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姓名 艾琳(Alaleh Dadvari)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 探索暗黑三角、個人靈性、及主觀規範對創業傾向之互動
(Exploring the Dynamics of Dark Triad, Spirituality, and Subjective Norm on Entrepreneurial Intention)
★ 創造力與創業精神-探索創業動機 與創業環境之調節★ 工作壓力源、人格特質與工作滿意度之關係—以在職進修者為例
★ Shopping Motivation on Purchase intention: Can Loyalty Program and Corporate Image Enhance Such Relationship?★ 企業社會責任對求職者應徵意圖之影響: 以組織人才吸引力與企業聲望為中介
★ 人力資源彈性策略和組織創新相關性之研究:論適應型文化調節適應能力及知識整合之中介效果★ 個人靈性與人生滿意度-探討人格特質之中介
★ 購買動機與便利商店集點行為之研究★ 五大與九型人格對工作績效、組織公民行為及工作滿意度的影響
★ 體育賽事觀賽體驗與球隊吉祥物品牌個性 對職業球隊品牌權益之關聯-以MLB為例★ 學習成效、組織承諾對留職意願之影響:
★ 消費者特徵與購物意願: 探討網站與商品特性之中介★ 資訊來源之信任與品質對於購買傾向之影響
★ 享樂購物動機與衝動購買: 探討購後後悔之影響與因應行為★ 產品包裝設計與化妝品之購買意圖: 探討生活型態與消費者認知之中介
★ 信任與價值觀一致性對 轉型領導與適應性績效關係之中介★ 品牌信任受價值知覺與服務品質之影響: 以旅館顧客滿意度為中介
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摘要(中) 本研究目的是調查特定的人格與情境因素可能會對創業傾向產生的影響。偏向負面人格的暗黑三角(包含馬基雅維利主義、自戀、及心理病態等特徵)與偏向正面人格的個人靈性為內在因素,首先檢驗兩者對創業態度取向的影響。創業態度取向包含冒險與創新性、成就需求、容忍模糊、及控制源等特徵。主觀規範,個人知覺外在他人的支持或壓力,則用來檢驗其對創業傾向產生的影響。創業動機則用來檢驗其是否會調節創業態度取向與創業傾向之關係,以及主觀規範與創業傾向之關係。資料蒐集自485位企業管理、工程、科學、文學等不同背景學生的問卷調查而來,以結構方程模型(SEM)中的SmartPLS進行所提出的研究假設驗證。結果顯示暗黑三角與個人靈性對創業態度取向有顯著正向相關,而個人靈性之效果較大。主觀規範也對創業傾向有顯著正向相關。儘管創業動機調節了創業態度取向與創業傾向之間的關係,但無法調節主觀規範與創業傾向之間的關係。
摘要(英) The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of unique personality and situational factors that may render individual’s entrepreneurial attitude orientation and boost their intention to become an entrepreneur. Both dark and bright sides of personality, respectively in terms of the dark triad (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) and spirituality, are proposed to have significant effects on entrepreneurial attitude orientation. Subjective norm, perceived social support or pressure toward entrepreneurial activity, is hypothesized to stimulate entrepreneurial intention. Entrepreneurial motivation is proposed as a moderator on entrepreneurial intention by entrepreneurial attitude orientation and subjective norm, respectively. Data are collected through a comprehensive questionnaire from 485 students having different backgrounds such as business management, engineering, science, and art. Structural equation modeling (SEM), in particular SmartPLS, is used to test the proposed hypotheses. Results indicate the potential predictive value of both dark triad and spirituality on entrepreneurial attitude orientation, while the effectiveness of spirituality is recognized to be stronger. Moreover, subjective norm is found to have significant positive impact on entrepreneurial intention. Whereas entrepreneurial motivation positively moderates “entrepreneurial attitude orientation-intention” its moderation on the “subjective norm-intention relationship” is not supported.
關鍵字(中) ★ 暗黑三角
★ 個人靈性
★ 創業態度取向
★ 主觀規範
★ 創業動機
★ 創業傾向
關鍵字(英) ★ dark triad
★ spirituality
★ entrepreneurial attitude orientation
★ subjective norm
★ entrepreneurial intention
★ entrepreneurial motivation
論文目次 摘要 VII
2.1.1 Life history theory (LHT) 18
2.1.2. Theory of self-concept and theory of self-determination 19
2.1.3 Theory of reasoned action, theory of planed behavior, and entrepreneurial intention model 20
2.2. DARK TRIAD (DT) 20
5.1.1. The association between dark triad (DT) and entrepreneurial attitude orientation (EAO) 63
5.1.2. The association between spirituality (Sp) and entrepreneurial attitude orientation (EAO) 65
5.1.3 The association between entrepreneurial attitude orientation (EAO) and entrepreneurial intention (EI) 66
5.1.4. The association between subjective norm (SN) on entrepreneurial intention (EI) 68
5.1.5. Moderating effects of entrepreneurial motivation (EM) 69
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指導教授 杜秉叡(Ben-Roy Do) 審核日期 2021-1-26
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