博碩士論文 108328017 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊上禛(Shang-Jhen Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 以實驗方式探討崩塌流場對可侵蝕底床侵蝕與堆積現象之影響
★ 二維儲槽濾材顆粒流場之研究★ 粗細顆粒混合之流動性質分析
★ MOCVD腔體熱流場與新式進氣檔板之設計模擬分析研究★ 稻殼於流體化床進行快速裂解產製生質燃油之研究
★ 利用CFD 模擬催化生質能在快速熱裂解中碳沉積對於催化劑去活化反應影響★ 反向氣流對微小粉末於儲槽排放行為影響之研究
★ 積層製造自動化粉末回收系統-系統設計及其混合器之優化★ 雙床氣化爐冷模型中CFB入口速度、BFB床高和顆粒尺寸對矽砂之壓力分佈和質量流率的影響
★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器應用於去除PM2.5之研究★ 超臨界顆粒流場中雙圓柱阻礙物震波交互影響之研究
★ 不同飽和態下兩相局部潰壩流場中流動行為之探討★ 添加微量液體對振動床中顆粒體分離現象的影響
★ 不同表面粗糙度的大顆粒在垂直式振動床中動態行為之研究★ 二維剪力槽中顆粒體群聚現象之研究探討
★ 直渠道顆粒流之顆粒密度分離效應★ 粉粒體於儲槽排放行為及氣泡現象之研究
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摘要(中) 各地山區經常因為地形坡度、土石量的大小及多寡、豪雨等引發坡地災害,若是土石顆粒於發生崩塌流動的同時,又侵蝕和夾帶底床的土石,則會造成更大規模的崩塌災害,導致附近居民生命安全危害與財產損失慘重,因此本研究將利用實驗模型來了解崩塌流動過程的現象。
摘要(英) Mountains in various regions often cause slope disaster due to terrain slope, the size and amount of soil and rock and heavy rain, etc. If the particles are eroding and entraining the soil and rock in the bottom bed at the same time as the flowing after collapse, it will cause a massive avalanche. Resulting in the human life safety hazards and the heavy property losses from residents. Therefore, the experimental model can be used to understand the phenomenon in the process of the avalanche flow in this study.
This study mainly uses experimental method to explore the effects of the different particle sizes of the granular bed (including the column bed and erodible bed) and the initial aspect ratio on the erosion and deposition behavior in the avalanche granular flow field. The experiment used an open two-dimensional inclined channel. We pulled up the baffle quickly by manual to release the particle from the column bed and measure the accumulated mass out with an electronic balance simultaneously. The experimental particle colors are distinguished by black and white, which can be analyze by image processing method. The flow field of the column bed and erodible bed, mass flow rate, residual area, runout distance, flow depth of the column bed, erosion area, final erosion area and erosion rate will be analyze and discuss in this research.
From the experimental results, it can be known that the particle size and the initial aspect ratio both have significant influence on the flow behavior of the column bed and erodible bed. When the particle size of the erodible bed is large, the accumulated mass out will be smaller and the quality of column bed will become larger. Because of the small particle enter in the gap between particles, the flow of small particle is blocked and then continued to accumulate upwards so that the flow depth of the column bed will be higher. However, when the particle size of the erodible bed is the same, the erosion area increases with the particle size of the column bed increases. In the process of changing the initial aspect ratio, the mass flow rate increases with the aspect ratio increases. Moreover, we also analyze and investigate the variety of the flow field and the flow trend of the column bed and erodible bed particles along the time and at different positions. Finally, the potential energy loss rate of the column bed has different effects on the erosion area of different erodible bed particle sizes. This is related to the different of the reason and the range for the energy loss.
關鍵字(中) ★ 顆粒
★ 傾斜流槽
★ 崩塌
★ 侵蝕
★ 顆粒尺寸
★ 寬高比
關鍵字(英) ★ particle
★ inclined channel
★ avalanche
★ erosion
★ particle size
★ aspect ratio
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
附圖目錄 vi
附表目錄 x
符號目錄 x
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 前言 1
顆粒尺寸效應 2
崩塌床寬高比 4
侵蝕與夾帶行為 5
1.2 研究動機 6
第二章 實驗方法與原理 11
2.1 實驗設備與材料 11
1. 二維傾斜流槽裝置 11
2. 顆粒床顆粒材料 11
3. 質量流率量測設備 12
4. 影像拍攝與補光系統 12
2.2 實驗方法與分析方法 13
2.2.1 實驗方法 13
2.2.2分析方法 14
第三章 結果與討論 27
3.1 流動過程變化 27
3.2 累積流出質量與質量流率 29
3.2.1 流出顆粒之質量隨時間變化 29
3.2.2 崩塌床與可侵蝕床流出顆粒隨寬高比的比較 30
3.3 崩塌床 31
3.3.1 崩塌床顆粒流動距離隨時間的比較 31
3.3.2 最終崩塌床流體深度隨距離的比較 32
3.3.3 崩塌床流體深度隨時間的比較 33
3.3.4 崩塌床區剩餘面積隨時間的比較 34
3.4 可侵蝕床 35
3.4.1 侵蝕面積隨時間的比較 35
3.4.2 最終侵蝕面積與侵蝕速率 36
3.4.3 最終侵蝕面積隨位置的比較 38
3.4.4 各位置上的侵蝕面積隨著時間的關係 38
3.4.5 最終侵蝕面積與位能能量損失的關係 40
第四章 結論 92
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指導教授 蕭述三(Shu-San Hsiau) 審核日期 2021-7-19
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