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姓名 何冠儀(Kuan-I Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
(The Politics of "Blank Aesthetic": Rethinking the Cultural Imaginary of the East and Techno Utopia in The Three-Body Problem)
★ 信仰科學-張之江的國術「治」國運動★ 單身動物園: 強制性伴侶的代理分裂力量與親密想像
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★ 反先知:黃華成〈青石〉與〈先知〉中的美學政治介入★ 融入戰爭機器:《六月裡的玫瑰花》和《小寡婦》中的種族、性與軍事化勞動
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摘要(中) 本文從劉慈欣的科幻三部曲《三體》及對其的評論出發,我注意到大部分的評論皆對於他所打造的細緻的世界架構,及具有包容性的科技烏托邦(techno utopia)未來都表示高度的肯定。因此我試圖分析並指出他在《三體》世界中所刻意使用的一種「留白」技法,指出中國國畫中的「空白美學」如何作為一種東方特色。而劉慈欣以空白美學想像東方的無限可能性,是為了挑戰從歐洲(西方)殖民以來看似普世的知識生產及世界觀。然而隨著故事進展,劉慈欣的寫作逐漸呈現一種相對單一的未來想像:自由且高科技的烏托邦未來。我進一步檢視在這樣看似平等的科技烏托邦中,西方自由人文主義(modern liberalism)的概念是如何被當作一種普世價值,與高科技相輔相成,成為由東方主導的「更好的」人類未來範本。本文希望通過「空白美學」此一概念,說明並分析東方文化的想像意涵,是如何回應並提供對於未來世界可能的想像。最終在看似樂觀的且平等的「科學/科技」想像下,仍呈現對於未來世界想像中合格公民與「自由」之間的掙扎。
摘要(英) Most of the commentaries on Liu Cixin’s The Three-Body Problem trilogy stress the remarkable details as well as inclusive humanitarian concerns in its world-building of techno utopia. My thesis critically examines the assumed thorough world-building with a particular focus on the discussion of how Liu characterizes the East with “blank aesthetics.” In this thesis, I analyze how Liu develops the “blank aesthetics” to create the infinite possibilities of
the East to challenge the West-centric epistemology. Offering a detailed reading of the literary narratives alongside critical cultural texts, I specifically discuss how Liu’s work imagines the unthinkable future with blank aesthetics to respond to the cultural imagery of the East as a possible future alternative. I argue that the infinite possibilities, however East-oriented, fall under the cultural logics of modern liberalism in which liberty, technology and citizenship are still privileged to imagine the promising future direction for the betterment of humanity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 劉慈欣
★ 留白
★ 科技烏托邦
★ 東方美學
關鍵字(英) ★ Liu Cixin
★ modern liberalism
★ techno utopia
★ Eastern aesthetics
論文目次 English Abstract………………………………………………………………………………..I
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………...V
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The “Blank Aesthetics” and Productivity of the East…………………...…………20
Chapter 3
The “Infinite Possibilities” of the East in the Liberal Myth……………………….36
Chapter 4
The “Right” Direction Within Infinite Possibilities—the Technological
Work Cited…………………………………………………………………………….……...67
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指導教授 林建廷 審核日期 2021-8-5
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