14
3-3 特徵萃取 .................................. 15
3-3-1 PCA ..................................... 16
3-3-2 MNF ..................................... 17
3-4 端元提取 ................................... 18
3-4-1 PPI ..................................... 20
3-4-2 N-FINDR ................................. 21
3-5 高光譜圖像超解析技術 ........................ 22
四、Hyper-SCAN 拍攝流程 ........................ 27
4-1 硬體架設與拍攝方法 .......................... 27
4-2 資料處理 ................................... 32
五、拍攝結果分析與影像融合 ....................... 35
5-1 各波段雜訊估計 .............................. 37
5-2 特徵萃取 .................................... 39
5-3 端元提取 .................................... 43
5-4 高光譜與多光譜影像融合 ....................... 44
5-4-1 融合參數選擇 .............................. 45
5-4-2 融合結果 .................................. 46
5-4-3 融合品質評價指標 ........................... 48
六、結論 ........................................ 50
參考文獻 ........................................ 51
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指導教授 郭政靈 審核日期 2021-1-28
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