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姓名 詹凱畯(Chan, Kai-Chun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 矽波導平移式光子晶體偏振旋轉共振腔研究
(Resonator Formed by Shifted Photonic Crystal Polarization Rotation Convertor on SOI Waveguide)
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摘要(中) 矽波導製作於絕緣體上矽晶片已大量應用於積體化光子電路,各式元件如光子晶體共振腔已被實現。在光學量子計算中,量子位元是以光的偏振方向來定義,需使用偏振旋轉器控制量子位元的狀況,或形成邏輯閘。
本研究發現,當增加蝕刻洞數時,不但可以增加品質因子,也可以調整輸出的偏振比例;當改變空腔長度時,即可調整輸出的尖峰波長位置;當調整占空比、洞的寬度與深度、 兩洞中心距離,便可做到控制輸出偏振比例的情況,這些情況在濾波器與雷射共振腔同時適用。可讓我們設計出在特定波長,特定偏振輸出與特定Q值的濾波器與雷射。
摘要(英) Silicon waveguides are fabricated on insulators of silicon wafers that have been widely used in integrated photonic circuits. Various components such as photonic crystal resonators have been realized. In optical quantum computing, qubits are defined by the polarization state of light. Therefore, the polarization rotators are necessary to be used to control the state of qubits or to form logic gates.
In this study, we propose a novel photonic-crystal structure on SOI waveguides. The photonic crystal structure is shifted to the center of the waveguide to form a reflective polarization convertor. A resonant cavity is designed in the polarization convertor. The transmission and the reflection and the cavity modes are investigated. Three methods, Finite-Difference Time-Domain, Finite-Element Method, Eigenmode expansion method are adopted.
The rotation of polarization is demonstrated in the photonic crystal structure with shifted circular air holes. The rotation of the polarization depends on the diameter, the shift, the number of the air holes. With a cavity in the structure, the cavity modes can be observed in the transmission and the reflection spectra. The polarization state of the transmission and reflection of the devices can be designed by varying the diameter, the shift, the number of the air holes.
The photonic crystal structure with shifted rectangular holes is also investigated. The reflectivity close to 100% could be achieved for the photonic crystal structure with 100 shifted rectangular holes. A cavity is positioned in the structure to study the transmission and the reflection spectra as well as the cavity modes. The results show that the photonic crystal structure with shifted rectangular air holes can be used to form the transmissive and the reflective filters with a rotation of polarization. The wavelength of the cavity mode and the transmissive and reflective filter can be tuned by modifying the cavity length. By varying the number of etched rectangular air holes , the duty cycle, the width and the depth of the etched rectangular air holes, the polarization of the output light can be adjusted to a specific state.
In this study, the waveguide is designed in silicon. The photonic crystal structure with shifted air holes can also be designed in other active materials to design a laser with specific polarization state.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光子晶體
★ 共振腔
★ 偏振旋轉器
★ 光學偏振
★ 絕緣體上矽
★ 積體光學
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 相關研究發展 2
1.3 研究方法 7
1.4 結論 8
第二章 基礎理論與模擬方法介紹 9
2.1 有限時域差分法 9
2.2 有限元素法 10
2.3 特徵模態展開法 10

2.4 法不立-陪若干設儀 11
2.5 光子晶體 12
2.6 結論 16
第三章 結構設計與模擬分析 17
3.1 光柵型波導 17
3.2 L型偏振旋轉器[12] 19
3.3 矽波導寬度上選擇 21
3.4 蝕刻圓洞的波導 23
3.5 蝕刻方洞的波導 32
3.6 結論 57
第四章 總結與未來展望 59
4.1 總結 59
4.2 未來展望 61
參考文獻 62
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指導教授 陳啟昌(Chii-Chang Chen) 審核日期 2021-7-26
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