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姓名 李旻鴻(Min-Hung Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 結合散射介質的單像素光譜成像系統
(An Imaging Spectrometer Using a Scattering Medium and Single-Pixel Imaging)
★ 非反掃描式平行接收之雙光子螢光超光譜顯微術★ 以二次通過成像量測架構及降低誤差迭代演算法重建人眼之點擴散函數
★ LASER光源暨LED在老鼠毛生長的低能量光治療比較分析★ 應用線狀結構照明提升雙光子顯微鏡解析度
★ 以同調結構照明顯微術進行散射樣本解析度之提升★ 掃描式二倍頻結構照明顯微術
★ 小貓自泵相位共軛鏡於數位光學相位共軛與時間微分之研究★ 鏡像輔助斷層掃描相位顯微鏡
★ 以數位全像術重建多波長環狀光束之研究★ 相位共軛反射鏡用於散射介質中光學聚焦之研究
★ 雙光子螢光超光譜顯微術於多螢光生物樣本之研究★ 倍頻非螢光基態耗損超解析之顯微成像方法
★ 葉綠素雙光子螢光超光譜影像於光合作用研究之應用★ 雙光子掃描結構照明顯微術
★ 微投影光學切片超光譜顯微術★ 使用結構照明顯微術觀察活體小鼠毛囊生長週期之變化
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摘要(中) 紅外光光譜影像系統可提供物質中分子組成的二維空間分布資訊,因此這樣的系統已被應用於許多領域中,如食物品質分析。為了拍攝物體於紅外光波段的影像,常見的做法是以二維陣列偵測器或單點掃描的干涉儀架構取得物體影像,但二維陣列偵測器在紅外光波段的價格通常昂貴,且干涉儀架構通常對系統穩定度的要求較高,因此紅外光光譜影像系統較難以普及於日常生活中的應用。
摘要(英) An infrared (IR) spectral imaging system is able to provide information on the two-dimensional spatial distribution of the molecular composition of an object, and there has been many applications of such a system, for example food quality analysis. An image of the object in the IR region is commonly taken by a two-dimensional focal plane array (FPA) or a single-point scanning interferometer, but an IR FPA is often expensive, and an interferometer often requires stable environmental conditions; thus, it is harder for an IR spectral imaging system to be commonly applied to applications in daily life.
To overcome these limitations, a system combining a scattering medium and single-pixel imaging technique is set up in our research. After recovering the speckle pattern containing the spatial and spectral information of an object, the spectral image of the object can be reconstructed by deconvolution. To test the feasibility of the system setup, the experiment is carried out in the visible region. After a point light source passes through a scattering medium, the speckle pattern formed in the image plane has the property of memory effect and spectral decorrelation; thus, the spectral image of an object can be recovered by deconvolution after obtaining the speckle image formed by an object in the image plane. The image of a monochromatic object and the spectral image of an object with red, green, and blue colors are successfully recovered by the proposed method in our research. By simulating the process of recovering the speckle image of an object by a system using single-pixel imaging, an image of the monochromatic object is reconstructed by the deconvolution. However, after performing the process of image reconstruction using single-pixel imaging and deconvolution by a real system, it was discovered that the system is unable to recover the image of a monochromatic object. After adding noises into the previous simulation process, we confirmed that the reconstruction of an object’s image is affected by noises in the process of recovering an image. If the intensity of light illuminating the system is higher, or the sensitivity of the detector is improved, it might be possible to improve the signal-to-noise ratio; thus, the effect of noises on the reconstruction of an object’s image can be reduced.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單像素成像
★ 光譜影像系統
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧與探討 1
1.2.1 運用紅外光光譜影像系統檢測食品實例 2
1.2.2 傳統光譜影像系統 3
1.2.3 Fourier轉換紅外光譜儀 4
1.2.4 單像素光譜影像系統 5
1.2.5 結合散射介質的單像素成像系統 9
1.3 論文架構 11
第二章 單像素光譜影像重建法 13
2.1 散射介質與光譜影像重建 13
2.2 單像素成像 16
2.2.1 取像流程 16
2.2.2 影像重建法 16
2.2.3 調制圖像 18
2.3 結合散射介質的單像素光譜影像系統 20
第三章 系統架構 22
3.1 系統架構 22
3.2 光學元件選擇 24
3.2.1 散射介質 24
3.2.2 空間光調制元件 25
3.3 儀器控制 27
第四章 實驗結果 30
4.1 利用相機和散射介質重建光譜影像 30
4.1.1 以反摺積重建物體光譜影像 30
4.1.2 系統解析度量測 34
4.1.3 散射介質記憶效應量測 36
4.2 以單像素成像還原物體光譜影像 37
4.2.1 單色光物體影像重建模擬 38
4.2.2 以單像素光譜影像系統重建單色光物體影像 42
4.2.3 模擬雜訊對於光斑影像重建的影響 47
第五章 結論 51
參考文獻 53
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指導教授 陳思妤(Szu-Yu Chen) 審核日期 2021-1-20
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