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姓名 施詠懷(Yung-Huai Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 心理擁有感對轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲購買意願: 探討一般自我效能、風險傾向、及賭博成癮之影響
(Psychological ownership and purchase intentions of loot box mobile games: Exploring the influence of general self-efficacy, risk propensity, and problem gambling)
★ To see is to believe through social AR: A mechanism from user′s point-of-view (POV) sharing★ 虛擬角色認同、遊戲動機與遊戲忠誠度:探討遊戲滿意度之中介
★ 探討經驗開放性、消費者創新性、對促銷之期待與限量優惠商品之購買意願:以戰利品購物為中介
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著智慧型手機與行動網路的普及,智慧型手機遊戲的市場也呈現一片榮景,而在眾多遊戲類型中,又以轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲長年佔據營收排行榜的前幾名。轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲是指以手機為載體,且在遊戲中變強的唯一手段就是藉由特定機率的轉蛋抽卡型行為,來取得較強勢的角色或裝備,藉此提升遊戲中通關成功機率的一種遊戲種類。而由於其充滿不確定性的遊戲模式,使得消費者在進行購買時可能會受到一般自我效能、風險傾向與賭博成癮的影響,同時,若非對於遊戲有一定的心理擁有感,也可能無法輕易的花費這動輒一次就要百元新台幣以上的轉蛋抽卡行為。
摘要(英) In recent years, with the popularization of mobile phones and mobile networks, the market for mobile phone games has also shown a prosperous scene. Among many game types, loot box mobile games have been at the top of the revenue for many years. Loot box mobile game refers to the mobile phone as the carrier, and the only way to become stronger in the game is to obtain stronger characters or equipment through a specific probability of the loot box. And because of its uncertain game mechanic, consumers may be affected by general self-efficacy, risk propensity and gambling addiction when making purchases. At the same time, if they do not have a certain sense of psychological ownership of the game, they may not be able to spend money on the game easily, which would cost them at least hundreds of NTD a time.
To sum up, this study explored the relationship between psychological ownership, general self-efficacy, risk propensity, gambling addiction, and purchase intention of loot box mobile games through online questionnaires. And the result shows that both psychological ownership and gambling addiction have a significant impact on the purchase intention of loot box mobile games.
關鍵字(中) ★ 轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲
★ 心理擁有感
★ 一般自我效能
★ 風險傾向
★ 賭博成癮
★ 購買意願
關鍵字(英) ★ loot box mobile games
★ psychological ownership
★ general self-efficacy
★ risk propensity
★ gambling addiction
★ purchase intention
論文目次 摘要...i
第一章 緒論...1
1-1 研究背景與動機...1
1-2 研究目的...3
第二章 文獻探討...7
2-1 智慧型手機遊戲之概況...7
2-1-1 智慧型手機遊戲之種類...7
2-1-2 轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲...10
2-1-3 消費致勝(pat to win)...12
2-1-4 戰利品箱(loot box)...13
2-2 購買意願...14
2-3 心理擁有感...16
2-4 一般自我效能...20
2-5 風險傾向...22
2-6 賭博成癮...25
第三章 研究方法...29
3-1 研究架構...29
3-2 研究樣本...30
3-3 研究工具...30
3-4 研究步驟...33
第四章 研究結果...37
4-1 樣本敘述性統計分析...37
4-2 信度分析...40
4-3 相關性分析...41
4-4 效度分析...42
4-5 模型配飾度檢測...44
4-6 整體假說驗證...44
第五章 討論與建議...49
5-1 研究討論...49
5-2 管理意涵...52
5-3 研究限制與未來建議...54
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指導教授 杜秉叡 鄭明松(Ben-Roy Do Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2021-6-29
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