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姓名 楊敏慈(Min-Ts Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 企業社會責任如何促進員工與顧客價值共創及幸福感?
★ 工作滿足、領導行為、工作特性與人格特質對離職傾向之探討-以超大型會計師事務所審計人員為例★ 以組織診斷模型診斷企業組織層級架構-以某公司為例
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摘要(中) 本研究試圖回答:「企業社會責任如何透過利他、利己的道德觀點,促使員工展現價值共創行為,並透過員工價值共創及幸福感帶動顧客價值共創行為以及幸福感?」本研究為結合中觀層面(組織)以及微觀層面(員工、顧客)之企業社會責任多層面研究,主要的研究重點分為兩個部分,首先以主管及員工道德觀點的角度,來探討企業社會責任促進員工價值共創的系統性流程。第二,是企業社會責任作為催化劑的角色,檢視員工層面價值共創與幸福感如何帶動顧客層面價值共創與幸福感。本研究採用階層線性模型進行跨層次分析,共收集國內35家企業問卷,其中有效樣本數主管102份、員工430份、顧客343份。
摘要(英) This study attempts to investigate how corporate social responsibility (CSR) promotes employee a value co-creation by the altruistic and egoistic ethical perceptions, and then how employee value co-creation and well-being influence customer value co-creation and well-being. This is a multilevel CSR research which combine with meso-level (organization) and micro-level (employees, customers). We divide our research into two parts. First, we discuss the systematic process of how CSR influences employee value co-creation by supervisors and employees’ ethical perceptions. Second, we examine how employee value co-creation and well-being promote customer value co-creation and well-being. The present study employs hierarchical liner modeling (HLM) to assess the hypotheses and the total of 875 valid samples were retrieved from 35 enterprises in Taiwan (supervisor sample size: 102; employee sample size:430; customer sample size: 343).
The results showes that both supervisors’altruistic values and egoistic values influence CSR positivelly. Then, CSR will influence the employees’ perceptions of the ethical issues(employee perceived caring organizational ethical climate, employee perceived instrumental organizational ethical climate). Next, employee perceived organizational ethical climate will influences employees’individual ethical awareness (altruistic values, egoistic values). Finally, employees will show their personal ethical awareness in actions (employee value co-creation). After employee value co-creation, employee will feel of well-being. Then employee well-being influence customer value co-creation by the interaction between employees and customers, and finally promote customer value co-creation and well-being.
This study contributes to research in three aspects. We collected questionnaires from the supervisors, employees, and customers of the enterprises in Taiwan, and addresses a gap in multilevel CSR empirical literature which lack of the micro-level survey data. Second, we provide a comprehensive view of the overall process of CSR and focus on the relative concepts between altruism and egoism. Then we examine how CSR promotes employee value co-creation through caring organizational ethical climate, instrumental organizational ethical climate, altruistic value and egoistic value. Last, we discuss how employee value co-creation and well-being influence customer value co-creation and well-being by the interaction between employees and customers. And then link the relationship amomg the organization, employees and customers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業社會責任
★ 利他價值觀
★ 利己價值觀
★ 員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候
★ 員工感知的功利導向組織道德氣候
★ 員工價值共創
★ 員工幸福感
★ 顧客價值共創
★ 顧客幸福感
關鍵字(英) ★ Corporate social responsibility
★ Altruistic value
★ Egoistic value
★ Employee perceived caring ethical climate
★ Employee perceived instrumental ethical climate
★ Employee value co-creation
★ Employee well-being
★ Customer value co-creation
★ Customer well-being
論文目次 摘要 I
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究價值與預期貢獻 12
二、 文獻探討與研究假設 15
2-1企業社會責任 15
2-2 價值觀 20
2-3 主管利他價值觀、利己價值觀 21
2-4 員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候、功利導向組織道德氣候 23
2-5 員工利他價值觀、利己價值觀 27
2-6 企業社會責任、組織道德氣候與員工價值觀 29
2-7 價值鏈與價值共創 30
2-8 員工價值共創 31
2-9 員工幸福感 34
2-10 顧客價值共創 37
2-11 顧客幸福感 39
三、 研究方法 42
3-1 研究對象與樣本發放 42
3-2 問卷設計 45
3-3 研究變項之操作型定義 46
3-3-1 組織層次 46
3-3-2 員工層次 48
3-3-3 顧客層次 54
3-4 控制變數 58
3-5 研究暨分析方法 59
3-5-1 敘述性統計與相關分析 59
3-5-2 因素分析 59
3-5-3 信度分析 60
3-5-4 效度分析 60
3-5-5 共同方法變異控制 61
3-5-6 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 61
3-5-7 階層線性模型分析 62
四、 資料分析 63
4-1 敘述性統計分析 63
4-2 相關性分析 70
4-3 信度分析 74
4-4 建構效度分析 74
4-4-1 收斂效度 75
4-4-2 區別效度 77
4-5 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 79
4-6 共同方法變異分析 80
4-7 研究假設分析結果 80
4-7-1 員工幸福感之虛無模型 81
4-7-2 「主管利他價值觀」與「主管利己價值觀」對「企業社會責任」的關係 82
4-7-3 「企業社會責任」對「員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候」與「員工感知的功利導向組織道德氣候」的關係 83
4-7-4「員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候」、「員工感知的功利導向組織道德氣候」對「員工利他價值觀」、「員工利己價值觀」的關係 86
4-7-5 「員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候」、「員工感知的功利導向組織道德氣候」在「企業社會責任」與「員工利他價值觀」、「員工利己價值觀」之中介關係 90
4-7-6 「員工利他價值觀」、「員工利己價值觀」對「員工價值共創」的關係 96
4-7-7 「員工價值共創」對「員工幸福感」的關係 98
4-7-8 顧客幸福感之虛無模型 100
4-7-9 「員工幸福感」對「顧客價值共創」的關係 101
4-7-10 「顧客價值共創」對「顧客幸福感」的關係 103
五、 結論與建議 108
5-1 研究結果 108
5-1-1 主管利他價值觀、利己價值觀如何影響企業社會責任 110
5-1-2 企業社會責任如何影響員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候、功利導向組織道德氣候 111
5-1-3 員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候、功利導向組織道德氣候如何影響員工利他價值觀、利己價值觀 112
5-1-4 員工感知的關懷導向組織道德氣候、功利導向組織道德氣候在企業社會責任與員工利他價值觀、利己價值觀之間的中介作用 113
5-1-5 員工利他價值觀、利己價值觀如何影響員工價值共創 113
5-1-6 員工價值共創如何影響員工幸福感 114
5-1-7 員工幸福感如何影響顧客價值共創 115
5-1-8 顧客價值共創如何影響顧客幸福感 115
5-2 研究貢獻 115
5-3 實務建議 119
5-4 研究限制與後續研究建議 120
參考文獻 123
附錄一 主管問卷 141
附錄二 員工問卷 143
附錄三 顧客問卷 146
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