博碩士論文 108329002 詳細資訊

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姓名 許顥騰(Hao-Teng Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 二氧化錳/銀修飾奈米碳纖維應用於超級電容器
(Carbon nanofibers decorated with Ag/MnO2 nanosheets applied in supercapacitors)
★ 鋅空氣電池之電解質開發★ 添加石墨烯助導劑對活性碳超高電容電極性質的影響
★ 耐高壓離子液體電解質★ 熱裂解法製備RuO2-Ta2O5/Ti電極 應用於離子液體電解液
★ 碳系超級電容器用耐高壓電解液研發★ 離子液體與碸類溶劑混合型電解液應用於鋰離子電池矽負極材料
★ 三元素摻雜LLTO混LLZO應用鋰離子電池★ 以濕蝕刻法於可撓性聚亞醯胺基板製作微通孔之研究
★ 以二氧化釩奈米粒子調變矽化鎂熱電材料之性能★ 可充電式鋁電池的 4-ethylpyridine–AlCl3電解液、規則中孔碳正極材料以及自放電特性研究
★ 釹摻雜鑭鍶鈷鐵奈米纖維應用於質子傳輸型陶瓷電化學電池空氣電極★ 於丁二腈電解質添加碳酸乙烯酯對鋰離子電池性能之影響
★ 多孔鎳集電層應用於三維微型固態超級電容器★ 氧化鎳-鑭鍶鈷鐵奈米纖維陰極電極應用於質子傳導型固態氧化物電化學電池
★ 應用丁二腈基離子導體修飾PVDF-HFP 複合聚合物電解質與鋰電極界面之高穩定鋰離子電池★ 鑭鍶鈷鐵奈米纖維/銀顆粒複合陰極應用於質子傳輸型陶瓷電化學電池
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摘要(中) 隨著科技蓬勃發展,舉凡攜帶式的行動裝置以及穿戴式活動感應器等設備皆對人類的生活習慣帶來巨大的影響,然而,同時能源的消耗也隨之增加,因此人們對於電化學儲能裝置的需求日益增多。當中,可撓型超級電容器不僅擁有超級電容器優異的功率密度與儲電能力,更可輕薄化裝置,有效運用有限的空間,藉此應用於穿戴式和摺疊式的電子裝置,便於人們適應快速的生活型態以及帶來生活上更多便利。
在此研究中結合奈米碳纖維與奈米銀粒子製作可用於可撓式元件之電極材料,利用靜電紡絲技術,製備出摻銀奈米碳纖維,再以水熱法將過錳酸鉀還原生長出二氧化錳奈米片當作活性物質,完成之材料可直接作為超級電容器電極材料進行量測,無須額外添加黏合劑和助導劑,並使用聚二甲基矽氧烷(PDMS)作為可撓性基板,將透明的PDMS柔性基板搭配電極材料,能再進一步製備出可撓式超級電容器元件。製備完成之電極片在三極系統量測中,以電流密度1 A/g下,可達比電容值為122.5 F/g,表現出良好的能量密度並同時擁有超級電容器極佳的功率密度。除此之外,同時實驗也進行可撓性測試,在彎曲的曲率半徑1.25 cm ~ 5 cm下,進行循環伏安的測試,由實驗結果可得知,元件之循環伏安曲線在不同曲率的彎曲下,並未發現有明顯的變化,故表示出此元件擁有良好的可撓曲性質。
摘要(英) With the rapid development of technology, many portable and wearable electronic devices
have great impact on human living habits. At the same time the increase of energy consumption
has brought up research attention on developing electrochemical energy storage devices.
Among them, flexible supercapacitors not only have excellent power density and storage
capacity, but also can be used in limited spaces. Flexible supercapacitors can be used as energy
storage device in wearable and foldable electronic devices to facilitate fast and convenient
In this study, carbon nanofibers were combined with silver nanoparticle to make flexible
electrode of the supercapacitor device. Silver-doped carbon nanofibers were prepared by
electrospinning, and then active materials of manganese dioxide nanosheets were grown by
hydrothermal reaction. The finished carbon nanofibers decorated with Ag/MnO2 nanosheets
can be directly used as electrode materials for measurement without the need of additional
binders and conducting agents. Furthermore, a flexible supercapacitor device was prepared by
assembling the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) flexible substrate with the CNF/Ag/MnO2
electrode. The charge-discharge curve showed that the electrode has high specific capacitance
value of 122.5 F/g at a current density of 1 A/g, demonstrating a good energy density and at the
same time having an excellent power density. Bending tests were performed to test the
flexibility of supercapacitor. Under different bending conditions, the results show that the cyclic
voltammetry curves of the device did not change obviously. This represents that the
supercapacitor device has good flexibility.
The improved electrode material demonstrated great electrochemical performance,
indicating that the modification of manganese dioxide nanosheets and the addition of silver
nanoparticles can improve the electrochemical performance. Besides, the silver nanoparticles
provided considerable degree of flexibility for the carbon nanofiber electrode. The results
showed that the material modification and components designed in this research have great
development potential and application prospects in energy storage systems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超級電容器
★ 可撓超電容
★ 擬電容
★ 奈米碳纖維
★ 儲能元件
關鍵字(英) ★ supercapacitor
★ flexible supercapacitor
★ pseudocapacitor
★ carbon nanofiber
★ energy storage device
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2基本原理與文獻回顧 2
1.2.1超級電容器簡介 2
1.2.2超級電容器之電極材料 9
1.2.3超級電容器之電解質 14
1.2.4超級電容器之電化學分析技術 18
1.3奈米碳纖維應用於超級電容器 22
1.3.1奈米碳纖維用作電極材料 22
1.3.2奈米碳纖維的製備方式 23
1.3.3添加活性物質 24
1.3.4 Ag/MnO2修飾奈米纖維材料用於超級電容器之優勢 25
1.4可撓型超級電容器 25
1.5研究動機與目的 26
第二章 實驗程序與方法 28
2.1實驗藥品 28
2.2製程與分析儀器 29
2.2.1靜電紡絲機(Electrospinning machine) 29
2.2.2掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM) 29
2.2.3穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM) 30
2.2.4 X光粉末繞射儀(X-ray diffractometer,XRD) 30
2.2.5恆電位儀(Potentiostat) 31
2.3實驗流程 32
2.4實驗方法 33
2.4.1奈米碳纖維(Carbon nanofiber,CNF)製備 33
2.4.2奈米碳纖維熱處理 34
2.4.3添加銀奈米粒子 34
2.4.4生長活性物質 34
2.4.5製備柔性基板 35
2.4.6組裝可撓曲超級電容器 35
2.4.7配置液態和固態電解質 35
第三章 結果與討論 36
3.1材料微結構分析 36
3.1.1. 掃描式電子顯微鏡分析(SEM) 36
3.1.2. 穿透式電子顯微鏡分析(TEM) 40
3.2材料導電度測試 41
3.2.1. 片電阻(Sheet Resistance) 41
3.3材料相分析 43
3.3.1. X光粉末繞射儀分析(XRD) 43
3.4不同奈米碳纖維電極材料之超級電容器特性分析 45
3.4.1循環伏安與恆電流充放電分析 45
3.4.2電化學交流阻抗分析 55
3.4.3頻率響應分析 57
3.4.4可撓式超級電容器之抗撓曲分析 63
第四章 結論 65
第五章 參考文獻 66
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指導教授 李勝偉(Sheng-Wei Lee) 審核日期 2021-10-27
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